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Council Member Kamillah Hanks Opens Subcommittee Meeting on Landmarks, Public Sightings, and Dispositions
164 sec
Council Member Kamillah Hanks leads the subcommittee meeting on landmarks, public sightings, and dispositions, emphasizing the session's hybrid format and the day's key land use projects.
- Council Member Hanks acknowledges challenges with technical issues and then introduces the day's agenda.
- She outlines the meeting's hybrid format for remote and in-person testimonies, providing registration and participation instructions.
- The agenda features discussions on the East Tremont cluster NCP, Melrose Concourse NCP, and the Genesis MPLP project.
- Hanks announces the opening of a public hearing on pre-considered applications by HPD for urban development designations and related proposals to facilitate affordable housing projects in Harlem.
Kamillah Hanks
Good morning.
We still in the morning?
Welcome to a meeting of the sub committee on landmarks public sightings and dispositions.
Am council member Camilla Hanks, and I'm the chair of the sub committee.
Today, I'm joined by my colleagues, council members, Brandon, Felise, Nurse, and Salam.
Before we begin with today's agenda, I will remind everyone that this meeting is being held in a hybrid format for members of the public who wish to testify remotely We ask that you first register online and that you may do so by visiting forward slash land use to sign up.
And then sign on to the Zoom and remain signed in until you have testified.
For anyone here today in person that wishes to testify, If you have not done so already, please see one of our sergeant our sergeants to fill out a speaker's card, and we will call your name at the appropriate time.
For anyone wishing to submit written testimony on the items being heard today.
We ask that you please send it via email to land use testimony
And please indicate the land use number and or project name in the subject line of your email.
So today on so so today's agenda, we have a hearing on East Tremont cluster NCP and council member Felicia's district.
LU numbers 3536.
A pre considered hearing on Melrose Concourse and NCP and council member Stevens' district in the Bronx.
And a pre considered hearing on Genesis MPLP in Council member Salam's District in Harlem.
So now I will open a public hearing for the 2 pre considered applications brought by HPD for the designation of the urban development action area, approval of of an urban development action project, disposition of city owned land to a developer selected by HPD, under application G240049 NUM, as well as real estate property tax exemption pursuant to article 11 of the private housing finance law under application g24005xam.
Together, these actions will facilitate preservation of an affordable housing project known as Genesis MPLP for 8 buildings in Harlem and council member, Salam's district.
Appearing today on this panel is called Heidman from HPD, Nicole Locket from Genesis, and Sueto Edwards from Genesis.
Those wishing to testify remotely again, you must register online by visiting the council's website at council.nycforward/land use.
Council, would you please administer the affirmation?