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Kevin Riley Opens Subcommittee Meeting on Zoning for Economic Opportunity



115 sec

Council Member Kevin Riley chairs a meeting focused on the second initiative of the administration's 'City of Yes' campaign, Zoning for Economic Opportunity.

  • The meeting is about the 'City of Yes' initiative, which includes initiatives around zoning for carbon neutrality, economic opportunity, and housing opportunity.
  • Today's discussions are exclusively about zoning changes aimed at boosting economic opportunity, with no coverage of other initiatives.
  • There’s a mention of a potential break to view the solar eclipse, adding a unique element to the day's proceedings.
Kevin C. Riley
Good morning, everyone.
Happy Monday, and welcome to the Meenov sub committee of zoning and franchises.
I'm Council member, Kevin Riley, Chair of this Committee.
This morning, I'm joined by council member, Schulman, Marte, Gutierrez, Avelis, and Ariola, and also Hanks.
Today, we are holding the hearing on the 2nd of 3 major initiatives that the administration is collectively calling the city of yes.
The first initiative was zoning for carbon neutrality, which we passed last year.
The second initiative that we will be hearing about today is zoning for economic opportunity.
The 3rd initiative which will come before us later this year is zoning for housing opportunity.
I wanna make it clear that today is only about the 2nd initiative, zoning for economic opportunity.
The administration city of yes, zoning for housing opportunity has not yet begun public review, but is expected later this spring.
We have a lot of people here today in person and online who are interested in the 2nd initiative, zoning for economic opportunity.
So this will be a long hearing and I want to quickly go over the order of events for today.
After I opened the hearing, we will hear from the Department of City Planning about the details of the proposed zoning for economic opportunity tax amendment.
I and my fellow council members will then have the opportunity to ask questions about this tax amendment.
After a round of questions, we will hear statements from any other elected officials who would like to make a comment Following these statements, we will hear comments from the public, starting with the people who are in person, and then move into the online to the people who are registered to sign and testify online.
Depending on how the hearing is going, we may take a short break to see the solar eclipse, which I know a lot of people would like to see. pigeon logo

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