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Council Member Amanda Farías Opens Joint Hearing on JFK Redevelopment
3 min
Council Member Amanda Farías, chair of the Committee on Economic Development, initiates the joint hearing on the JFK Airport redevelopment program.
- Farías emphasizes the $19 billion initiative to transform JFK Airport into a modern, world-class facility.
- She underscores the importance of ensuring transparency, equity, and accountability in the redevelopment process.
- The agenda includes examining the city's lease agreement with the Port Authority, achieving a 30% MWBE contracting goal, enhancing community engagement, addressing quality of life issues, and reviewing a comprehensive progress report.
- Farías notes the introduction of bill Intro 134, which mandates biannual reports on the redevelopment project to the City Council.
- She extends gratitude to the council's economic development team for their efforts in preparing for the hearing.
Amanda Farías
Good afternoon, and welcome to the joint hearing of the New York City's Council committees on Economic Development And Transportation And Infrastructure.
Majority leader, Amanda Fadi, as chair of the Committee on Economic Development.
I'd like to thank my colleague and cochair, majority whip Selvina Brooks Powers, as well as the other council members present today.
Customer's banks, Lewis, Dela Rosa on Zoom, and Ariola.
I also want to extend my appreciation to the New York City Economics Development Corporation and other stakeholders for participating in this important hearing.
Today's hearing will examine the progress of the JFK redevelopment program, a $19,000,000,000 investment aimed at Trans firming JFK Airport into a modern world class facility.
While this massive infrastructure project has the potential to create thousands of jobs and expand business opportunities, It is crucial that we ensure transparency, equity, and accountability throughout the process.
A key issue we will be exploring today is the terms of the city's lease agreement with the Port Authority for JFK Airport.
We need to understand how the funds generated by the airport airports are being used and to what extent they are being reinvested in the communities most impacted by its operations.
We will also be examining efforts to meet the 30% MWBE contracting goal for the redevelopment project.
EDC plays a critical role in holding the port authority accountable and ensuring equitable access to these upper opportunities.
We want to know that what specific steps are being taken to support and empower local MWDEs.
Additionally, We want to hear that meaningful community engagement is part of the redevelopment process.
The neighborhood surrounding JFK have long borne the brunt of the airport's impacts, from traffic congestion to air and noise pollution.
We need to ensure that their voices are being heard and their needs are being met throughout the airport's redevelopment.
We will also plan to discuss the Port Authority's enforcement of quality of life issues for local residents, such as illegal truck parking and idling and residential areas near the airport.
While we recognize the vital role the JFK Airport plays in the city's economy, we must find ways to mitigate the negative impacts on surrounding communities.
Finally, we will be requesting a comprehensive progress report on the redevelopment program.
The JFK vision plan outlines a range of challenges facing the airport from inefficient terminals to limited transit access.
We need to understand how each of these issues is is being addressed and whether the project is on track to meet its goals.
Council member Brooks Power is his bill before the committee today, intro 134, would do just that.
Intro 134 would require biannual reports.
To the city council from EDC regarding the JFK Airport redevelopment project and related community benefit agreements.
I'll let my coach here discuss her bill in more detail in a moment.
Before we begin, I would like to remind all those present today to please maintain the quorum throughout the hearing.
If you're here to testify, you will have 3 minutes to speak when your name is called.
Please keep responses concise so that everyone has a chance to be heard.
If you are unable to finish, please submit your complete written testimony to testimony
Finally, I would like to thank the economic development team here at the council, senior council, Alex Polonoff, senior policy analyst, William Congatch, and finance analyst Glenn Marcelloni for all their hard work preparing for this hearing.
I will now turn it over to my colleague, majority leader in chair Brooks Powers for her opening remarks.
Majority whip, Brooks Powers for her opening remarks.