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What reports does the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) submit to NYC and how does intro 134 differ from current reporting practices?



118 sec

The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) submits various reports to the city council, including the NYC Ferry Report, annual investment report, and participates in the mayor's management report.

  • The NYC Ferry Report includes ridership data.
  • The annual investment report provides information on annual investments and real estate transactions.
  • EDC also contributes to the mayor's management report on an annual basis.
  • Intro 134 requests information not produced by EDC, compelling them to obtain reports from the port authority.
  • The legal department is reviewing intro 134's requirements and EDC is open to further discussions with the council.
Brooks Powers
How does EDC currently perform reporting to the city?
Does broadly speaking.
Mikelle Adgate
I mean, there's a a variety of different reports that we submit to the city council.
I'm thinking of, you know, we submit an annual NYC Ferry Report that has information like ridership data, we, you know, that I'm I'm trying I'm honestly trying to think of other reports that we submit.
But there are oh, there's our annual investment report that is also submitted every January where we provide additional information about annual investments or real estate transactions and so on.
That's submitted to the mayor and the city council.
We also participate in the mayor's management report.
And so those are the the 3 sort of most substantive reports that come to mind that we submit on an annual basis.
I I would just point out though with intro 134, the difference between those reports are those reports we are reporting on work that EDC actually completes Mhmm.
That we fund programs that we manage.
Whereas based on our Ellie's current review of intro 134, almost all of the information that intro that the council is asking for is not produced or developed by EDC.
And so it's asking EDC to compel the port authority to report.
So that's the thing that the the lot department is is currently reviewing.
And And, of course, we'll, you know, happily have additional conversations with the council on that.
But I think it is an important nuance to to recognize. pigeon logo

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