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Emily Goldstein, Director of Organizing and Advocacy at the Association for Neighborhood And Housing Development (ANHD), on Proposing Adjustments to the Manufacturing District Text Amendment
137 sec
Emily Goldstein presents testimony advocating for adjustments to the manufacturing district text amendment (Proposal 18) to better protect and grow the industrial sector in New York City.
- Goldstein emphasizes the importance of industrial jobs in creating an equitable economic development strategy, providing high wages and low barriers to entry for a diverse workforce.
- She urges the council to approve Proposal 18 with key modifications, including restricting non-industrial uses in core districts, creating additional districts with higher floor area ratios for industrial uses, and incentivizing inclusion of industrial space in new developments.
- ANHD proposes requiring a portion of ground floor space to be dedicated to industrial uses with access to essential amenities like loading docks and freight elevators.
- The testimony highlights the critical role the industrial sector plays in fostering a more equitable and thriving New York City for all residents.
Emily Goldstein
Thank you, chair Riley, and members of the council for the opportunity to testify this afternoon.
My name is Emily Goldstein.
I'm the director of organizing an advocacy at the Association for Neighborhood And Housing Development or A and H.
While we're best known for our affordable housing work, ADHD also convenes the industrial jobs coalition, a city wide alliance of policy advocates community organizations, and industrial business service providers fighting to protect, preserve, and grow the industrial sector in New York City We do this work because we recognize the vital role the industrial sector plays in creating a more equitable thriving and functioning New York City for all of us.
Industrial jobs offer high wages, low barriers to entry, and opportunity pathways for a workforce that is 80% workers of color and over 50% for and born.
Preserving and growing these jobs lies at the heart of a true equitable economic development strategy.
My testimony I wanna emphasize is limited to proposal 18 or the manufacturing district tax amendment, which offers a crucial opportunity to strengthen and protect the industrial sector and the good paying jobs it provides.
We urge the council to approve this application with some key modifications that I'll highlight now and with more detail in our written test money.
First, for the core districts, in order to prioritize the preservation and growth of industrial businesses, we ask that you wish drrict all non industrial uses to 10,000 square square feet per zoning lot and create 2 additional districts offering higher FARs of 4.05.0 respectively for industrial uses.
For the transition districts and the growth districts, we actually better incentivize the inclusion of industrial businesses and the new developments by, a, increasingly incentive of the size of the incentive bonus for industrial uses in the transition district to promote developments with a 25% floor area for industrial uses and b, including incentive bonus in the growth district of 15% industrial uses.
In addition across all districts, we ask that there'd be a requirement that at least a portion of the ground floor that's dedicated to industrial with access to loading docks and freight voters.
Thank you again for your attention on these issues, and I'll pass the mic.