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What is the policy rationale for allowing indoor growth of cannabis in C1 and C2 overlay districts, and should cannabis cultivation be restricted in predominantly residential neighborhoods?
129 sec
The Director of the Department of City Planning explains that the state regulates legal cannabis cultivation.
- The New York State Office of Cannabis Management regulates legal cannabis cultivation businesses
- Cannabis cultivation is considered agriculture and is currently allowed indoors in manufacturing districts or in greenhouses/outdoors in commercial or manufacturing districts
- The zoning proposal would allow legal indoor agriculture, including cannabis, in commercial districts
- Indoor agriculture businesses in commercial districts need a certificate of occupancy from the Department of Buildings and must meet building/fire code standards
- Businesses producing noise, odors, dust or other environmental concerns are subject to zoning violations, fines and closure
Kevin C. Riley
Turns to proposals 7, which will allow indoor agriculture throughout the city, including the growth of cannabis.
Communities are very concerned as council member of Paladino and aryola just mentioned a while ago.
Communities are very concerned about how unlawful smoke shops have popped up everywhere where unlawfully selling marijuana are now further concerned the same thing will happen for growing cannabis What is the policy rationale for allowing the indoor growth of cannabis in C1C2 overlaid districts?
Should not the cultivation of a plant that smell that smell be restricted in predominantly residential neighborhoods.
Dan Garodnick
Well, first of all, the New York State Office of Cannabis Management regulates the legal cultivation of Cannabis, and there's a variety of steps that are perspective.
Business needs to follow in order to legally locate a cannabis cultivation business, including a peer before the community board.
There's a whole process there, cannabis.n
As opposed as far as zoning for a cannabis cultivation is concerned, we consider in zoning cannabis cultivation to be agriculture.
Which it is.
And therefore, currently is allowed indoors in manufacturing districts or within a greenhouse or outdoors in a commercial or manufacturing district.
The proposal before you would clarify that the cultivation of any agricultural product, flowers, food, cannabis, or anything else provided that is legal outdoors, also would be legal indoors in a commercial district.
Any indoor agriculture business that is looking to locate within a commercial district would have to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the Department of Buildings.
Prior to commencing operation, including the sign off that the business base needs building and fire code standards for ventilation, truckural integrity and sufficient electrical capacity.
Furthermore, any business found to produce any noise, odors, dust, or other environmental concerns, would be subject to violation of zoning from the Department of Buildings, which may include Fives and the closure of the business.
Kevin C. Riley
Thank you.