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HPD's budget and fiscal plans for addressing the housing crisis



118 sec

Council Member Sanchez outlines HPD's responsibilities and budget for fiscal year 2025. She notes the increase in the budget due to additional responsibilities for asylum seekers and discusses the Programs to Eliminate the Gap (PEGs) included in the financial plan.

  • HPD's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget totals $1.79 billion, an increase from fiscal 2024
  • The budget includes $15.7 million in PEGs for fiscal 2024 and $110.4 million for fiscal 2025
  • Some cuts affect the administration's housing blueprint initiatives
  • The committee seeks more information on the trajectory of these initiatives and efforts to limit delays in addressing the housing crisis
Pierina Ana Sanchez
At today's preliminary budget hearing, we will first hear from the Department of Housing, Preservation, And Development, and then the Department of Buildings, and the finally, the public at 4:30 PM.
HPD is responsible for maintaining buildings, building and resident safety and health, creating opportunities for New Yorkers through housing affordability.
And engaging New Yorkers to build and sustain our neighborhood's strength and diversity.
As such, the agency's budget is a reflection of our city's commitment to tackling the housing crisis.
HPD's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget totals 1,79,000,000.
$373,400,000 greater than at fiscal 2024 at budget adoption.
Due to additional emergency shelter responsibilities for asylum seekers HVD's actual fiscal 2025 agency budget when passed through funding for NICA is removed, however, is 1.57 1,000,000.
The fiscal 2025 preliminary financial plan includes $15,700,000 in programs to eliminate the gap or pegs.
In fiscal 2024 and $110,400,000 in fiscal 25.
When removing the $98,900,000, asylum seekers peg in fiscal 2025.
The pass through the pass through pegs tonight.
HPD receives 9,100,000 in city funding reductions over fiscals 2425.
While it is positive that these cuts were not deeper and did not remove headcount, It is noteworthy that almost all of these pegs are at the administrations, are at the expense of the administration's own housing blueprint initiatives.
There are cuts to programs that combat source of income discrimination, prevent tenant harassment through partners in preservation, and support homeowners through the homeowner help desk.
The committee is interested in learning more about the trajectory of housing blueprint initiatives and what the department is doing to limit for their delays to its own plan for tackling the housing crisis. pigeon logo

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