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New York City Council

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Apr 08, 2024


10:30 AM

7 hr 13 min


A hearing on City of Yes Zoning for Economic Opportunity, a sweeping proposal to update zoning regulations to provide more flexibility for businesses to open, operate and expand across New York City. Discussions focused on modernizing outdated zoning rules, reducing vacancies, supporting economic growth and recovery, potential negative impacts on residential neighborhoods from increased commercial activity, enforcement challenges, and erosion of neighborhood character. Features testimony from the Department of City Planning and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Kevin Riley Opens Subcommittee Meeting on Zoning for Economic Opportunity

Council Member Kevin Riley chairs a meeting focused on the second initiative of the administration's 'City of Yes' campaign, Zoning for Economic Opportunity. - The meeting is about the 'City …



115 sec


Kevin Riley outlines the challenges and goals addressed in updating NYC's zoning regulations

Council Member Kevin C. Riley outlines the process and challenges of updating New York City's outdated zoning regulations to reflect changes in the city's economic, technological, and societal landscape since …



6 min


Introduction and overview of City of Yes proposals

Dan Girodnik, director of the Department of City Planning, introduces the City of Yes package of zoning proposals. The three proposals cover: - Carbon neutrality - Economic opportunity - Housing …



58 sec


The changing economy in NYC and outdated zoning

The NYC economy has changed significantly since the pandemic, with high vacancy rates for storefronts and offices: - Nearly 17,000 vacant storefronts. - 16% of New Yorkers work from home …



109 sec


Support for City of Yes and public review timeline

The City of Yes economic opportunity proposal has received broad support from business groups and stakeholders who helped shape it: - The public review process started in June 2022 with …



114 sec


Extensive community board engagement and modifications made

Recognizing the complexity of the 1000+ page proposal, the Department of City Planning made extensive efforts to engage and educate community boards. This included: - 175 meetings with 59 community …



105 sec


How does zoning affect businesses?

New York City's zoning rules, which haven't been significantly updated since 1961, are limiting opportunities for businesses to open, operate, and expand. The outdated regulations are causing confusion and hindering …



86 sec


The four goals of the City of Yes economic opportunity proposal

The proposal has four main goals: - Make it easier for businesses to find space and grow - Boost growing industries - Enable more business-friendly streetscapes - Create new opportunities …



72 sec


Proposal 1: Lift time limits on reactivating vacant storefronts

Proposal 1 would eliminate the current 2-year time limit that prevents some vacant but previously legal storefronts from being reoccupied. This time limit would be lifted citywide to enable vacant …



85 sec


Proposal 2: Simplify rules for business types allowed on commercial streets

Proposal 2 aims to standardize the types of businesses allowed in different commercial districts so that similar areas allow the same mix of businesses. Current rules are an inconsistent patchwork. …



3 min


Proposal 3: Expand opportunities for small-scale clean production

Proposal 3 would allow small-scale, clean manufacturing businesses to locate in empty storefronts or offices in commercial districts, subject to strict environmental standards. This provides flexibility for appropriate modern manufacturing …



172 sec


Modifications to Proposal 3 based on community board feedback

In response to community board concerns about potential heavy industry in commercial areas, modifications were made to Proposal 3 to clarify and specify the types of clean production uses that …



62 sec


Proposal 4: Modernize loading dock rules

Proposal 4 would update loading dock requirements so that additional loading docks are not mandated when older commercial buildings change uses over time. New construction would still require loading docks. …



89 sec


Proposal 5 part 1: Allow commercial use on second floor in C1/C2 districts

The first part of Proposal 5 would allow commercial uses on the second floor of mixed-use buildings in C1-C3 districts, in addition to the ground floor. Currently, only community facilities …



3 min


Proposal 5 part 2: Allow commercial use above residential in some districts

The second part of Proposal 5 would allow commercial uses to be located above residences in C4-C6 districts, as long as there is complete physical separation between the commercial and …



165 sec


Modifications to Proposal 5 based on community feedback

Modifications were made to Proposal 5 to address community board concerns. The proposal was clarified to prohibit the conversion of existing residential space to commercial use. Additional restrictions were added …



81 sec


Proposal 6: Simplify and modernize business classifications in zoning

Proposal 6 would update the outdated terminology used in zoning to classify business types, much of which has not been changed since 1961. Uses would be reorganized into 10 groups …



103 sec


Proposal 7: Clarify rules for indoor agriculture in commercial districts

Proposal 7 would clarify that indoor agriculture, such as vertical farming, is allowed in commercial districts in the same way that greenhouse agriculture is permitted today. It would also clarify …



89 sec


Proposal 8: Provide zoning clarity for life sciences labs

Proposal 8 aims to provide more zoning clarity and flexibility for life sciences laboratories to locate in NYC. It would specify that labs without hazardous materials are allowed in office …



143 sec


Proposal 9: Allow dancing and entertainment in more venues

Proposal 9 would allow dancing, comedy and other live entertainment in eating/drinking establishments up to 200 persons in C1/C2 districts. Currently, live music is allowed in such venues but dancing …



3 min


Proposal 10: Modernize zoning for amusement and recreation businesses

Proposal 10 would simplify how amusement and recreation uses are categorized in zoning and allow a wider range of such businesses in commercial districts. Outdated terms would be replaced with …



97 sec


Proposal 11: Update home occupation rules

Proposal 11 would modernize zoning rules for home-based businesses. Certain occupations currently prohibited would be allowed. These include barbershops, interior decorating, stock brokers, advertising, and PR agencies. Businesses could have …



6 min


Proposal 12: Improve commercial ground-floor design

Proposal 12 would establish a consistent set of design rules for commercial ground floors to improve the pedestrian experience and reduce blank walls. The rules would be responsive to pedestrian …



24 sec


Proposal 13: Reduce conflicts between auto repairs and pedestrians

Proposal 13 would consolidate auto repair uses into light and heavy categories. Light repairs would no longer be as-of-right in commercial districts and would require a special approval process. Heavy …



57 sec


Proposal 14: Allow micro-distribution centers in commercial districts

Proposal 14 would create a new zoning use category for micro-distribution centers and allow them at a small scale in commercial districts. This would provide more options for package delivery …



50 sec


Proposals 15-16: Discretionary approvals for businesses on large campuses and new corner stores

Proposals 15 and 16 would establish discretionary approval processes to allow limited commercial activity in certain areas that currently lack retail access. Proposal 15 would enable some commercial uses on …



122 sec


Proposals 17: Zoning flexibility for business growth

Proposal 17 would expand the zoning toolkit to allow businesses to seek waivers from certain zoning rules that hinder expansion or new development, via a review process. - "For example, …



54 sec


Proposal 18: New manufacturing districts for future job hubs

Proposal 18 would create three new manufacturing districts to replace outdated zoning.: - The M3A 'Core Industrial' district prioritizes traditional industry. - The M2A 'Transition' district allows a mix of …



3 min


Addressing misinformation and concerns about the proposals

"... we heard in community boards, neighborhood meetings, a lot of misinformation, I'm sure you have as well." The Department of City Planning addressed several common misconceptions about the zoning …



3 min


Summary of the impacts of the zoning proposals

In summary, the City of Yes economic opportunity proposals would: - Allow a wider range of businesses in more locations to reduce vacancies - Enable the largest expansion of clean …



51 sec


How has New York City's zoning resolution become so outdated?

New York City has not updated its zoning resolution in 60 years, leading to outdated references. - The city has not endeavored to make changes to the zoning resolution in …



48 sec


What plans does the Department of City Planning have to make zoning changes more accessible to communities in the future?

The Department of City Planning does not currently have a specific plan to make complex zoning text amendments more accessible to communities, as the process is defined in the city …



104 sec


What prompted the administration to undertake this zoning text amendment?

The Department of City Planning heard from a wide range of stakeholders and observed changes in the local economy, which led them to propose this zoning text amendment. - The …



54 sec


What estimates does the Department of City Planning (DCP) have for how many new businesses or jobs might be generated by this proposal?

The Director of the Department of City Planning states that while it incalculable, enabling more opportunity through the proposal will help address limitations that are impeding small business creation and …



24 sec


What could the Department of City Planning have done differently to better engage with the community on this proposal, and will more resources be allocated for community engagement going forward?

The Department of City Planning conducted unprecedented community outreach on this complex proposal, but acknowledges room for improvement. - Held 175 meetings with 59 community boards, often going back multiple …



129 sec


Did City Planning invite council members to community board meetings regarding proposals?

Dan Garodnick, Director of the Department of City Planning, acknowledges that council members were not specially invited to community board meetings about the proposals, assuming they were already aware of …



169 sec


How can the Department of Buildings improve enforcement with staffing challenges?

Dan Garodnick, Director of the Department of City Planning, explains the proposal aims to simplify zoning texts, which will facilitate easier enforcement by the Department of Buildings despite staffing limitations. …



132 sec


How does the zoning proposal account for differences between densely urban areas and more suburban, residential areas like Staten Island?

The zoning proposal recognizes differences between neighborhoods in New York City and makes different types of rule changes in different district types. - Some of the 18 proposals would not …



4 min


Are community board and borough president approvals binding for the proposed "city of yes" zoning changes?

The Department of City Planning director states that community board and borough president approvals are not binding votes for the proposed zoning changes, similar to other land use matters. - …



107 sec


Why did the Department of City Planning propose a large, citywide zoning change instead of smaller, targeted changes?

The Department of City Planning wanted to address significant changes in how people are living and working with updated zoning rules that are meaningful on a citywide scale. - The …



71 sec


What is the process for approving corner stores under proposal 15 & 16, and are community board votes on corner stores binding?

Under proposal 15 & 16, corner stores would not be approved as-of-right, but would go through a process requiring community board input and city planning commission approval. - The process …



80 sec


How will increasing the floor area ratio (FAR) help address flooding issues in New York City, particularly in coastal communities?

Director Garodnick clarifies that increasing the floor area ratio (FAR) is part of City of Yes's housing proposal, not the current proposal being discussed, but the city does intend to …



31 sec


How will the proposed zoning changes protect residents from excessive noise if commercial uses are allowed on upper floors of residential buildings?

The Department of City Planning explains that the proposed zoning changes include measures to protect residents from excessive noise from commercial uses on upper floors. - Businesses locating on upper …



126 sec


How does the city's proposed zoning changes affect businesses that sell liquor, cannabis, or tobacco products?

The proposed zoning changes do not affect any existing rules related to liquor, cannabis, or tobacco sales. - Corner stores are allowed under the proposal, but only for legal activities …



46 sec


What are some of the issues and unintended consequences of allowing non-manufacturing uses in manufacturing districts through the growth district tool?

Council Member Gutiérrez expresses concerns about the growth district tool and the flexibility it provides to allow non-manufacturing uses in manufacturing areas. - The growth district exists in North Brooklyn …



3 min


What are the impacts of allowing light manufacturing in commercial quarters on manufacturing businesses and zoning?

The Department of City Planning views allowing light manufacturing in commercial areas as a way to reduce pressure on core manufacturing zones. - Allowing businesses like 3D printing or pottery …



143 sec


What can be done to incentivize industrial development in transitional zones without mandating it?

The Department of City Planning is trying to strike a balance between preserving core manufacturing districts and allowing for job creation in other areas. - The proposal recognizes the need …



137 sec


Will DCP commit to regulating last mile facilities and addressing their negative impacts on communities?

Council Member Avilés presses DCP Director Garodnick on the need to regulate last mile facilities in the zoning resolution update. - Avilés says her community has been urging action on …



4 min


What is the city doing to incentivize the creation of new industrial space in the transition district?

Department of City Planning senior planner explains the city is using an as-of-right tool with a 0.5 to 0.75 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) bonus, the largest ever used, to incentivize …



161 sec


Council Member Avilés' concerns about auto body shops in her district and changes she would like to see

Council Member Avilés expresses concerns about auto body shops in her district, which contains a mix of residential and industrial areas, and wants to see changes to address quality of …



74 sec


What is the relationship between the proposed amusement regulations and the proposed new manufacturing zones?

The proposed amusement regulations are not specifically tied to the new proposed manufacturing zones, but aim to provide relief for competition of space in manufacturing districts. - The regulations would …



3 min


What will the Department of City Planning (DCP) do to communicate the final zoning proposal to community boards, especially those that voted against the proposal?

DCP will go back to community boards, as required by the City Charter, to explain the final zoning proposal and how it incorporated their feedback. - DCP already attended 175 …



151 sec


Council Member Sandy Nurse seeks more clarity around commercial use above residential

Council Member Sandy Nurse calls for a more comprehensive list of allowed and disallowed home occupations and commercial uses above residential, and details on enforcement plans. - Nurse says the …



60 sec


What is the City Planning Commission's process for approving commercial uses in NYCHA properties, and can Council Members override community opposition to such uses?

The Department of City Planning wants to create a pathway for commercial uses in vacant spaces on NYCHA campuses, but does not aim to override local community opposition to such …



3 min


How does the zoning amendment balance allowing bakeries and small artisan producers to expand while preventing heavier industrial uses like tobacco, metal, and pharmaceutical manufacturing in residential neighborhoods?

The zoning changes allow clean and quiet manufacturing uses that meet strict environmental standards to locate in commercial districts, while continuing to restrict heavier industrial uses to manufacturing districts. - …



4 min


How will the city ensure home businesses comply with health and zoning regulations, and is the Department of Buildings adequately staffed for enforcement?

The Department of City Planning Director explains that most home businesses are already permitted under current zoning, except for a restrictive list that needs updating for the modern economy. - …



6 min


What is the new process for establishing small corner stores in NYC under the proposed zoning changes?

The Department of City Planning proposes a new process for setting up small corner stores that involves environmental review and approvals from the community board, borough president, and City Planning …



73 sec


How can the Department of City Planning better reach immigrant-owned small businesses and non-English speaking communities to inform them about proposed zoning changes?

Council Member Lee expresses concern that many immigrant-owned businesses and non-English speaking residents in her district are unaware of the proposed zoning changes. - Lee's district is 45% Asian American, …



118 sec


Lincoln Restler expresses broad support for the Department of City Planning's Recommendations

Council Member Lincoln Restler expresses broad support for the Department of City Planning's recommendations, with some highlighted concerns. - Restler commends colleagues for their leadership, especially Council Member Gutierrez and …



88 sec


What is the Department of City Planning's stance on requiring ground floor manufacturing and industrial uses in mixed-use commercial and manufacturing buildings to help incentivize industrial businesses?

The Department of City Planning is open to discussing requiring ground floor manufacturing and industrial uses in mixed-use buildings to support industrial businesses as the zoning update process proceeds. - …



41 sec


Is the Department of City Planning open to strengthening incentives for industrial spaces in transitional zones relative to commercial uses?

The Department of City Planning expresses openness to discussing enhancements to incentivize industrial over commercial spaces in transitional zones. - Director Dan Garodnick believes the current proposal is optimal but …



38 sec


What conversations has the Department of City Planning had with the Economic Development Corporation about offering financial incentives to industrial manufacturing businesses in transition zones?

The Department of City Planning has not yet had conversations with the Economic Development Corporation about financial incentives for industrial manufacturing businesses in transition zones, as the districts are not …



70 sec


What is the Department of City Planning's approach to funding infrastructure improvements in neighborhoods being rezoned?

The Department of City Planning is identifying infrastructure needs and priorities in neighborhoods being rezoned through community input, and aims to fund and deliver on those priorities as part of …



105 sec


What are the next steps to address truck traffic and last mile distribution centers in Red Hook and other saturated neighborhoods?

Director Garodnick commits to meeting with council members to explore solutions for last mile distribution issues in saturated neighborhoods. - Garodnick acknowledges the unfair saturation of truck traffic in Red …



97 sec


Council Member Brewer's questions and concerns about the city planning proposal

Council Member Brewer raises several questions and concerns about the city planning proposal, covering issues like noise from dancing, battery storage, storefront transparency rules, enforcement challenges, and lack of prioritization …



7 min


Council Member Vickie Paladino voices concerns about City of Yes for Economic Opportunity

Council Member Vickie Paladino expresses concerns about the proposed citywide zoning text amendment. - Argues the zoning changes are a "one size fits all" approach that does not consider the …



3 min


Are nail salons and other personal care businesses allowed to operate in residential districts under current NYC zoning rules?

Council Member Garodnick states that nail salons and a wide range of other home-based businesses are currently allowed to operate in residential districts under existing NYC zoning rules. - Garodnick …



160 sec


Why was the Cabaret Law repealed, and what challenges remain?

Dan Garodnick explains that the Cabaret Law was repealed because it was an outdated, homophobic restriction that no longer belonged in the city's rules. - The law was seen as …



59 sec


Is it the case that businesses located within blocks of each other have totally different zoning restrictions?

Garodnick states that the patchwork of existing commercial zoning rules in NYC results in inconsistent and inconvenient restrictions for businesses located within close proximity to each other. - Businesses located …



26 sec


What is the process and cost for an individual business owner to change their business's zoning to be compliant with the law?

Director Garodnick explains that for a business owner to change their zoning to be compliant, it would require a lengthy and expensive multi-year process. - The business owner would need …



127 sec


What are the new proposals for public spaces with a capacity of up to 200 people?

The Department of City Planning proposes allowing dancing, comedy, poetry readings, and live music in public spaces with a capacity of up to 200 people in C1 or C2 Districts. …



86 sec


Where in Forest Hills is mixed commercial and residential use on the same floor already allowed?

Director Dan Garodnick of the Department of City Planning promises to return with precise information.



26 sec


Lynn Schulman's concerns on enforcement of the City of Yes proposal

Council Member Schulman expresses concerns about the specifics and enforcement of proposed zoning changes. - Suggests that enforcement may require state or federal involvement beyond just the city - Requests …



93 sec


Council Member Joann Ariola speaks against proposed zoning text amendments

Council Member Joann Ariola expresses strong opposition to the proposed zoning text amendments in their current form. - Believes there is still room for further negotiation on what could work …



3 min


What is the city planning department's stance on cabaret licenses and member deference in the proposed zoning changes?

The city planning department states that there are no more cabaret licenses and offers to look into the matter in Vickie Paladino's distrctict. The planning department also states that the …



4 min


Council Member Vickie Paladino opposes changes to zoning regulations

Council Member Vickie Paladino expresses strong opposition to proposed changes to New York City zoning regulations, arguing they will destroy neighborhood character. - Paladino believes the proposed changes are not …



84 sec


What types of home-based businesses are currently allowed in New York City?

Home occupations are currently allowed in New York City, with some exceptions outlined in the zoning code that the city is looking to eliminate. - Home-based businesses are permitted in …



26 sec


What is the Department of City Planning doing to ensure the Department of Buildings has the resources to address complaints about home-based businesses under the expanded rules?

The Department of City Planning aims to rationalize the rules around home occupations to make them easier for the Department of Buildings to enforce. - By making the rules clearer, …



56 sec


Does the city currently track home-based businesses, and would a registration requirement help address illegal activity and enforcement concerns?

The city currently has no way to track business activity occurring in homes. - The City Council may want to examine whether the city should require home-based businesses to register. …



23 sec


What changes would proposal number 9 on nightlife make to what bars and restaurants are currently allowed to host?

Proposal number 9 would allow bars and restaurants hosting events up to 200 people to have dancing to live music, as well as comedy or open mic poetry events, which …



74 sec


How does the NYC Office of Nightlife handle complaints about noise from local clubs and prevent them from operating late into the morning?

The NYC Office of Nightlife has a process called CURE to address noise complaints from local clubs and prevent them from operating late. - When the NYPD receives complaints, they …



115 sec


Has the Department of City Planning considered modifying zoning regulations for eating and drinking establishments to address concerns about nightlife businesses disturbing families living above them?

The Department of City Planning has not considered modifying zoning regulations for eating and drinking establishments from lifetime limits to only allow non-conforming use group 3, but is open to …



40 sec


How will the proposed regulations requiring a special permit from the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) for new auto repair shops ensure these businesses fit into neighborhood retail corridors?

The proposed regulations will make it more restrictive to open new auto repair shops by requiring a special permit from the BSA to ensure they fit into the neighborhood. - …



112 sec


How can the city ensure enforcement of new rules when existing regulations are often not enforced?

The Department of City Planning acknowledges enforcement concerns and commits to exploring robust solutions with other agencies. - The issue of enforcement extends beyond zoning and is crucial to address …



46 sec


What is the policy rationale for allowing indoor growth of cannabis in C1 and C2 overlay districts, and should cannabis cultivation be restricted in predominantly residential neighborhoods?

The Director of the Department of City Planning explains that the state regulates legal cannabis cultivation. - The New York State Office of Cannabis Management regulates legal cannabis cultivation businesses …



129 sec


How will the proposed urban design regulations for parking impact different areas of the city, including districts that rely more on cars?

The proposed urban design regulations for parking include tiered rules that vary based on the location and zoning district of a property, rather than being a one-size-fits-all policy. - Tier …



118 sec


What is the rationale for setting the size limit for micro distribution centers at 2500 square feet in C1/C2 Districts?

The Department of City Planning set the size limit for micro-distribution centers at 2500 square feet in C1/C2 Districts to match the smallest standard storefront size in New York City. …



47 sec


What is the Department of City Planning's approach to managing the impacts of concentrated truck deliveries from micro distribution centers on city blocks?

The Department of City Planning recognizes the need to address the impacts of unregulated and excessive truck deliveries on city streets. - Current challenges include trucks coming into neighborhoods more …



49 sec


Why were 'last mile' warehouses not addressed in the Department of City Planning's proposal?

Dan Garodnick explains that 'last mile' warehouses were not included in the proposal due to its focus on quick actions to support businesses and address vacancies post-pandemic. - Including 'last …



82 sec


Why is the Department of City Planning (DCP) proposing authorizations instead of special permits for certain new approvals?

The DCP is proposing authorizations instead of special permits for certain minor developments to strike a balance between enabling projects and streamlining the approval process. - Authorizations are deemed appropriate …



85 sec


Regarding the corner store authorization, are there any types of neighborhoods where a corner store might not be appropriate?

The Director of the Department of City Planning explains that corner stores may not be appropriate in all neighborhoods across the city. - Proposals likely will not be made in …



63 sec


Can people grow and sell marijuana from their homes without a license under the proposed zoning changes?

Zoning does not enable illegal marijuana sales from homes without the necessary state license and permits. - People can only legally grow and sell marijuana from their homes if they …



83 sec


George Janes, Urban Planner, on the Impact and Implications of New City Planning Commission Authorizations

George Janes, an urban planner, critiques the proposed City Planning Commission (CPC) authorizations that would allow unilateral decisions on zoning exceptions without council or public input. - Janes argues these …



119 sec


Vienna Levitson, Representative of the Ridgewood Property Owners And Civic Association on Opposing the Expansion of Business Use in Residences and Adjoining Commercial Areas in Ridgewood

Vienna Levitson testifies against proposed zoning changes that would dramatically increase business use of apartments, homes, and commercial areas in Ridgewood. - Argues the changes will make it impossible to …



163 sec


Alicia Boyd, Community Representative from the Movement to Protect the People (MTOPP), on NYC's Public Safety, Urban Development, and Governance Concerns

Alicia Boyd highlights a range of issues affecting NYC communities, from public safety to controversial development plans. - Boyd cites problems like unlicensed motorized vehicles on sidewalks, excessive policing in …



160 sec


Lucie Levine, Representative of the Historic Districts Council, on Concerns Over Zoning Text Amendments and Their Impact on Housing, Small Businesses, and Special Purpose Districts

Lucie Levine expresses the Historic Districts Council's concerns that proposed zoning text amendments do not adequately protect small businesses and could decrease the city's housing supply while weakening regulations for …



134 sec


Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President, on supporting the City of Yes Zoning Text Amendments

Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson supports the City of YES zoning text amendment with several recommendations and conditions. - Proposes measures to ensure residential and commercial activities can coexist in …



4 min


Mark Levine, Manhattan Borough President on updating NYC's 1961 zoning code to support modern businesses

The Manhattan Borough President supports the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity proposal to modernize NYC's largely unchanged 1961 zoning code and boost businesses. - The proposal makes it easier …



5 min


Josh Nachowitz, Senior Vice President for Economic Development at the Alliance for Downtown New York, on supporting zoning reforms to encourage diverse and vibrant ground floor retail in downtown Manhattan

Josh Nachowitz expresses the Alliance for Downtown New York's strong support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity zoning reform initiative. - The proposed reforms will provide property owners …



87 sec


Layla Passman on Zoning Amendments and Their Impact on Atlantic Avenue and NYCHA Residents

Layla Passman discusses the benefits of zoning amendments for the Atlantic Avenue Business Improvement District and their potential impact on NIHTA residents. - Passman thanks the Department of City Planning …



149 sec


Marcel Negret, Senior Planner at the Regional Plan Association, on Support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunities Zoning Tax Amendment

Marcel Negret, Senior Planner at the Regional Plan Association, expresses support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunities zoning text amendment, emphasizing its potential to benefit neighborhoods and small …



131 sec


Tonisha Hurd, Representative for the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, on Endorsing the City of YesPlan

Tonisha Hurd speaks on behalf of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce to endorse the City of YesPlan, emphasizing its potential to foster economic growth. - Hurd represents Lisa Sorin, president …



122 sec


Emily Goldstein, Director of Organizing and Advocacy at the Association for Neighborhood And Housing Development (ANHD), on Proposing Adjustments to the Manufacturing District Text Amendment

Emily Goldstein presents testimony advocating for adjustments to the manufacturing district text amendment (Proposal 18) to better protect and grow the industrial sector in New York City. - Goldstein emphasizes …



137 sec


Brenda Lau, Assistant Project Manager at Greenpoint Manufacturing And Design Center, on Proposed Modifications to the Manufacturing District Tax Amendment

Brenda Lau advocates for modifications to the manufacturing district tax amendment to better support industrial businesses in NYC. - Lau emphasizes the need for zoning rules in new manufacturing districts …



116 sec


Paula Crespo, Senior Planner at the Pratt Center for Community Development, on Modifications to the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Text Amendment for New Manufacturing Districts

Paula Crespo advocates for modifications to the City of Yes Economic Opportunity text amendment to support a more equitable and sustainable local economy. - Supports the amendment's potential to address …



125 sec


Leah Archibald, Executive Director of Evergreen, on Proposed Improvements to New Manufacturing (M) Zoning Districts in NYC

Leah Archibald of Evergreen outlines proposed refinements to NYC's new M zoning districts to better support businesses and jobs. - Applauds plan to restrict residential use in industrial zones and …



108 sec


Jesse Solomon, Executive Director of Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation, on Modifications to New Manufacturing District Text Amendments

Jesse Solomon presents recommendations for modifying the new manufacturing district text amendments to better support industrial growth in Southwest Brooklyn. - Supports the amendments for increasing densities and building flexibility …



126 sec


Osagie Afe, Senior Manager of Business Assistance at Long Island City Partnership, on Support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Zoning Amendments

Osagie Afe, representing the Long Island City Partnership, voices strong support for the Department of City Planning's proposed City of Yes for Economic Opportunity zoning amendments to modernize regulations and …



130 sec


Carlo Casa on Support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Initiative

Carlo Casa testifies in favor of the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity, advocating for modern zoning reforms to aid New York's businesses and commercial areas. - Casa represents the …



124 sec


Council Member Kristy Marmorato expresses disapproval of City of Yes approach to economic development

Council Member Kristy Marmorato highlights the challenges of economic development, overpopulation, and inadequate infrastructure in the northeast Bronx. - Marmorato argues that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work for every …



79 sec


Ronda Wist, Board Member of Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, on the City of Yes Initiative's Potential Impact on Residential Areas

Ronda Wist highlights potential negative effects of the City of Yes zoning update on residential areas. - Emphasizes that the piecemeal approach could lead to conflicts between residential and commercial …



122 sec


Jack Bolinbach, Representative of the Coalition of Civic Associations, on Opposing Zoning Changes in Residential Areas

Jack Bolinbach opposes zoning changes in residential areas on behalf of the Coalition of Civic Associations, highlighting potential negative impacts on Staten Island communities. - Argues that residential zones are …



152 sec


Charlene Jackson Mendez, Bronx Resident, on the 'City of Yes' Economic Development Plan's Impact on Local Communities

Charlene Jackson Mendez criticizes the 'City of Yes' economic development plan, arguing it sidelines the needs of ordinary citizens and undermines local control in favor of increased government power and …



155 sec


Kevin Garcia, Senior Transportation Planner with the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance, on the Impact of Last Mile Warehouses on Communities of Color and the Need for Zoning Reform

Kevin Garcia expresses concerns about the Department of City Planning's zoning proposal not adequately addressing the impacts of last mile warehouses on communities of color. - Appreciates the efforts to …



122 sec


Maddie DeCerbo, Representative from the Real Estate Board of New York, on Support for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Initiative

Maddie DeCerbo, representing the Real Estate Board of New York, testifies in strong support of the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity initiative to modernize zoning regulations and provide greater …



137 sec


Christopher Leon Johnson on the 'City Yes' Initiative Favoring Developers Over Community Needs and Input

Christopher Leon Johnson argues that the 'City Yes' initiative prioritizes developer interests over community needs while eliminating meaningful public input. - Johnson asserts that the initiative favors developers and removes …



150 sec


Jeremiah Kane, Senior Vice President of Prologis, on Improving Micro Distribution Centers in Commercial Districts

Jeremiah Kane, representing Prologis, supports the 'City of Yes for Economic Opportunity' initiative and proposes changes to zoning text to improve the operation of micro distribution centers in commercial districts. …



137 sec


Geoff Marcus, Chairman of the Association of Electronic Music Producers and DJs (AEMPD), on Supporting Proposal 9 of the 'City of Yes' Initiative to Open More Venues for Dancing and DJing

Geoff Marcus advocates for the city to support the electronic music community by passing Proposal 9 of the 'City of Yes' initiative, which would open more venues for dancing and …



91 sec


Jodi Stein, Land Use Attorney at Sheppard Mullin, on the Proposal for Micro Distribution Facilities

Jodi Stein testifies in support of the city's proposal for micro distribution facilities, arguing that the proposed size restrictions are too limiting to accommodate essential components. - Stein breaks down …



120 sec


Rachel Suna, Vice President of Silvercup Studios on Support for the 'City of Yes' Zoning Text Amendments to Generate Jobs in the Film and Television Industry

Rachel Suna testifies in support of the proposed 'City of Yes' zoning text amendments, which she believes will generate hundreds if not thousands of jobs in New York City's film …



128 sec


What amendment proposal does Silvercup Studios prefer, and why?

Silvercup Studios favors amendment proposal number 17, which reduces setbacks, because it would help them build a "clean box". - Rachel Suna from Silvercup Studios confirms their preference for proposal …



49 sec


Greg Miller, Dancer on the Adverse Impact of the Cabaret Law on Marginalized Communities and the Need for its Reevaluation

Greg Miller advocates for reevaluating the Cabaret Law, emphasizing its detrimental effects on marginalized communities. - Miller highlights how the 1926 Cabaret Law has suppressed cultural expression and limited opportunities …



165 sec


Sommay Jaijong, Owner of May Kaidee Vegan Thai Restaurant, on Zoning Changes to Allow Dancing and Promote Veganism

Sommay Jaijong, owner of May Kaidee Vegan Thai Restaurant, testifies in support of zoning amendments that would allow dancing at small venues like his restaurant. - Jaijong shares his journey …



150 sec


Jerry Goldman, Chair of Dance Parade, on Repealing NYC's Racist and Restrictive Dance Laws

Jerry Goldman argues for the repeal of NYC's racist and restrictive dance laws, citing their unconstitutional nature and negative effects. - Goldman highlights the racist origins of the city's dance …



3 min


Claudia Valentino, President of the Forest Hills Community and Civic Association, on Opposition to the 'City of Yes' Zoning Proposals

Claudia Valentino testifies against the 'City of Yes' zoning proposals, arguing they threaten the residential character of Forest Hills. - Valentino recounts her community's past zoning efforts to prevent commercial …



145 sec


Mark Anderson, President of the Westerly Improvement Society, on the Negative Impacts of Proposed Zoning Changes on Staten Island Residential Neighborhoods

Mark Anderson, representing over 10,000 residents, opposes proposed zoning changes that would increase commercial use in Staten Island residential neighborhoods. - Anderson argues the changes will make zoning less predictable …



130 sec


Barbara McManara, Co-President of the Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association on Opposition to the 'City of Yes' Text Amendment

Barbara McManara, Co-President of the Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association, voices strong opposition to the 'City of Yes' text amendment on behalf of her community. - McManara outlines the association's …



97 sec


George Calderaro, Board Member of Six NYC Civic Organizations, on the 'City of Yes' Zoning Proposal's Negative Impact on NYC Communities

George Calderaro criticizes the 'City of Yes' zoning proposal, arguing it prioritizes business interests over community well-being. - Calderaro believes the proposal would negatively impact communities across all five boroughs …



131 sec


Mark McNulty, DJ, on Proposal 9's Impact on Cultural Expression and Safety in NYC Nightlife

Mark McNulty, a DJ and 10-year NYC resident, speaks in support of Proposal 9, which would regulate nightlife establishments based on capacity, noise, and safety, rather than prohibiting dancing. - …



129 sec


Lauren Gashinsky, Small Business Owner and Artist, on Enhancing Equitable Urban Nightlife through Proposal 9

Lauren Gashinsky, a small business owner, artist, and resident of district 34, endorses Proposal 9 with caveats, advocating for equitable urban development in New York City's nightlife. - Gashinsky highlights …



132 sec


Rae Moore, Senior Quality Research and Training Specialist at Safety Partners on Laboratory Safety and Compliance in New York City

Rae Moore delivers testimony supporting the City of Gas Zoning for Economic Opportunity proposal, emphasizing the importance of laboratory safety and compliance with regulations in New York City. - Moore …



127 sec


Robert Press, Member of the Public on City Planning's Lack of Community Board Approval for Housing and Rezoning Proposals

Robert Press criticizes City Planning for failing to secure community board approval for its housing and rezoning proposals in NYC. - Press points out that City Planning did not obtain …



88 sec


Derek Pitts, Owner and Operator, Farm.One on Zoning Changes to Support Small Businesses

Derek Pitts argues for zoning changes to support small businesses like Farm.One, an indoor vertical farm in Brooklyn. - Derek Pitts owns and operates Farm.One, a 10,000 square foot indoor …



124 sec


Quincy Ely-Cate, Director of Industrial Business Development, Business Outreach Center Network on Economic Opportunities for New Manufacturing Districts

Quincy Ely-Cate discusses necessary modifications to the economic opportunity text amendment for new manufacturing districts to support industrial and manufacturing jobs in New York City. - Ely-Cate emphasizes the importance …



119 sec


Eva Hanhardt from the Collective for Community, Culture and the Environment on Zoning Updates and Economic Challenges

Eva Hanhardt criticizes zoning updates and economic opportunity proposals for not adequately addressing public input and environmental justice. - The Collective for Community, Culture, and the Environment, an all-woman planning …



120 sec


Gina Caliendo, Bronx Resident on the Proposed Changes to the City of Yes Proposition

Gina Caliendo, a Bronx resident, criticizes the proposed changes to the City of Yes proposition, arguing they will harm housing and quality of life. - Caliendo believes the proposition will …



119 sec


Grace Marrero on Opposition to Rezoning Plans and Critique of Globalist Agendas in New York City

Grace Marrero, Founder and Chairperson of the Allerton Barnes Block Association, delivers a strong opposition to rezoning plans and criticizes Mayor Adams's globalist agendas. - Marrero states the New York …



126 sec


Karen Argenti, Representative, Bronx Council for Environmental Quality on the Impact of Zoning Designations on Environment and Community

Karen Argenti testifies against zoning changes due to environmental and community concerns. - Argenti represents the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality, a group opposed to mixing zoning designations that threaten …



127 sec


Camelia Tepelus, Executive Director, Morris Park Business Improvement District on the City of Yes Initiative and Specific Concerns for the East Bronx

Camelia Tepelus presents testimony in support of the City of Yes initiative, while raising concerns about enforcement and city agency coordination from the East Bronx perspective. - Tepelus represents over …



124 sec


Julie Stein on Supporting Economic Opportunity and Modernizing Union Square through City of Yes

Julie Stein advocates for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity initiative to modernize Union Square's commercial landscape and reduce retail vacancies. - Stein emphasizes the potential for unique in-person …



124 sec


John Calcagnile, Land Use Chair of Queens Community Board 10, on the Zoning for Economic Opportunity text amendment modifications

John Calcagnile believes the Zoning for Economic Opportunity text amendment needs fine tuning based on community feedback. - Calcagnile says Queens Community Board 10 requested modifications to the amendment after …



129 sec


Phyllis Inserillo, Co-President, Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association on Opposing the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Tax Amendment

Phyllis Inserillo, Co-President of the Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association, testifies against the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Tax Amendment, emphasizing its negative impact on residential areas. - Inserillo argues …



132 sec


Maria Caruso, Representative of Bronx Community Board 10, on Opposition to Economic Opportunity Portion of City of Yes Initiative

Maria Caruso, representing Bronx Community Board 10, expresses unanimous opposition to the Economic Opportunity portion of the City of Yes initiative, highlighting the disillusionment among community boards in the Bronx. …



103 sec


Laura Spalter, Representative of Broadway Community Alliance, on Opposition to 'City of Yes for Economic Opportunity' Zoning Proposals

Laura Spalter, representing the Broadway Community Alliance, opposes the 'City of Yes for Economic Opportunity' zoning proposals due to their negative impacts on community quality of life and small businesses. …



137 sec


Bernadette Ferrara, Bronx Resident, on the Negative Impacts of City Proposals on Low Density Communities

Bernadette Ferrara criticizes the potential negative impact of zoning proposals on low-density communities in the Bronx. - As a resident and leader, Ferrara speaks against the zoning proposals that could …



132 sec


Megan Fitzpatrick, Director of Preservation and Research at Landmark West, on Proposed Zoning Changes and Their Impact on New York's Commercial Spaces

Megan Fitzpatrick, representing Landmark West, critiques proposed zoning changes for negatively affecting commercial spaces in New York. - Expresses concern over the loss of commercial uses during the pandemic and …



125 sec


Paul Graziano on the Opposition to New York City's Zoning Proposal Package

Paul Graziano testifies against a package of zoning proposals, citing major repercussions for community and land use. - Represents over 160 civic and homeowners associations, voicing the opposition of hundreds …



126 sec


Joseph McAllister, President of the South Beach Civic Association, on Opposition to the 'City of Yes' Economic Opportunity Proposals

Joseph McAllister testifies against the 'City of Yes' economic opportunity proposals, arguing they will cause severe harm to neighborhoods throughout New York City. - McAllister represents the South Beach Civic …



128 sec


Walter Mugdan, President, Westmoreland Civic Association, on Opposition to Zoning Changes Allowing Commercial Development in Residential Areas

Walter Mugdan opposes two provisions in the economic opportunity package allowing commercial developments like corner stores and offices in residential areas. - Mugdan represents the Westmoreland Civic Association, expressing concerns …



127 sec


Ricardo Garcia, Representative, City Island Civic Association, on Concerns Over the Department of City Planning's City of Yes Initiative

Ricardo Garcia testifies against the Department of City Planning's City of Yes for Economic Development initiative, highlighting issues it poses to residential neighborhoods. - Garcia argues the initiative blurs distinctions …



133 sec


Rob Spalter, Co-chair of the Broadway Community Alliance, on the 'City of Yes' Zoning Proposals and Their Impact on North Rividia

Rob Spalter, Co-chair of the Broadway Community Alliance, voices strong opposition to the 'City of Yes' zoning proposals, highlighting their potential to negatively affect the North Rividia community. - Spalter …



129 sec


Phil Orenstein, President of the Queens Village Republican Club, on Opposing the 'City of Yes' Economic Expansion Proposals

Phil Orenstein testifies against the 'City of Yes' economic proposals to prevent the transformation of residential areas into commercial zones in Queens. - Orenstein represents the Queens Village Republican Club, …



124 sec


Yiatin Chu, President of Asian Wave Alliance, on 'City of Yes' Economic Package's Negative Impact

Yiatin Chu, President of Asian Wave Alliance, opposes the 'City of Yes' economic package, citing potential harm to Queens and Brooklyn. - The package is believed to negatively affect homeowners, …



123 sec


Cathy Cebek, Board Member of the City Island Civic Association, on concerns about the citywide zoning text amendment and its impact on City Island

Cathy Cebek expresses concerns about the citywide zoning text amendment and urges the City Council to vote no on the proposal. - States that the zoning change will eliminate residents' …



155 sec


Carol Donovan, President of Richmondtown & Clarke Avenue Civic Association on opposition to City of Yes proposal

Civic association president opposes City of Yes proposal for economic opportunity. - Views proposal as an insult and overreach that would negatively impact residential communities - Opposes allowing businesses in …



123 sec


Frank Roman, Queens Resident on opposing the 'City of Yes' rezoning proposal

Frank Roman opposes the 'City of Yes' rezoning proposal, citing safety and quality of life concerns. - Roman argues there is no lack of vacant commercial space in NYC, making …



121 sec


Eileen Miller, Board Member of the Bayside Hill Civic Association, on the negative impacts of the City of Yes zoning text amendments on residential neighborhoods in Queens

Eileen Miller speaks in opposition to the City of Yes zoning text amendments on behalf of the Bayside Hill Civic Association in Queens. - The amendments will blur lines between …



117 sec


George Havernick on the City of New York's zoning plan

George Havernick criticizes New York City's proposed zoning plan as too assertive and aggressive for the city's diverse neighborhoods. - Havernick argues that the plan is a "one glove fits …



108 sec


Mario Buonviaggio, Vice President of the Port Richmond/North Shore Alliance, on opposition to the entirety of the proposed City of Yes zoning text amendments

Mario Buonviaggio expresses strong opposition on behalf of the Port Richmond/North Shore Alliance to all aspects of the proposed City of Yes zoning text amendments. - Asserts that the Port …



134 sec


Lo van der Valk on Potential Changes to Retail Use Regulations on Madison Avenue

Lo van der Valk, President of Carnegie Hill Neighbors, warns against changes to Madison Avenue's retail use regulations under the economic opportunity plan. - Van der Valk represents Carnegie Hill …



108 sec


Richard Moses on the City of Yes Special District Zoning Provision

Richard Moses, president of the Lower East Side Preservation Initiative, opposes the City of Yes' special district zoning provision proposal, arguing it threatens the uniqueness of New York's neighborhoods. - …



119 sec


Phil Konigsburg, Vice President, Bay Terrace Community Alliance on Opposition to the City of Yes Proposal

Phil Konigsburg, Vice President of the Bay Terrace Community Alliance and a member of Queens Community Board 7, testifies against the City of Yes proposal. - Emphasizes the unanimous vote …



75 sec


Laura Sewell, Director of The East Village Community Coalition, on Proposed City Policy Changes Impacting Commercial Vacancies and Affordable Housing

Laura Sewell criticizes proposed city policy changes, expressing concerns over their impact on commercial vacancies and affordable housing in the East Village. - Sewell, as the Director of The East …



136 sec


Greg Morris, CEO, New York City Employment Training Coalition, on Modernizing Commercial Corridors and Zoning for Economic Recovery

Greg Morris, CEO of the New York City Employment Training Coalition, testifies on modernizing commercial corridors and zoning to support New York City's economic recovery and growth. - Emphasizes the …



118 sec


Henry Euler, President of the Auburndale Improvement Association, on Concerns About the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Proposal

Henry Euler, President of the Auburndale Improvement Association, opposes the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Proposal due to its complexity and lack of clarity about its impacts. - Euler represents …



96 sec


Agnes Pantina on the Impact of the City's Economic Opportunity Package on Staten Island's Zoning and Cannabis Policies

Agnes Pantina, officer with Oakwood Civic Association on Staten Island, opposes the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Package, highlighting concerns over zoning changes and cannabis proliferation. - Testifies that the …



151 sec


Rochelle Mandina on Zoning Changes Impacting Homeowners and Potential for Eminent Domain

Rochelle Mandina voices strong opposition to zoning changes, focusing on the potential negative impacts on homeowners and the threat of eminent domain. - Mandina queries the consequences of zoning changes …



112 sec pigeon logo

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