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Josh Rousseau, Northeast US Regional Representative for Vertical Aviation International (VAI), on Potential Economic Impacts and Legal Concerns of Restricting Helicopter Operations in New York City
159 sec
Josh Rousseau, representing Vertical Aviation International (VAI), emphasizes the significant economic contribution of the general aviation industry in New York, supporting over 43,000 jobs and generating substantial economic output.
- He warns of the detrimental economic impacts of proposed legislation to ban non-essential helicopter operations in the city.
- The aviation industry plays a vital role in supporting key sectors such as emergency services, law enforcement, utilities, transportation, tourism, and business aviation.
- Rousseau raises legal concerns, stating that efforts by the city council or state legislature to regulate aviation operations contravene federal laws, as the FAA holds sole jurisdiction over aviation regulations, including noise standards.
Josh Rousseau
Thank you.
Amanda Farías
Please state your name for the record.
Josh Rousseau
Thank you, chair.
I've been a volunteer to go first.
So thank you again.
My name is Josh Russo.
I'm the Northeast US regional representative for Vertical Aviation International, VAI.
VAI is the world's leading membership association dedicated to the industry.
We represent more than a 1000 companies, over 16,000 industry professionals more than 65 countries.
I think the importance and the critical importance of the Heliport System in New York city has been well documented, so I will spare, in the interest of time, spare going into any of that.
I do think the critical piece here with some of my friends stop the chop in the room is to understand that we understand that sound signatures are a common source of concern associated with helicopters and the facilities they use which is why one of the AI's top priorities is community compatibility, being good neighbors.
We are constantly engaged with our members, community groups, and partners in an ongoing dialogue intended to forge positive relationships that produce meaningful results for all stakeholders involved.
This collaboration continues to create sound mitigation efforts and innovative solutions to fly neighborly.
Additionally, our industry is developing innovative technologies such as advanced air mobility, AAM and EV tools which were referenced earlier to improve community compatibility and environmental sustainability.
The AI wholeheartedly supports the efforts of mayor Adams and EDC's prioritization of initial steps to realize a new vision the first of its kind hub for sustainable transportation.
However, to be clear, this technology is still in development.
It is not yet a reality.
The economic impacts of enacting legislation to ban nonessential helicopters are beyond significant as the general aviation industry holds a vital position shaping both national and state economies.
In New York alone, it supports workforce of over 43,000 individuals and generates significant total economic output.
The general aviation industry is vital for supporting key sectors in the New York City And State Economies, including emergency services, law enforcement, utility work, transportation, tourism, and business aviation.
I will be very quick.
Whether it be city council bills being discussed in this hearing or legislation currently pending before the New York State legislature, VAI, has serious concerns about the legality of any effort to regulate aviation operation specifically.
These bills contravene well established federal law as the FAA holds the sole jurisdiction to regulate all aspects of aviation operations, including noise related standards and regulations.
Uniform Federal Authority is essential is essential to maintaining safe and efficient transportation in the nation's airspace, enacting these bills, runs counter to just that.