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Regarding the corner store authorization, are there any types of neighborhoods where a corner store might not be appropriate?



63 sec

The Director of the Department of City Planning explains that corner stores may not be appropriate in all neighborhoods across the city.

  • Proposals likely will not be made in areas deemed unsuitable for corner stores.
  • Community opposition can result in a proposal being voted down by the City Planning Commission
  • The initiative is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all approach, recognizing differences between neighborhoods
  • The goal is to enable pathways for community-supported projects that also satisfy environmental review standards
Kevin C. Riley
Regarding the Cornerstone Authorization, are there any type of neighborhoods where such a storm might not be appropriate.
Dan Garodnick
And they probably will not be proposed in those areas.
And if there's significant community opposition to anything that is proposed, There will be an opportunity for that to be voted down at the City Planning Commission.
The key here is, and this goes to council member Marte's question as well.
We understand that not everything is right for every neighborhood.
This is not intended to be a one size fit all.
But in the context of 15 to 18, the proposals we're talking about here, we did think that it was important for us to create a pathway for a thing to possibly happen if it is desirable and it meets with community support and satisfies the environmental review standards, and that's why we want to enable it as a possibility.
But by all means, that does not mean that does not suggest that it would be proper or appropriate in any corner in any neighborhood around the city. pigeon logo

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