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Introduction to the housing and buildings committee hearing



26 sec

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez opens the hearing of the committee on housing and buildings, focusing on the fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and the fiscal 2024 preliminary measures management report. She introduces the attending council members and acknowledges the presence of Public Advocate Jamani Williams.

  • The hearing is for the committee on housing and buildings
  • It focuses on fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and fiscal 2024 preliminary measures management report
  • Several council members and the public advocate are in attendance
Pierina Ana Sanchez
Good afternoon.
And welcome to this afternoon's hearing of the committee on housing and buildings on the fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and the fiscal 2024 preliminary measures management report I am council member Beatina Sanchez, the chair of the committee on housing and buildings, and I would like to acknowledge that I am joined today by Council members, Brewer, Hudson, Dino It's and Abreu.
We're also joined by a public advocate, Jamani Williams. pigeon logo

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