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Proposals 15-16: Discretionary approvals for businesses on large campuses and new corner stores



122 sec

Proposals 15 and 16 would establish discretionary approval processes to allow limited commercial activity in certain areas that currently lack retail access.

Proposal 15 would enable some commercial uses on large residential campuses. Proposal 16 would allow applications for new corner stores in underserved areas, subject to a public review process.

Proposal 15: "We think of this in the context of a NYCHA campus that wants to include that has underutilized space and wants to include a makerspace, create jobs for residents, we want a process to enable such a thing to exist."

Proposal 16: "So we've got 250,000 plus New Yorkers who are not within quarter mile of a place where they get a gallon of milk or a carton of eggs. We want to create an opportunity that could exist if desired and makes it through an environmental review and community board review with a city planning commission vote."

Dan Garodnick
Goal 4 here.
Now we're creating more opportunities, new opportunities for businesses to open.
Proposal 15.
Next slide, commercial space on campuses.
We have many large scale residential developments that are zoned as residence districts, meaning that retail, services, maker spaces, they can't easily locate, And that means that residents of these developments are further away from local goods and services.
This proposal would create a process, and I would note proposals 15 through 18, each creates a process.
So it doesn't create any as of right opportunity.
It creates a process.
For business opportunity and expansion.
It creates a process, a city plan and commission authorization to allow a limited amount of commercial space to locate an underutilized office or storage space on a large scale residential campus, giving residents greater access to basic necessities or the space to grow a new business.
We think of this in the context of a nitrile campus that wants to include that has underutilized space and wants to include makerspace, create jobs for residences, we want a process to enable such a thing to exist.
It would require, you know, a an authorization and vote from the City Planning Commission.
Proposal 16 corner stores.
Some portions of New York City are not within walking distance of a local store, and zoning has no pathways to potentially allow a new locally serving business to open.
So we're creating a discretionary pathway where business could initiate a process to locate a new corner store provided that the store does not generate any environmental concerns or traffic congestion.
So we've got 250,000 plus New Yorkers who are not within quarter mile of a place where they get a gallon of milk or a carton of eggs.
We want to create an opportunity that could exist if desired and makes it through an environmental review and community board review with a city planning commission vote. pigeon logo

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