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Kevin Kiprovski, Director of Public Policy at LiveOn NY, on Advocacy and Policy Proposals for Supporting Aging New Yorkers
157 sec
Kevin Kiprovski of LiveOn NY testifies on the organization's initiatives and policy recommendations for supporting older New Yorkers.
- LiveOn NY represents over 110 community-based nonprofits dedicated to services for aging individuals in New York City.
- Emphasizes the importance of combatting ageism and promoting an inclusive approach to policy making through the reframing aging New York City Initiative.
- Highlights partnership with the Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging and the policy agenda
aging as everyone's business
that includes recommendations across housing, healthcare, and more. - Supports proposed legislation to formalize the cabinet for older New Yorkers and encourages a whole-of-government approach to aging.
- Points out the need for inter-agency collaboration in areas such as housing, technology, healthcare, and age-friendly design.
Kevin Kiprovski
Good morning and good afternoon.
My name is Kevin Kuprowski.
I am the director of public policy for Livon, New York.
Livon's membership includes more than a 110 community based profits that provide core services, which allow New Yorkers to thrive in our communities as we age, basically covering most of DIFTA's portfolio.
We're also the home to the reframing aging New York City Initiative, part of the national reframing aging initiative, aiming to counteract ageism and improve the way policymakers, stakeholders, and the public think about aging and older people.
So on that, we're completely aligned.
With DIFTA, and it's really great that's becoming a big issue.
Aging affects all areas of our cities, and we need to have all agencies recognize that and act accordingly.
Accordingly, The cabinet for older New Yorkers has been a key policy priority for Livon and our partners at the Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging for many years, and we were very excited in 2022.
When it was convened by this administration, we would like to thank NYC Aging for their commitment to this cabinet and their efforts to create a whole of government approach to aging through this cabinet.
In partnership with Brookdale, we've also created a policy agenda called aging as everyone's business that cover services including housing, technology, healthcare, social engagement, financial security, and age friendly design for physical spaces.
We would invite the council and the cabinet to review these recommendations and include them in policies across all sectors of the city especially since the commissioner said that advocates can be key partners for legislation, and we fully support the proposed legislation intro689 that would formalize the cabinet for older New Yorkers, and we truly thank you, Chair Hudson, for your commitment to making this city a better place to age.
I did wanna highlight a couple of places in which the collaboration between agencies can benefit through the cabinet.
The first, I think, has been spoken about at length today, which is NICE NAIC aging.
We still have many issues both in clearing capital funding to get to where it needs to go for centers even in the internal spaces in which it sort of does fall.
You know, in night in NYC Aging spaces do night night to issues.
And the second one sounds like it's already being fixed, which is great, which is the Rad Pak clarifications for centers in Rad Pak spaces.
Next one is with h HPD, and NYC aging, there's a lot of opportunities for unique and innovating housing models that utilize existing housing stock to serve more people with services.
India Home is one of our members.
They run a great co living program, but issues with HVD have always prevented them from formalizing it through the city.
And we think that working with NYC aging to show how effective these programs is can push CBD to realize how important they are and get them over the finish line.
And finally, the council and the cabinet should utilize the aging as everyone's business report as a framework to create a just city that allows older New Yorkers to stay in their homes and thrive in their communities.
You again for the opportunity to testify, and thank you for your work as always.