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Does the city track if newly registered lobbyists recently left city employment and evaluate potential conflicts?



73 sec

The City Clerk states that the city does not currently track whether newly registered lobbyists recently left city employment.

  • The City Clerk's office assumes it has jurisdiction over lobbyists.
  • The Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) has jurisdiction over city employees and former employees.
  • The City Clerk suggests modifying the e-lobbyist registration to require certifying prior city employment details.
  • The City Clerk proposes consulting with COIB for guidance on monitoring potential conflicts with former employees becoming lobbyists.
Lincoln Restler
Do you track if newly registered lobbyists recently left city employment?
Do you have access to that information to be able to evaluate whether there may be an issue?
Michael McSweeney
We do not track that information.
And we, you know, we've kind of been operating under the assumption that we have jurisdiction over the lobbyists.
Koib has jurisdiction over employees and former employees, etcetera.
So we it's not something that we've really looked at to any extent.
I mean, you know, I'm sure that we would have to and would be able to figure out some way of looking at that or at least try to establish, you know, how how to track that down looking at the universe of lobbyists.
I think we were talking about maybe inserting questions into the elobbyist where you would have to certify, you know, if you've worked for the city before, what office did you work for, what was your title, you know, and and to have it down you know, kind of loaded it on the front end.
But that would be one way.
And you would also probably contact our colleagues at Croydon and ask for their help and advice on on trying to, you know, learn that better. pigeon logo

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