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What assistance is provided to the centers in RAD PACT-Takeover NYCHA Development Centers amid construction, and why is relocation to new facilities delayed?



127 sec

The NYC Department for the Aging collaborates with NYCHA to find nearby locations for uninterrupted services for centers affected by construction, amidst challenges like limited facility availability.

  • The Department for the Aging works closely with NYCHA to prevent service disruptions for relocated centers.
  • Effort is made to find nearby locations to ensure continuous service, despite complexities.
  • Continuous communication is maintained with providers and NYCHA to avoid major service gaps.
  • Challenges include a limited number of suitable facilities for older adults.
  • Inquiry is made regarding the delay in relocating seniors to an identified old school.
Chris Banks
So I'm doing I wanna find out what what what's the assistance that's being given to the c Sensors that are located in the Rad Pack Take Over Nitrogen Development Centers.
We know that a lot of them have actually are now being relocated because of the construction work that's going on.
I don't know what assistance is being given.
Because I know in one particular center, the penworkman center, the seniors actually been relocated.
Into another building, and it's been a back and forth.
So I wanna know what assistance is being given to assist the sponsor of the program.
Lorraine Cortes-Vasquez
One of the things that we've done is we work very closely with NYCHA during this process.
Right, on New York City Housing Authority, during this process.
And as you said, when what we will do is try to find a nearby location so that we will not have a disruption of service.
If the if it needs a lot of improvement, that just complicates it a little more.
But we're in constant relationship with both the provider as well as Nitra to make sure that there is not a gap in service or a major disruption of services.
But that's a process that the city is going through.
1 of the challenges that we will have a council member banks that we are experiencing is the number of facilities that we can house older adults.
Centers in.
Chris Banks
Well, in a situation with a pen workman, there is a location that has been found, which is a old school that was actually ran by the DOE.
Why is that taking so long to move the seniors into that building?
Lorraine Cortes-Vasquez
I can look into that and get back to you all that.
Chris Banks
These because that's been a a major issue of contention for the seniors and the obviously, the sponsor Also, you know, participation in senior programs, obviously, it's been a major issue, and we've been having dwindling numbers.
I wanna know if I may continue madam chair.
Yeah. pigeon logo

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