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Testimony by Kayt Tiskus, Principal of Collective Public Affairs, on City Council Initiatives and SBS Budget Cuts
127 sec
Kayt Tiskus from Collective Public Affairs testified about her work with various city council initiatives and the potential impact of budget cuts on these programs. She emphasized the importance of three specific initiatives and their funding needs, as well as the necessity of a strong partnership with SBS.
- Highlighted three initiatives: workforce1 career center initiative, day laborer workforce initiative, and domestic workers empowerment initiative
- Expressed concern about the impact of executive budget cuts on these initiatives' ability to function
- Stressed the importance of SBS as a strong partner for these programs
Kayt Tiskus
Good morning or good afternoon, I guess, at this point.
Thank you so much.
For spending your time with us today to your colleagues and the rest of the committee.
My name is Kate Tiskis.
I'm with Collective Public Affairs.
And what I do is I work with many city council initiatives to help with the running of their programs and to help with the securing of funding and to help city counselors understand what it is that those programs do.
I wanted to emphasize the work of 3 initiatives that work with SBS today and use this moment to Note that SBS's resources in the executive budget receiving cuts and losses really impact the ability of other providers who partner with the city to be able to provide those cities and or to be able to provide those services in an efficient way.
And also to note that as partners try to step in and fill the gaps, loss of funding or even just holding steady on the same amount of funding can really impact the number of people that they serve.
So The Workers Cooperative Business Development Initiative is a wonderful entry into small business ownership for many folks.
Especially new New Yorkers, especially new New Yorkers who may have doc documents that are in a complicated situation to meaningfully participate in business ownership.
The private work initiative helps LGBT people get into high road union employment and is also administered through SBS.
And the domestic workers empowerment initiative helps domestic workers understand their rights and responsibilities and to connect to the services and particularly human rights protections that city council fought so hard to get for them.
All of them have significant funding asks for this year, but also require a strong partner from SB yes.
And so the cuts to the executive budget will impact those initiatives abilities to function as well.
Thank you.