Leah Archibald, Executive Director of Evergreen, on Proposed Improvements to New Manufacturing (M) Zoning Districts in NYC
108 sec
Leah Archibald of Evergreen outlines proposed refinements to NYC's new M zoning districts to better support businesses and jobs.
- Applauds plan to restrict residential use in industrial zones and update parking/loading requirements
- Proposes limiting certain areas to industrial use only and implementing density incentives
- Calls for oversight mechanisms for mixed-use projects in the new zones
- Emphasizes support for changes overall, with suggestions to enhance effectiveness in fostering business and job growth
Leah Archibald
My name is Leah Archibald, and I'm the executive director of Evergreen.
We're the local development corporation that works in Industrial North Brooklyn to help small businesses grow so we can keep high quality working class jobs in our community.
We really appreciate the mayors and DCP's intention to keep New York City's businesses thriving.
Overall, we're very pleased to see attention paid to updating industrial zoning policy and we're very glad to hear that there's no plan to allow residential uses in the industrial business zones.
Other initiatives like updating parking and loading were requirements and increasing the breadth of allowable uses in commercial districts are welcome in forward thinking.
We also believe that there are ways that this proposal can be improved to ensure that it achieves its goal of fostering business and job growth in New York City.
We would like to see some changes to the 3 new proposed M zoning districts.
We believe that the core needs to be limited to industrial and manufacturing uses as much as possible, particularly as the transition in growth areas become upzoned.
The transition area should have a density bonus rather than incentive to obligate developers to retain a minimum of 1 f a r for industrial use.
The growth area Having no mechanism to retain manufacturing businesses greatly concerns us.
We recommend establishing the density incentive bonus here.
And all mixed use or incentive projects in any of the 3 districts should have an oversight mechanism.
We hope that the New York City Council can pass the new manufacturing application with these safeguards.
Thank you very much for your consideration, and I have submitted a much more detailed testimony for your quiet review.
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Paula Crespo, Senior Planner at the Pratt Center for Community Development, on Modifications to the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Text Amendment for New Manufacturing Districts
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Jesse Solomon, Executive Director of Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation, on Modifications to New Manufacturing District Text Amendments