Brenda Patrini, Astoria Resident on the Disruptive Effects of Nonessential Helicopter Traffic Over Residential Areas
142 sec
Brenda Patrini, an Astoria resident, testifies about the daily disturbances caused by nonessential helicopters flying over her neighborhood.
- The helicopters cause extremely loud noise pollution, with measured decibel levels ranging from 78 to 86 - considered dangerous for human hearing.
- The constant helicopter traffic disrupts common activities like conversations, studying, and working.
- The helicopters negatively impact local wildlife behavior.
- The added air pollution exacerbates already poor air quality in the area from other sources like traffic and airports.
- Residents have filed numerous complaints about the noise, citing negative mental and physical health effects and lack of peace.
Brenda Patrini
My name is Brenda Katrina.
Nonessential helicopters have been flying right above the area where I live in Astoria Queens on a daily basis from early morning to late at night for several years now.
This these outdated polluting incredibly loud objects feel entitled to interrupt any common human action like having a conversation in the apartment or focus on studying and working just to transport few privileged people to and from the Hemptons.
So the measured decibel levels on on helicopter flying over my apartment ranges between 78 to 86, which are considered dangerous for the human year.
And I have observed how even birds and other terrestrial animals display a differentiated behavior while this obnoxious object fly over them.
And to add the amount of pollution right above our heads and right into our lungs is unacceptable, especially when the air quality is already affected by a long lived of other pollutants like traffic, factory fumes, and the 1000 of daily flights approaching JFK and LaGuardia.
And some of the comments from the noise complaints right avenues app stated, for example, why has the city allowed these helicopters to take over our airspace.
It's dangerous bad for the environment and detrimental to human and mental and physical health Please make it stop circling the East River near Downtown Brooklyn on an awful day still going at 9:15 PM of 400 feet.
Sounds like an invasion, it's so loud.
11:30 PM, tourist riots, can we get no peace?
Incredibly loud.
It's going to wake our child.
This doesn't happen over other metropolises, not even Disney World.
I'm in a constant state of alert here.
Unfortunately, your city is letting its citizens mental and physical help deteriorate day after day by allowing the allowing these nonessential flights.
To harass them.
On a daily basis, I don't want to be forced to move out of the city like many others have done already.
The city of New York needs to take a stand and protect residence health.
That's why we agreed to pay taxes to both New York State And New York City.
Thank you.