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What percentage of 311 complaints from the downtown Manhattan heliport or 34th Street heliport were justified violations?
28 sec
The council member does not receive a clear answer on the percentage of 311 noise complaints from the downtown Manhattan heliport or 34th Street heliport that were found to be justified violations.
- The director of aviation states that less than 1% of complaints were for tour flights originating from the downtown Manhattan heliport.
- The council member clarifies that she wants to know the percentage that were actual violations of the rules, not just dismissed complaints.
- The director says he will have to get back to her with the exact percentage of justified violation complaints.
Amanda Farías
Do we know how many 301 complaints came from DMH or 34th Street were found to be justified?
Anton Fredriksson
We did less than 1% were tour flights and refrigerating from the downtown Manhattan Helipore.
Amanda Farías
But I mean justified in that the percentage were actually in violation to their 301 complaint versus dismissed for lack of jurisdiction or anything else.
Do we know that percentage?
Anton Fredriksson
We can get back to you with that exact number.
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What were the numbers of 311 noise complaints about helicopters received by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) in recent years?
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What entities are involved in investigating helicopter noise complaints in New York City, and what is the process for investigating these complaints?