Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Has the Department of City Planning considered modifying zoning regulations for eating and drinking establishments to address concerns about nightlife businesses disturbing families living above them?
40 sec
The Department of City Planning has not considered modifying zoning regulations for eating and drinking establishments from lifetime limits to only allow non-conforming use group 3, but is open to discussing it further with the council member.
- The question was asked on behalf of council member Rivera, who could not be present at the meeting
- There are concerns about nightlife businesses disturbing families with bedrooms located above these establishments
- The Department of City Planning will follow up with the council member to see what changes may be in scope to address this issue
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How does the NYC Office of Nightlife handle complaints about noise from local clubs and prevent them from operating late into the morning?
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How will the proposed regulations requiring a special permit from the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) for new auto repair shops ensure these businesses fit into neighborhood retail corridors?