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What were the fiscal impacts of reducing tourist helicopter flights after the 2016 agreement?



52 sec

The council member asks if the lower revenue from fewer tourist helicopter flights leaving New York City heliports after the 2016 agreement materially impacted the city's budget or the budget of the Economic Development Corporation (EDC).

  • The EDC Executive Vice President states they would need to analyze potential fiscal impacts on their programs.
  • No definitive answer on material budget impacts is provided.
  • The council member requests to examine the numbers, especially given the new proposal seeks a 30% reduction in flights.
Amanda Farías
And just my last question.
When the 2016 agreement reduced towards flights, I have out of the New York City heleproids did that lower revenue have any material impacts on our budget or on ABC's budget or New York City finances?
Jennifer Sun
We'd also have to again look at what fiscal impact that might have had on our programs, if any.
Amanda Farías
I'd appreciate looking at those numbers so we can get a better idea especially now with the new RFP, you're doing 30% less or requesting that at least.
And I don't have any other comp I was wondering to sign up for questions.
So this panel is now dismissed.
Okay. pigeon logo

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