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Elijah Rameker, Policy Intern at the Asian American Federation, on Challenges and Recommendations for Serving Asian Older Adults in NYC



132 sec

Elijah Rameker, representing the Asian American Federation, discusses the challenges and recommendations for serving Asian older adults in New York City.

  • Rameker outlines the economic, social, and service-related challenges faced by over 71,500 Asian New Yorkers, including food insecurity and anti-Asian sentiment.
  • Highlights the role of the Senior Working Group (SWG) as a key advocacy group for Asian older adults, pointing out the need for culturally sensitive services, especially in meal programs and mental health.
  • Criticizes the one-size-fits-all approach by the Department for the Aging, advocating for more nuanced, community-specific solutions.
  • Recommends increased funding for Asian-led service providers, along with the expansion of culturally and linguistically competent services.
  • Concludes with an invitation to policymakers to engage with the SWG, emphasizing the need to listen to the voices of service providers and the community.
Elijah Rameker
Want to thank shareholders and members of the agent committee for holding this hearing Yep.
And giving the Asian American Federation a the opportunity to testify.
Analyzer REMICARE policy and CERN at AS4.
We probably represent more than 70 member nonprofit, 71.5000000 Asian New Yorkers.
Going to F.25, Agent older adults continue to endure the impact of teetering economic conditions and continued anti age and age.
Our senior working group, the 1st and only Asian older adult focused advocacy coalition in the city.
It's composed of 12 Asian led Asian older adult serving member organizations.
Since its inception, the SWG under the guidance of AS as we become an authoritative voice for policymakers to reference and consult with the buddressing the concerns of Asian older adults.
Food and security is among the top concerns of Asian older adults.
Within our senior's working group.
In addition to anti Asian violence, functioning older adult centers, and mental health, all of which are interconnected.
A lack of cultural sensitivity in male programs, however, become an issue from many older adult service providers recently, according to members of SWG.
The arbitrary and inaccurate standards for culturally sensitive meals sent by DFTA have many providers restricted with the meal options that can offer agent over adult clients.
If you have staff members, same meeting are most vulnerable, we're there, where they are with culturally competent effective older adult services require systemic change.
They said that the FTA's one size fits all model create additional challenges and barriers for Asian and immigrant communities.
This necessitates further understanding of our diverse communities needs as such changes depending on the city and its working supporting reinforcing and building capacity for programming by our communities.
Our recommendations for further action are as follows: 1, increased funding to Asian led Asian serving older adults service providers.
3, prioritize funding both content and remote services and programming.
3, continue funding a network of linguistically and culturally competent.
Food service programs that provide alternative food benefits to older adults.
And for expand funding to include culturally competent in language, older adult focused nontraditional mental health service models.
I'm behalf of the Asian American Federation.
Thank you for raising up the work that needs to be done.
And prioritizing the voices and needs of our older adults and our older adult service providers, the true experts in this work.
We look forward to working with all of you in the near and what's on the sides that policymakers always have a standing invitation to our senior working group meetings.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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