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What is the difference in resolution times for fast food and retail complaints, and what has the agency done to improve complaint resolution?



129 sec

Council Member Menin notes that in 2022, it took 440 days to resolve fast food complaints and 302 days to resolve retail complaints, and asks what is being done to improve time. The agency notes that the 2023 numbers show they have reduced the time to resolve complaints from 400 days in 2022 to 156 days in 2023, and they describe how their processes impact resolution time.

  • In 2022, the resolution time for fast food complaints was 440 days, compared to 302 days for retail complaints.
  • In 2014, when the paid sick leave law launched, it took 33 days to resolve complaints in the first year.
  • The agency developed a team of data scientists to move from paper records to data analytics for evaluating employer records.
  • This shift from analog to digital processing enabled quicker case resolution.
Julie Menin
It's 440 days to resolve the complaint in 2022, and that is significantly higher than the time for the retail complaint, which is 302.
And I do just want to mention, I mean, 440 days, 302, to meet these numbers are too high.
By way of comparison in 2014, when we launched the city's paid sick leave law, which was obviously an incredibly comprehensive law, It took us in the 1st year 33 days to close out the complaint.
So I am very concerned that these numbers are getting unacceptably high.
So I wanna understand even this difference between the time it's taking for the fast food complaint versus a retail complaint.
Elizabeth Wagner
I I just wanna ask about the source of the numbers.
Are we talking about the PMMR or are we talking about Yeah.
Julie Menin
We're going on the Worker Protection Enforcement Report.
Elizabeth Wagner
So our annual reports okay.
So that's not that would be our calendar year numbers from from 2022.
And there, you know, what we have reported is in terms of time to close complaints.
We have 400 days in 2022 and a 156 days in 2023.
And so definitely trending downwards.
In 2023.
Those numbers will be on our website shortly, but that is what we are reporting for 2020.
Julie Menin
For 2023.
And what do you attribute that that improve metric 2.
What is the agency doing differently?
Elizabeth Wagner
in the I would say in around 2020 to 2021, we began really developing our team of data scientists who had the ability to move our process for analyzing employer records from a largely analog system that required investigator to go through paper records, to being able to evaluate records using data analytics, much more quick and efficiently, and that has improved our times to be able to resolve cases, in particular, our workplace pigeon logo

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