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Are the 2017 projections on JFK's capacity and economic impact still accurate?



46 sec

Jennifer Sun highlights the necessity of reviewing the 2017 projections with the Port Authority to determine their current accuracy.

  • The projections estimate significant economic losses and job impacts per million passengers not accommodated.
  • Council Member Amanda Farías questions the ongoing validity of these figures.
  • A discussion with the Port Authority is needed to reassess the projections in light of the current redevelopment project.
  • The original projections date back to 2017, suggesting a review is timely.
Amanda Farías
For every million passengers not accommodated, the New York New Jersey region loses approximately a 140 1,000,000 in annual wages, 400,000,000 in annual sales and 2500 jobs.
Are these numbers still accurate?
Jennifer Sun
We wouldn't have to have a conversation with the port authority to understand how they developed those initial projections back in 2017 and how they might evaluate that today against the current redevelopment project.
Amanda Farías
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