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What actions can the city take if the Port Authority fails to meet vision plan obligations?



103 sec

The city plans to enhance engagement with the Port Authority to ensure shared priorities on the JFK redevelopment project, including economic access, community benefits, and environmental sustainability.

  • The city intends to strengthen its engagement in airport board meetings and beyond.
  • A focus on shared priorities such as maximizing economic access/opportunity, community benefits, and environmental sustainability with the JFK redevelopment project.
  • The Economic Development Corporation will maintain active and sustained engagement.
  • Council Member Amanda Farías urges better Port Authority engagement with the city council and insists on the importance of incorporating the Economic Development Corporation in planning and update processes.
Amanda Farías
What recourse does the city have if the port authority is not adequately meeting the commitments outlined in the vision plan?
Jennifer Sun
Our approach is really to strengthen our engagement with the port authority in these airport board meetings, but also outside of the airport board meetings.
And to make clear that we have I think a shared priority around really maximizing economic access and opportunity related to the JFK redevelopment project.
As well as community benefits and environmental sustainability.
So we see our role as maintaining active and sustained engagement.
Amanda Farías
Appreciate that response.
I do just want to urge you folks to encourage the port authority to have a better relationship with the city council.
The end of the day, you folks are managing the property that they are leasing.
We have a lease agreement, and the responsibility will continue to fall on the economic development corporation's hands if they're refusal to show up to the council and answer real questions.
And if they're not incorporating you folks in their vision planning or their updates or in any other capacity.
This will be a continuation over our tenure as council members.
And I don't think that's fair to the Economic Development Corporation.
And so I'm in this process whether it's through reports and maybe making sure there's consistent communication with us and providing us those reports into, obviously, the community meetings through the advisory council, which are critical to the engagement process and the transparency process.
I really urge you folks and for the port authority folks watching the hearing today, that they do better and show up to the New York City Council's hearings going forward. pigeon logo

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