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Phyllis Inserillo, Co-President, Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association on Opposing the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Tax Amendment



132 sec

Phyllis Inserillo, Co-President of the Howard Beach Lindenwood Civic Association, testifies against the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Tax Amendment, emphasizing its negative impact on residential areas.

  • Inserillo argues the amendment will allow unwanted businesses in residential zones, disrupting Howard Beach's quality of life.
  • She highlights the community's preference for its existing residential character over the proposal's call for commercial expansion.
  • The testimony includes concerns about increased traffic, the undermining of local zoning protections, and the lack of community input in the amendment's planning.
  • Inserillo urges NYC City Council members to vote against the amendment, reflecting unanimous opposition within her community.
Phyllis Inserillo
Thank you so much, Cher Riley.
My name is Phyllis in Sorrello.
I am the co president of the Howard Beach 1, Newwood Civic Association.
Our organization covers over 28,000 people living in Howard Beach.
The city of yes, economic opportunity tax amendment would make major changes to the existing zoning regulations that restrict certain kinds of businesses from opening and commercial and residential districts throughout New York City.
It would allow businesses that had long been restricted in residential areas to open within our neighborhoods, not just on commercial strips.
People choose to live in Howard Beach for its quiet streets, local businesses run by their neighbors on a main strip, and the wonderful sense of community that is felt here.
They buy their homes and pay high taxes in hopes that it would preserve the quality of life that they are seeking.
The City of the US Economic Opportunity texted them and is a direct route to everything our neighbors have worked hard for, and we wholeheartedly oppose this proposal.
We do not want a proliferation of businesses where they never existed causing disruptions to our quality of life.
Our community does not want the corner stores that are described in the proposal.
We do not need extra unnecessary traffic throughout the streets of a quiet residential area.
We do not want board authority to be given to be granted to the board of standards and appeal allowing it to modify under this proposal, the size, enclosure, and other appointments for committed use, or to even grant doubling the maximum size of the use.
There was a reason that there hasn't been a change to the zoning of these residential areas in a number of years, and that is because these changes would hurt residential communities such as Howard Beach, ozone Park, and the like.
At our monthly meetings, all of the attendees have been opposed to the proposal.
We have yet to hear from one member of the community who is not involved with the political organization or city agency that is in favor of this tax amendment.
Our community board gave suggestions for modifications, and none were included in the final plan.
Czech Republic mentioned that many portions of this plan already exists in some areas of the city.
That statement supports our position of why residents chose to live in an area where these conditions do not exist.
We like where we live in the current zoning that exists here.
It should not be a one size fits all inclusive plan.
It should be broken up into parts and voted on to each district with the EUA process remaining intact.
Your time has expired.
Phyllis Inserillo
City council members to vote no.
On the city of yes, economic opportunity, citywide tax amendment.
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