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Council Member Amanda Farías opens committee vote meeting on proposed introduction number 4a



3 min

Council Member Amanda Farías leads a committee vote on proposed introduction number 4a, aiming for cleaner air and sustainable environments by requiring cruise ships to use shore power in NYC.

  • Farías highlights the bill's intention to reduce diesel emissions and improve air quality, especially in areas like Redhook.
  • The bill is presented as a collaborative effort, with notable contributions from council member Alexa Avila and Redhook residents.
  • It introduces compliance and enforcement mechanisms, including penalties for noncompliance, to ensure effectiveness.
  • The legislation mandates engagement with impacted communities for traffic mitigation and elevates shore power usage to a legally binding requirement.
  • Farías underscores the legislation's potential to establish NYC as a leader in environmental protection and climate change mitigation.
Amanda Farías
Good morning, and welcome to this committee vote by the New York City Council's Committee on economic developments.
My name is Amanda Fettias, and I have the privilege of sharing this committee.
We are here today to consider proposed introduction number 4, a, sponsored by customer Alexa Avila, which represents a significant step forward in our city's efforts to promote cleaner air, healthier neighborhoods, and a more sustainable future for all New Yorkers.
As chair of the committee on economic development, I'm proud to support this bill, which will require cruise ships stocking at our city's terminals to plug into shore power reducing harmful diesel emissions and improving air quality for the communities that have long borne the brunt's of pollution from the cruise industry.
This legislation is a product of tireless advocacy from the residents of Redhook, who have raised their voices for years to demand action on this issue.
It is also a testament to the hard work and dedication of council member Avila's.
Who has been a champion for her constituents and a driving force behind this bill from the very beginning.
Proposed intro number 4 a makes several critical improvements to the original ledger inflation, which will ensure its effectiveness and its impact.
1st and foremost, it streamlines compliance and enforcement mechanisms by placing the onus squarely on the Economic Development Corporation to hold terminal operators accountable for meeting our share power goals.
This means that the EDC will be responsible for monitoring, shore power usage, and imposing penalties for noncompliance, creating a powerful incentive for operators to prioritize sustainable practices.
Moreover, this bill makes a major step forward in terms of community engagement.
The it requires EDC to work hands in hands with impacted neighborhoods to develop comprehensive traffic mitigation plans that address the specific needs and concerns of each community be.
This collaborative approach will ensure that the voices of those most affected by cruise ship traffic, cruise ship traffic are heard, and that the solutions implemented are tailored to the unique challenges facing each neighborhood.
Perhaps most importantly, proposed intro number 4a elevates shore power requirements from a voluntary port policy to a legally binding mandate.
By codifying these standards in so long, we are sending a clear message that reducing emissions and improving air quality around our city's cruise terminals is not just a suggestion, but a nonnegotiable priority team.
This will have a profound impact on the health and well-being of our communities surrounding the Brooklyn cruise terminal and Redhook and the Manhattan cruise terminal on the west side, which have long suffered from the negative effects of cruise ship emissions.
With these enhancements, proposed number 4, a represents a comprehensive and effective approach to the tackling of the environmental and congestion challenges posed by cruise ships.
Make no mistake.
This is a landmark piece of legislation that will cement New York City's position as a leader in the fight against climate change and environmental injustice in its port operations.
I want to thank council member Avila as well as the advocates and community members who have worked tirelessly to get to this point.
Finally, I'd like to thank the economic developments here team here at the Council, Senior Council Alex Polanoff, senior policy analyst William Hange and finance analyst Glenn Marcelloni for all their hard work ensuring this bill made it to a vote.
With that, I urge my colleagues to support proposed in show number 4a, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of this legislation for years to come. pigeon logo

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