Linda Lee
And so how do you balance all these things, but also make sure And then the question is who who's gonna regulate all of this and make sure that these businesses are in compliance, and then also if there's costs involved.
How is that gonna work if there's any added cost to the city?
So I wanted to focus first on my question on the home occupation, and I just wanna list out so that the city of Yes would potentially allow in home occupation businesses some of which you mentioned advertising peer agencies, barbershops, beauty parlors, depository or electrolysis offices, interior decorators, canals are stables, which I'm very curious about.
Because I'm wondering who lives in a place that can have a stable or unless I'm misunderstanding the meaning.
Ophthalmic dispensing, pharmacies, which is I'm gonna come back to pharmacies, real estate or insurance offices, stock brokers, and vets offices.
So I understand that you're saying that there have to be separate entrances and all of this, and it's gonna be separated out.
But understanding and having worked in healthcare facilities, and the regulations that are involved with, for example, ventilation systems and things like that.
How are we going to make sure that these owners are in compliance, and I know that some of them require state licenses, which obviously automatically or other licenses, which makes them subject to those requirements, but others that may not.
Those are the things I'm worried about.
And as chair of the mental health disabilities and addictions committee.
We have seen a huge jump in opioid crisis in this city.
And my concern not to go so far as to being facetious to say it.
The first thought I had was, oh my god, breaking bad.
Like, this and and I don't think it's gonna go to that extent, but I'm but the point is is that there's a lot of, as we've seen, unregulated or illegal businesses that do open.
And we have to answer to that as council members and people who speak for the people in our districts.
And so as someone who's very concerned about that, we all know that we can buy over the or drugs.
We can do things that will alter the effects of those things to create different opioids.
And so my question is, how are we gonna regulate for those types of businesses?
And that's my concern is that with this as well as the laboratories, Right?
It seems like what is the deeper dive or study or anything that you all have done in terms of the potential impacts health wise as well.
Not just environmental, but if I'm living next to a business like this, what kind of impact would that have?
And for the home occupations.
So that's one part of the question is how do sort of regulate or or or monitor that.
Because we all know that DOB is is short on capacity.
And then also, I just wanted to confirm.
So The the the instances, for example, could you explain what kind of zoning violations or fines would ensure compliance, I guess, is my question.
And there's been a number of instances in my constituency where a bad neighbor refuses entry, like someone one of the other colleagues of mine mentioned, twice in the case and was just automatically closed.
The case was closed.
So how do we account for that?
And also, What does this mean for us in terms of the Euler process?