Lara Birnback, Executive Director of the Brooklyn Heights Association, on the Detrimental Impacts of Helicopter Noise Pollution and Safety Risks on New York City Communities
144 sec
Birnback expresses concern over the negative impacts of helicopter noise pollution and safety risks in New York City.
- She represents communities affected by noise and pollution from fossil fuel-based helicopter flights
- Criticizes spending on public spaces while allowing them to be disrupted by helicopter noise
- Discusses noise pollution health impacts, dangers like accidents, security risks, and lack of FAA regulation
- Urges prioritizing residents' health, safety, and environmental sustainability over interests of a few privileged helicopter users
Lara Birnback
So I'll I'll try to improvise a little here, but I'm I'm not as good as that at that as some of the others here in the room.
So my name is Laura Burnback.
I'm the executive director of the Brooklyn Heights Association, as well as an advisory board member of Stop the Shop, New York, New Jersey.
I wanna thank all of you members of the council and staff from our borough presidents, offices, and federal representatives here for your attention and commitment to regulating helicopter noise pollution and safety in our city, which is evidenced in part through the bills and resolutions under discussion today.
My hope is that we are finally going to have some relief from the detrimental impacts of fossil fuel based helicopter flights on our communities' environment and quality of life.
We've heard how New Yorkers are disturbed in our beautiful public spaces.
It seems incredibly bizarre to me that we would spend taxpayer dollars investment time created nonprofits to guard our waterfront parks.
The amazing things happening at Governors Island, Central Park, etcetera, and yet we allow these this relentless noise and pollution to disrupt our experience in those public spaces that are really treasures of our city.
Why would we invest the time and money into creating these spaces for people to enjoy, and then literally ruin them for the benefit of some joy writing tourists and some folks who can't get to the Hampton's quickly enough.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Noise pollution we know is deadly.
We've known it for years.
Numerous studies confirm this.
We've talked about the impact of the pollution and the fossil fuels.
We've talked about safety.
We've had tragic accidents associated with helicopters.
Not to mention the risks of terrorists or other bad actors using our skies against us.
We heard already this morning that it's like the Wild West.
The FAA does not regulate appropriately.
The airspace over New York, which is bizarre if you think about that for a city like New York.
So I'm gonna wrap up here.
I just want to emphasize that for the trade offs involving our health, our safety, and our environment, You'd think there'd be substantial economic benefit coming to New York City.
There is not.
So I implore the council and the mayor to prioritize the well-being safety.
And environmental sustainability of our city and its millions of residents over the privilege of a very few and end these flights as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
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Melissa Elstein, Board Member of Stop the Chop NY And NJ and the West Eighties Neighborhood Association, on the Disruptive Impact of Helicopter Noise and Tourism Flights Over New York City
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Kenneth Lay, Board Member of Stop the Chop, on the Severe Helicopter Noise Disrupting Overall Quality of Life in NYC