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Why are Bronx Works in the South Bronx and Urban Upbound in East Harlem identified for cuts in the Jobs Plus program?



116 sec

Bronx Works in the South Bronx and Urban Upbound in East Harlem are the only Jobs Plus programs funded by HRA identified for cuts due to limited discretionary tax levy.

  • Diana Ayala raises concerns about the impact of cuts on communities with high poverty and gun violence rates.
  • Ayala emphasizes the comprehensive supports provided by these programs, including employment assistance, housing, and transportation.
  • Molly Wasow Park, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, confirms these are the only two cuts and explains the pivot to borough-based employment models.
  • The strategy aims to maintain employment services within financial constraints, including offering metro cards to participants.
Diana I. Ayala
2 of my jobs plus sites have been identified for cuts, Bronx Works in the South Bronx and urban outbound in East Harlem.
I am, you know, obviously, very concerned about that.
Again, you know, I have some of the highest rates of poverty and some of the highest rates of gun violence, and these programs have been really great at capturing groups of folks that normally wouldn't.
Nowhere to go to find employment, and they they go way and above you know, they they're not just finding you an apartment, but they're also following up.
And they are, you know, ensuring that you have transportation and that you're filling all your applications.
There's a lot of hand holding that goes with the services that they provide.
But I I I'm curious were those the only 2 that were identified for closure?
Or because I I I saw that weren't that money.
Molly Wasow Park
So thank you, deputy speaker and certainly understand where you're coming from and have heard the feedback.
Those are the only 2 jobs plus programs that are funded directly by HRA.
The others are through YMI.
So we did in this spirit of unfortunate and very hard choices given our limited discretionary tax levy did make cuts there.
We are pivoting to focus on all of our burrow based employment models because we it is a way to make sure that we are continuing to connect people to employment services because, like, absolutely agree with you that workforce development is critical.
It's a way that we can continue to do it while also meeting our financial obligations.
People who are participating will be able to get access to metro cars so that won't be a responsibility for them, and we are working on an outreach and notification strategy for for clients. pigeon logo

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