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Batman on the Necessity of Support Programs for Black and Brown Youth



4 min

Batman advocates for the development of comprehensive support programs aimed at the liberation and empowerment of black and brown youth.

  • Highlighting the need for programs focusing on physical and mental health, after-school activities, job preparedness, and legal services.
  • Points out the vital role of 'Exalt' and 'Youth Represent' as models for steering young people away from incarceration and towards positive societal engagement.
  • Shares personal experience of transformation and support received from Youth Represent, emphasizing significant improvements in mental health and stability.
  • Underscores the importance of investing in the futures of young people to positively impact society.
  • Advocates for the creation of opportunities that enable youth to grow into productive members of society and shape a positive future for the nation.
My name is Batman, but I'm not Bruce Wayne.
I'm here representing myself.
And after Latina fighting for the liberation of black and brown people by any means necessary.
I am a youth advocate that youth represent We facilitate outreach to youth host spaces for youth to express themselves and promote positive change in communities.
Outside of youth represent, I as Kate for social and racial justice.
I'm a child entertainer and birthday planner slash organizer for kids and adults and eccentric artists and passionate long border.
Unfortunately, most youth and young people lack the ability to receive or retrieve proper and positive resources to sustain themselves in society.
We desperately need programs and services that target these specific needs such as the use physical health, mental health after school programs that engage interest in promote positivity, such as tutoring, extracurricular activities, art and music programs, job opportunities that focus on resume building, job hunting, interview prep, and how to write a check, and food services.
These are all these are the things that the city must invest and to keep us safe instead of pouring more funds into policing, detaining, and yelling, young people.
Alternatively, to incarceration programs such as Exalt, youth represented after school programs grant youth, the opportunity and another chance to change their adverse situation into a pragmatic and beneficial one.
Exalt is program that youth up to the age of nineteen can be sent to instead of being locked up, and they provide courses that prepare youth for real internships.
Youth represent is a nonprofit that provides free legal services to young people up to the age of twenty five and also provides opportunities for youth to learn about laws and advocacy.
By investing in programs like these, it gives you the opportunity to find a healthy way to express themselves and learn to be better members of society.
With the help of these programs, it will not only inform youth of better opportunities, but place these young people in the positive environments necessary to be their better selves.
As well as being able to sustain that positive motion moving forward in life as to not need to fall back into a toxic cycle this and just racial system has created.
Mental health, especially for young people, is another salient factor to invest in because not every child or young adult has all the resources at home to succeed in school or society.
With the absence and lack of investments in programs and mental health that helps them settling to engage youth to be the best version of themselves and offer a system of support.
They are doomed to repeat unhealthy patterns such as emotional outbreaks and are lashing out from bothering emotions isolation issues bullying, delays learning, and comprehension skills, and seeking other outlets to express themselves that they may or may not know is unhealthy.
By investing in important programs like these, it is entirely proven that it will increase mental stability, help young people focus on goals and life, and becoming cited to show up and learn.
My experience receiving support with mental health and wellness services, so that these represent, has personally changed my outlook on life.
I left hospital environment became homeless due to unfortunate circumstances.
User representative was able to support me financially by helping me buy groceries so I could eat.
They help me buy build my resume and apply for a new state ID so I can be eligible to apply for job opportunities.
Most importantly, they help me provide counseling to me through my current housing transition.
And due to the support of youth represent, my mental health is feeling optimistic and bright because I'm being constantly encouraged to be in my best version of myself.
I no longer waver in my emotions and feel sad without any options to help myself.
Thank you for your consideration and time listening to me today.
I hope that everyone listening here today does not just consider investing in programs for youth, but comprehend the urgent need.
For the city to start investing in the future of its youth in a positive way.
The youth will eventually grow to fill this piece of those who retire.
How much time and effort we invest into their growth as members of society will impact the state and the country.
How we treat the youth in the present time is how we treat the future of our nation.
And I close with this sign that says, let's create opportunities for our youth. pigeon logo

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