Stacy Sheard, Chair of Government Affairs at the Eastern Region Helicopter Council, on Initiatives to Address Community Concerns and Promote Safer, Quieter Helicopter Operations
106 sec
Sheard testifies about the Eastern Region Helicopter Council's efforts to address community concerns over helicopter noise and operations.
- The ERHC has a community outreach program and collaborates with the FAA to devise higher flight altitudes and routes over populated areas.
- It is working on new instrument flight routes for helicopters during inclement weather that will take them to higher altitudes and reduce sound signatures.
- The ERHC aims to embrace quieter aircraft technology as part of its commitment to collaboration through technology.
- By improving flight routes, preserving heliports, and adopting new technologies, Sheard argues for promoting innovation, transportation options, and economic prosperity for the community.
Stacy Sheard
Good morning.
My name is Stacy Sheard, and I'm representing the Eastern Region Helicopter Council.
An association of local helicopter professionals promoting safety, educations, awareness, and advocacy.
The ERHC, has a community outreach program and is actively working with the FAA to address the concerns of the community and to preserve the last of the New York City heliports for the future.
ERHC collaborates with our local state and community partners to help alleviate helicopter complaints around New York City and surrounding areas.
We use data provided by the FAA to devise higher altitudes and flight paths over and around the most heavily populated residential areas.
We recognize that there is room for continued improvement and that with a collaborative effort more can be accomplished.
The ERC's initiative to improve instrument flight routes in and out of New York City is a great example of that.
I've been working on this for 3 years, So by partnering with the FAA, I'd like to announce that new instrument flight routes for helicopters are being designed to utilize during inclement weather And these new routes will take helicopters to higher altitudes.
They will weave us within jet traffic.
They will reduce sound signatures.
And the first of these procedures will come online this summer with more instrument routes being designed for follow on release by the FAA.
By improving flight routes and embracing quieter aircraft aircraft technology, the ERHC, is demonstrating a commitment to collaboration through technology.
By recognizing the value of Heliport's and collaborating for continued operation, we can promote innovation, enhance transportation options, and drive economic prosperity and sassibility for the community at large.
Thank you.
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Brittany Davies, Northeast Regional Director of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), on the Business Aviation Industry's Investments in Noise Reduction and Environmental Stewardship
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Lydon Sleeper, East Policy Lead at Joby Aviation, on Joby's Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft and Infrastructure for Sustainable Aerial Mobility in New York City