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What is the breakdown of investments at the local level from heliport activity?



65 sec

The council member asks how revenue and investments from the city budget are broken down into local community investments. The response indicates that spending from heliport activity is realized through tax revenue going into the general fund and then being dispersed citywide by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), rather than being targeted to local areas.

  • Tax revenue from heliport activity goes into the city's general fund
  • Funds are then distributed citywide by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  • There is no direct allocation to local communities impacted by heliport operations
  • The council member states there is a need for more focused local remediation efforts within the city budget
Amanda Farías
But do we know how that gets broken down into, like, city, local investments?
And if people will see that.
Like, I think, initially, what I've been trying to do with with looking at some of these issues is, like, where are the measures that we take in?
Whether it's from revenue generation or from our city budget and say how do we rectify and and make investments locally, whether it's for the noise complaints or for the environmental justice impacts that we see, do we know there's any direct way that those that estimation of revenue gets put into communities locally?
Jennifer Sun
I think at conceptually, the spending that results from the heliport at activity would be realized through city tax levy funds, right, through tax revenue that then goes through the general fund and then is probably dispersed by OMV in at a city wide level rather than being locally targeted.
Amanda Farías
So we need to see more more local remediation efforts on in our city budget specifically for this if it goes back in the general fund. pigeon logo

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