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What is the cost of settling misconduct cases for FY23, and do any projections exist for FY24 and FY25?



32 sec

The Department of Correction Commissioner, Lynelle Maginley-Liddie, does not have immediate access to financial data on settling misconduct cases for FY23.

  • Council Member Sandy Nurse asks about the financials involved in resolving misconduct cases for FY23. - Commissioner Maginley-Liddie states the information is not currently available. - Nurse requests follow-up information on FY23 settlements, year-to-date figures for FY24, and projections for FY25. - Nurse mentions an upcoming question from Council Member Narcissio.
Sandy Nurse
How much money did the department spend to settle, miss conduct cases in FY23.
Lynelle Maginley-Liddie
So I don't have that data point with me.
Sandy Nurse
Would love that in the follow-up.
And if you could include year to date for FY 24 as well, and if you have any projections for FY 25.
I have one last question from council member, Narcissio, I believe earlier, and then truly it is my last question. pigeon logo

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