What is the timeline for the administration to respond on the committee's proposed helicopter bills?
85 sec
Council member Amanda Farías asks when a response can be expected from the administration regarding several proposed bills related to restricting and monitoring non-essential helicopter operations in New York City.
- The representative from the NYC Economic Development Corporation states that the City's Law Department is thoroughly reviewing the bills given the complex jurisdictional boundaries with federal aviation authorities
- They cannot provide a specific timeline, but confirm the Law Department is actively working on formulating their position
- Council member Farías presses for a general estimate of when responses can be expected
- The representative acknowledges the request but can only say the review is ongoing due to complex legal considerations
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Jennifer Sun, Executive Vice President of Planning at the New York City Economic Development Corporation on Sustainable Transportation, Freight Distribution, and Quality of Life Improvements at City Heliports
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What are the city's efforts to further address helicopter noise concerns from the Downtown Manhattan Heliport (DMH)?