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Council Member Kevin Riley opens hearing on Willis Point Phase 2 proposal



74 sec

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the 5th and final hearing on preconceived land use relating to the Willis Point Phase 2 project in Queens. He introduces the proposal, which aims to transform the area formerly known as the Iron Triangle into a mixed-use development with residential units, a new stadium, and a hotel.

The proposal includes approximately 1400 residential units and an expanded sports complex near the Mets stadium.

Kevin Riley
I will now open up the 5th and last hearing on preconceived l u's relating to the Willis point phase 2.
In Councilor Memorial District located in Willis Pointe Queens.
This is an exciting proposal that is seeking to reenvision Willis Pointe which for decades was known as the Iron Triangle because of all the auto body shops that were located in this area.
The proposal is to add approximately 1400 residential units, a new stadium, and a hotel, which will form and expanded sports complex with the neighboring Mets stadium.
For anyone wishing to testify on these items remotely, if you have not already done so, you must register online, and you may do that now by visiting the council's website at use.
And once again, for anyone with us in person, please see one of the soldiers to prepare and submit a speaker's car.
If you would prefer to submit written testimony You can always do so by emailing it to land use testimony at
I would now like to give the council member Memorial for his remarks. pigeon logo

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