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New York City Council

Committee on Small Business

Mar 12, 2024


11:30 AM

2 hr 33 min


A hearing on the FY2025 preliminary budget for the New York City Department of Small Business Services.

Discussions covered funding sources, proposed budget cuts through PEGs, support for Business Improvement District formation, legal/financial assistance for small businesses, language access for immigrant entrepreneurs, workforce development initiatives, and programs targeting specific groups like young entrepreneurs and street vendors.

Council members inquired about managing the expiration of federal COVID-19 relief funding, accessing state funding opportunities, creative marketing strategies for commercial corridors, and metrics to measure workforce investments.

Features testimony from SBS Commissioner Kevin Kim, borough chamber of commerce representatives, legal service providers, community organizations, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Oswald Feliz introduces the budget hearing for the Department of Small Business Services

Council Member Oswald Feliz opens the budget hearing for the Department of Small Business Services, welcoming attendees and introducing himself as the Chair of the Council's Committee on Small Business. …



29 sec


Council Member Feliz emphasizes the importance of small businesses and outlines the budget hearing objectives

Council Member Feliz underscores the vital role of small businesses in New York City's economy and neighborhoods, presenting an overview of the fiscal 2025 preliminary budget for the Department of …



3 min


Testimony by Kevin Kim, Commissioner of NYC Department of Small Business Services on FY 2025 Budget

Commissioner Kevin Kim presents the NYC Department of Small Business Services' (SBS) fiscal year 2025 budget testimony to the City Council's Committee on Small Business. He discusses the department's commitment …



14 min


Discussion of SBS budget for FY 2024 and FY 2025

Council Member Feliz and Commissioner Kim discuss the SBS budget for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Commissioner Kim provides a detailed breakdown of the budget, explaining the total amount and …



90 sec


Sources of funding for SBS budget

Council Member Feliz inquires about the sources of funding for the SBS budget. Commissioner Kim provides a brief overview of the funding sources. - Funding sources include City Tax Levy …



16 sec


SBS headcount and hiring discussion

Council Member Feliz and Commissioner Kim discuss the headcount and hiring situation at SBS. Commissioner Kim provides detailed information about staffing levels and vacancy rates. - SBS has seen an …



3 min


Impact of Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEGs) on SBS programs

Council Member Feliz and Commissioner Kim discuss the Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEGs) and its impact on SBS programs. Commissioner Kim explains how the agency is managing the required …



126 sec


PEGs impact on Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) programs

Council Member Feliz inquires about the impact of PEGs on MWBE programs. Commissioner Kim assures that there will be minimal to no impact on these programs. - The $1 million …



137 sec


Funding and support for Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)

Council Member Feliz and Commissioner Kim discuss funding and support for Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). Commissioner Kim outlines the various programs and investments supporting BIDs. - Over $27 million has …



3 min


Council Member Zhuang inquires about BIDs and Merchant Associations in her district

Council Member Susan Zhuang discusses the potential for Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and Merchant Associations in her district with Commissioner Kevin Kim. They explore funding opportunities, existing partnerships, and the …



146 sec


Council Member Feliz discusses citywide BID formation progress and challenges

Council Member Oswald Feliz engages Commissioner Kevin Kim in a discussion about the progress and challenges of Business Improvement District (BID) formation across New York City. They explore recent successes, …



3 min


Details on Cannabis NYC: Funding, staffing, and activities

Council Member Bottcher inquires about Cannabis NYC, an initiative launched in August 2022 under the Department of Small Business Services. Commissioner Kim provides details on the unit's funding, staffing, and …



3 min


Progress and challenges in New York City's cannabis industry

Council Member Bottcher and Commissioner Kim discuss the overall state of the cannabis industry in New York City, including its potential as a global leader and the challenges it faces. …



3 min


Council Member Feliz proposes temporary SBS positions to assist with BID formation

Council Member Oswald Feliz addresses the challenges of forming Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in certain communities. He proposes an idea to create temporary part-time SBS positions specifically tasked with helping …



78 sec


Commissioner Kim responds to proposal for temporary SBS positions

Commissioner Kevin Kim of the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) responds to Council Member Feliz's proposal for temporary SBS positions to assist with BID formation. Kim explains that …



33 sec


SBS's goals and metrics for increasing MWBE participation in city contracts

Council Member Brooks-Powers inquires about SBS's goals for increasing the number of Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) obtaining city contracts. SBS representatives explain their focus on tracking unique MWBE …



133 sec


Construction mentorship program for MWBEs and budget implications

Council Member Brooks-Powers inquires about the consolidation of MWBE construction mentorship programs and potential budget impacts. SBS representatives explain the expansion of the program and clarify that recent budget changes …



4 min


Council Member Krishnan's opening remarks and appreciation for SBS

Council Member Shekar Krishnan opens the session by expressing gratitude to Commissioner Jennifer Lee for her dedication to working with small businesses across the city, particularly immigrant-owned businesses. He specifically …



13 sec


Discussion on Small Business Resource Network funding

Council Member Krishnan inquires about the funding for the Small Business Resource Network, which is currently funded through FY24. He asks if Commissioner Kim would support the restoration and baselining …



66 sec


Legal services for small businesses and commercial lease assistance

Council Member Krishnan emphasizes the importance of legal services for small businesses, particularly in dealing with commercial leases and landlord issues. Commissioner Kim and Executive Deputy Commissioner Gross discuss the …



3 min


Support for AAPI-owned businesses and language access initiatives

Council Member Krishnan inquires about initiatives to support AAPI-owned small businesses and address language access barriers. Commissioner Kim details various efforts by SBS to improve outreach and accessibility for AAPI …



5 min


SBS outreach efforts and jingle presentation

Commissioner Kim presents a new SBS jingle designed to improve outreach and accessibility. The jingle, which includes the agency's phone number, is part of SBS's creative efforts to engage with …



117 sec


Council member Feliz inquires about state funding for small businesses

Council Member Oswald Feliz inquires about state funding for small businesses, particularly focusing on the governor's budget proposals and how SBS can help businesses access these resources. SBS representatives explain …



6 min


Discussion on federal funding and COVID-19 relief for small businesses

Council Member Feliz and SBS representatives discuss federal funding related to COVID-19 relief for small businesses. They cover the amount of funding received, how it was distributed, and the impact …



7 min


Details and impact of the Small Business Opportunity Fund

Council Member Feliz inquires about the Small Business Opportunity Fund, a public-private sector loan fund designed to help small business owners. Commissioner Kim provides details on the program's reach and …



95 sec


Discussion on interest rates and credit scores for small business loans

Council Member Paladino and Commissioner Kim discuss the impact of not using credit scores for small business loans. Kim explains how this approach allows more businesses to access funding and …



3 min


Supporting young entrepreneurs aged 25-35

Council Member Paladino expresses concern about supporting young entrepreneurs aged 25-35 who have great ideas but lack funding. She highlights the importance of entrepreneurship for this age group. - Young …



23 sec


Council member's plan for a town hall to share SBS information

Council Member Paladino discusses her plans to organize a town hall in her district to share information about SBS programs and services. She emphasizes the importance of bringing this knowledge …



64 sec


SBS initiatives and upcoming events in Queens

Commissioner Kim discusses various SBS initiatives and upcoming events, including a resource fair in Queens. He shares examples of how SBS helps businesses collaborate and save money. - SBS organized …



82 sec


Details of the small business operations Fund loan program

Council Member Feliz inquires about the small business operations Fund, and Commissioner Kim provides detailed information about the loan program. The discussion covers loan amounts, terms, interest rates, and industries …



4 min


Services and programs available for street vendors in NYC

Council Member Feliz inquires about services and programs available for street vendors, and Commissioner Kim provides an overview of the support offered by the Department of Small Business Services (SBS). …



153 sec


Council Member Paladino discusses concerns about street vendors with Commissioner Kim

Council Member Vickie Paladino raises concerns about street vendors in her district, particularly on Bell Boulevard, where vendors are setting up directly in front of brick-and-mortar businesses. She asks Commissioner …



3 min


Update on the Center for Workplace Accessibility and Inclusion

Council Member Oswald Feliz inquires about the progress of the Center for Workplace Accessibility and Inclusion, a new initiative to support career advancement for people with disabilities. Commissioner Kevin Kim …



111 sec


Marketing strategies and support for small businesses in disadvantaged commercial corridors

Council Member Feliz inquires about programs to help small businesses in disadvantaged commercial corridors market themselves. Commissioner Kim provides a comprehensive overview of various strategies and initiatives to support small …



4 min


Closing remarks and transition to public testimony

Council Member Oswald Feliz concludes the session with Commissioner Kevin Kim, expressing appreciation for the detailed information provided. The exchange ends with a lighthearted moment about a potential musical presentation. …



47 sec


Testimony by Randy Peers, President and CEO of Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, on Small Business Support

Randy Peers, representing the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, provides testimony on the chamber's role in supporting small businesses in Brooklyn. He highlights the chamber's extensive reach and diverse services. Additional …



136 sec


Testimony by Meredith Phillips Almeida, Director of NYC Small Business Resource Network on Small Business Funding

Meredith Phillips Almeida testifies on behalf of the NYC Small Business Resource Network, requesting the restoration and baselining of $1.5 million in funding for FY25 and $500,000 for the Five …



135 sec


Testimony by Tshering Gurung, Senior Manager of Business Development and Training at Accompany Capital, on Small Business Support

Tshering Gurung from Accompany Capital, a certified community development financial institution, testified about the importance of supporting small businesses and underserved entrepreneurs. She emphasized the need for increased resources for …



165 sec


Council Member Vickie Paladino discusses small business support and entrepreneurship with panel members

Council Member Vickie Paladino engages in a discussion with panel members about small business support and entrepreneurship, focusing on her personal experiences and the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs. She …



4 min


Panel members elaborate on small business resources and support for immigrant-owned businesses

Panel members provide additional information about small business resources, emphasizing the importance of partnerships between chambers of commerce and the challenges faced by immigrant-owned businesses. They discuss the value of …



3 min


Testimony by Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, Deputy Director of The Street Vendor Project on Small Business Empowerment Program

Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, representing The Street Vendor Project, requests the City Council to sustain and expand their small business empowerment program for street vendors. She emphasizes the growing demand for street …



3 min


Testimony by Nick Aquino, Staff Attorney at The Microenterprise Project of Volunteers of Legal Service

Nick Aquino discusses the importance of the Microenterprise Project in providing free legal services to small business owners in New York City. He emphasizes the project's role in supporting entrepreneurship …



122 sec


Testimony by Kayt Tiskus, Principal of Collective Public Affairs, on City Council Initiatives and SBS Budget Cuts

Kayt Tiskus from Collective Public Affairs testified about her work with various city council initiatives and the potential impact of budget cuts on these programs. She emphasized the importance of …



127 sec


Testimony by Ana Salgado, Mental Health Coordinator at Mixteca, on Supporting Latin and Indigenous Communities

Ana Salgado testifies on behalf of Mixteca, an organization serving Latin and indigenous communities in Sunset Park and greater New York City. She emphasizes the importance of funding for Mixteca …



6 min


Testimony by Greg Morris, CEO of New York City Workforce Development Association on Workforce Development

Greg Morris, CEO of the New York City Workforce Development Association, provided testimony on workforce development initiatives in New York City. He highlighted the organization's role in supporting workforce development …



134 sec


Testimony by Mike Haber, Director of Community and Economic Development Program at Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A, on Small Business Legal Support

Mike Haber testifies on behalf of Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A, seeking funding for their Community and Economic Development Program and advocating for the continuation of SBS's Commercial Lease Assistance …



129 sec


Testimony by Jessica Walker, President of Manhattan Chamber of Commerce on Small Business Support Programs

Jessica Walker, President of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, testifies in support of small business resource programs and chamber on the field initiatives. She emphasizes the effectiveness of these programs …



116 sec


Testimony by Pilar DeJesus, Advocacy Coordinator at TakeRoot Justice, on Worker Cooperative Development Initiative

Pilar DeJesus from TakeRoot Justice began her testimony in support of the Worker Cooperative Development Initiative but was cut short due to technical difficulties. She emphasized the importance of worker …



54 sec pigeon logo

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