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Jasmine Georges-Yilla, Executive Director of the New York City Board of Correction, on Challenges and Resource Needs for Independent Oversight of Jail Conditions
11 min
Jasmine Georges-Yilla testifies on the critical role and resource constraints of the New York City Board of Correction in overseeing jail conditions.
- Discusses the Board of Correction's mandate, achievements, and operational challenges amidst resource limitations.
- Highlights recent staff additions and structural changes aimed at enhancing oversight efficacy.
- Emphasizes the need for increased funding to expand monitoring staff, legal team, and IT operations.
- Outlines specific requests for funding and positions across various units to meet legislative mandates and improve jail oversight.
- Stresses the importance of robust and timely reporting, transparency, and the impact of budget cuts on the agency's effectiveness.
Jasmine Georges-Yilla
Thank you.
Good afternoon, chair nurse, and members of the New York City Council Committee on Criminal Justice.
I am Jasmine Georges Yilla, executive director of the New York City Board of Correction.
I am joined today by BOC's Deputy Executive Director of Administration, Danielle Ortega, our assistant executive director of monitoring, Katrina Blackman, and our general counsel, Melissa Syntron Hernandez.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify.
The board has carried out critical independent oversight of the city's jail since 1957 despite being a relative lead small agency with limited resources.
The New York City charter outlines the board's broad mandates to establish local regulations investigate any matter within the jurisdiction of the Department of Correction, and evaluate the Department And Correctional Health Services performance.
The board's minimum standards set the baseline for what must be provided to people in custody.
We thank the city council for investing in the board as a key partner in the strategy to transform the jail system and the broader criminal justice system.
The 1 year funding that the council provided for 4 positions in fiscal year 24 was extremely helpful.
Indeed, despite 6 employee separations in the past year, we were able to hire 2 additional correctional standard review specialists to monitor the jails, and we created and filled a director of appeals position and an assistant executive director of inter intergovernmental affairs position.
We also restructured our operations to optimize productivity and performance as we work to fulfill the priorities of the board and comply with the laws enacted by the city council.
Last year, despite difficult circumstances, we published 2 death reports a report on the North And Primary Command Fire, and a progress report on the city's Burrow based jails.
So far in 2024, we published 1 death report, an assessment on the department's use of chemical agents, and a barrel based jail's progress report.
In 2024 and beyond, we are committed to providing more frequent and timely reporting centered on deaths, serious incidents, and minimum standard compliance.
With more resources, we can do much more.
Despite the the board's huge mandate and ambitious goals, we are a very small agency with an expense budget of $3,17,000, which supports a count of 29 positions in fiscal year 2025.
At present, the board has 24 active staff and 9 vacant positions.
Which we are working to fill.
As part of the fiscal year 25 financial plans, the board sustained budget reductions totaling 672 1000 in fiscal year 24, and 313,000 in fiscal year 25, a part of city wide programs to eliminate the gap.
The the cuts included the agency's loss of 2 full time positions in fiscal year 24 and the out years.
A research and compliance associate position and a special investigations coordinator position.
For an agency as small as the board, this will present serious challenges to meeting our charter and legislative mandate.
Indeed, these cuts reduced the board's already small research operations by 25%.
A move from 4 to 3 research staff.
And we currently only have 1 research and compliance associate due to 2 separations.
This loss impedes the agency's progress towards robust and timely data reporting.
Following the council's historic vote to fund new jail construction and close Rutgers Island.
This is a moment for the expansion of independent oversight, not retraction.
As it stands, the board's fiscal year 25 budget represents 0.3% of the budget of the department.
Adjusting our fiscal year 25 funding and headcount to our initial fiscal year 24 budget, which is 35 positions 3,800,000.
Which amounts to just 673,000 will allow us to meet our mandates more effectively.
In fiscal year 25, the board requires additional funding to increase its staff so we can consistently publish data driven reports meet requirements set by city council, increase public engagement, and monitor conditions of confinement for the thousands of people in custody during DOC's 24 hour operation.
Specifically, the board is seeking funding for 20 new positions across the agency and the ability to fill 4 additional positions using existing vacancies.
Monitoring staff are critical to BOC's mission.
We currently have only 12 monitoring staff who work in the jails, court pens, and hospital jail awards.
Speaking to people in custody, and resolving complaints about conditions of confinement.
As you know, there are thousands of people in custody.
Yesterday, there were 6246 people in the department's care.
Funding to expand the board's monitoring operations is crucial because live and fundamental fairness are at stake.
Furthermore, it is vital that BOC have sufficient head count to thoroughly research and understand the numerous data points and material that we received from both DOC and CHX.
While we anticipate having a director of research and monitoring compliance join our sole research and compliance associate later this month, There is still a need to increase the research staff and analytical capacity of our agency.
Funding for 5 additional research staff will support our commitment to evaluating and analyzing operations and outcomes in the jails, increasing transparency, and timely data sharing.
We also request more funding and headcount for our legal team The special investigations unit is a 2 person unit responsible for investigating various incidents within DOC's facility.
This includes deaths in custody, unresponsive persons in custody, fires on any or any other incident that falls under the unusual incident category.
An additional special investigations coordinator would allow the board to identify many more incidents in custody and is essential for the board to fulfill its mandate to investigate incidents in custody and issue timely public reports.
The special investigations unit would also benefit greatly from a part time dac doctor or nurse practitioner with the expertise to analyze medical records give independent advice, and help lead the joint reviews with the CHS staff.
Moreover, to support the agency's vital work related to visit appeals and its impact on both incarcerated persons and their loved ones.
BOC requests 1 position and associated funding to hire an appeals coordinator to join our 1 person appeals unit.
More funding and headcount will also bolster our violence prevention unit.
More resources will allow the violence prevention unit to conduct routine assessments of matters of violence in the jails and issue more frequent comprehensive reports that make recommendations in areas of key correctional planning.
Additionally, the agency currently does not have any staff dedicated to monitoring the standards on the elimination of sexual abuse and sexual harassment under the Prison rape Elimination Act.
We are requesting funding to add 1 Priya Research Associate and 1 Priya coordinator to the violence prevention team.
These new positions would allow BOC to routinely assess BOC's compliance with the Priya reporting provisions conduct annual audits of DOC's closing memos on investigations of sexual abuse and harassment allegations.
Analyze sexual abuse and harassment allegations, and closely monitor the housing decisions for transgender individuals and custody.
The board's general counsel office is also a one person unit.
Currently, our general counsel handles all requests made under the freedom of information law.
All policy and rulemaking matters and serves as the agency's chief contracting officer and records management officer.
The board is in the process of drafting amendments to chapter 6 of its rules to align its existing standards banning solitary confinement with the requirements of local law 42 for the year 2024.
The board would greatly benefit from the addition of a deputy general counsel and legal associate to assist with this rulemaking process and all other legal matters.
We also request more funding and headcount for our administration and IT units.
Specifically, we need a dedicated staff person to work on human resources and EEO matters, and a dedicated budget analyst.
Moreover, BLC only has 1 IT staff person, a director of IT, who supports all agency operations across 2 BOC office locations in downtown Manhattan and on Rikers Island.
1 IT person is not sufficient for the long term stability of the agency.
The board needs 6 new positions to support its IT operations and systems.
BLC has previously requested funding for a new secure information technology and data management system that will keep pace with DOC's transition to new technology and the board's mandates to investigate and evaluate jail conditions and monitor compliance with the minimum standards.
We renew that request for future funding today.
Investment in a new technology system is critical to BOC's long term stability and necessary to continue the board's data driven oversight.
BOC also needs additional staff to focus on the review of the city's bureau based jails plan as required by local law 192 for the year 2019.
Currently, BOC does not have a dedicated staff person in this area.
Which has resulted in delayed reporting.
We hope to hire a program associate to fill this void.
In the meantime, the board will continue to seek opportunities to be involved in discussions concerning the design and construction of the new barrel based facilities to ensure the minimum standards are met.
The board is essential to the success of the reforms that the city council and the administration seek to realize.
Without the appropriate funding, the board will struggle to meet these shared goals and legislative mandates.
It is essential that funding for our critical positions be restored and additional funding be provided.
So we can meet both our mandate and our promise.
Thank you again for the opportunity to testify today.
I'm happy to take any questions.