Paul Graziano on the Opposition to New York City's Zoning Proposal Package
126 sec
Paul Graziano testifies against a package of zoning proposals, citing major repercussions for community and land use.
- Represents over 160 civic and homeowners associations, voicing the opposition of hundreds of thousands of residents.
- Highlights dangerous aspects of proposals 15 through 17, which could give the City Planning Commission (CPC) unchecked approval powers.
- Notes widespread opposition among community boards across New York City, with the majority voting against the proposals.
- Criticizes the Department of City Planning (DCP) for withholding vital information and not being transparent with the public.
- Warns of catastrophic effects on lower density areas, urging the council to reject the entire proposal package.
Paul Graziano
I'm Paul Graziano.
I'm an urban planning.
And zoning consultant working with over a 160 civic and homeowners associations across the city representing hundreds of thousands of residents, property owners, and voters.
I've read the 112 seven pages of zoning text multiple times, and I'm firmly opposed to this package of proposals.
I also agree with the first speaker My colleague George James, that proposals 15 through 17 are extremely dangerous as they are essentially giving the CPC sole discretion to approve Landy's changes that will have major repercussions.
I'll be submitting specific and detailed testimony with visual examples by email, for council members to see the actual impacts of what some of these proposals will have on some communities around the city.
Contrary to what DCP is saying this is a one size its all set of proposals.
As council member Hanks noticed, most of the slides that were shown used to Manhattan Streets as examples.
On the public timeline slide that was shown, there was purposeful omission, noticed by several sub committee members of the fact that a 2 thirds majority of community boards voted against or refused to vote on this package of proposals.
All of the boards in Staten Island were than 2 thirds of the boards in Queens, a large majority in Brooklyn, and all of the boards in the north and east Bronx voted against this.
After the fact, several other boards that voted in favor stated that had they actually known and understood all of the details they would have voted against instead of in favor.
Having presented my findings at a dozen boards in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, I would be happy to go into detail with the sub committee today as to why so many boards voted unanimous against these proposals and why they specifically refused to give feedback.
Throughout this entire process, DCP has not been forthright with the public or the community boards.
Even today, they have left out vital information that may influence the council members on their vote.
Finally, Many of these proposed changes may not have as much impact in higher density neighborhoods.
But again, as council member Hanks mentioned, in lower density areas, including 1 and 2 family zones, but also lower density multifamily R3 through R5 zones.
The effects will be catastrophic, particularly proposals 15, 115, 16, and 17.
We urge the council to oppose this package of proposals in its entirety.
Thank you.
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Megan Fitzpatrick, Director of Preservation and Research at Landmark West, on Proposed Zoning Changes and Their Impact on New York's Commercial Spaces
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Joseph McAllister, President of the South Beach Civic Association, on Opposition to the 'City of Yes' Economic Opportunity Proposals