What changes would proposal number 9 on nightlife make to what bars and restaurants are currently allowed to host?
74 sec
Proposal number 9 would allow bars and restaurants hosting events up to 200 people to have dancing to live music, as well as comedy or open mic poetry events, which are not currently permitted under zoning.
- The proposal does not change the size, hours, or capacity limits for these venues.
- Enforcement of noise and other issues with these venues would be handled the same way as before the zoning change.
- The Department of City Planning believes enforcement agencies have the capacity to handle any issues that may arise from this change.
Kevin C. Riley
Proposal number 9 on nightlife has also been the source of much confusion, starting with what is president Lee allowed are bars and restaurants currently allowed to host events up to 200 people?
Dan Garodnick
Kevin C. Riley
Can you explain again what exactly would be changed if this proposal was adopted?
Dan Garodnick
Well, up to in those bars and restaurants with up to two hundred people, If you are offering live music, you can also stand up and dance to that live music.
Similarly, we would allow for comedy or open night night poetry jam like things in that same space, which today are not allowed in zoning.
Kevin C. Riley
If Danson will not be allowed in all bars and restaurants, how would the administration prevent local clubs making noise until the early hours in the morning from popping everywhere?
Dan Garodnick
The the same way we would have done it before.
We're not changing the size or hours.
Or the capacity of any of these venues.
So the question of enforcement wasn't a question before, the question after need to make sure that our enforcement agencies have the capacity to do this, and that's really important, is unchanged by zoning.
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How does the NYC Office of Nightlife handle complaints about noise from local clubs and prevent them from operating late into the morning?