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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Civil Service and Labor

Apr 25, 2024


01:00 PM

2 hr 40 min


A hearing on pay disparities in New York City's municipal workforce. Discussions centered on findings from the council's pay equity report showing persistent gender and racial wage gaps, with women and people of color concentrated in lower-paying job titles despite equal pay within the same titles. Other focuses included the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 pandemic headcount reductions on female employees of color, barriers to career advancement, need for job training amid automation risks, and improving promotional opportunities. The administration outlined efforts around minimum qualifications, targeted recruitment, career counseling, and an upcoming pay equity analysis, while the council proposed legislation on career counseling, workplace culture surveys, CUNY educational partnerships, public exam promotion, and awarding training points. Features testimony from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), Mayor's Office of Equity and Racial Justice, Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC), labor unions including CWA 1180, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Carmen N. De La Rosa opens hearing on pay disparity in New York City's municipal workforce

Council Member Carmen N. De La Rosa opens a hearing on pay disparity in New York City's municipal workforce, joined by the chairs of the Women and Gender Equity Committee …



4 min


Council Member Farah N. Louis opens committee meeting on pay equity and diversity in the municipal workforce

Council Member Farah N. Louis provides opening remarks highlighting the city's ongoing struggles with gender and racial pay disparities in the municipal workforce. - She thanks colleagues for organizing the …



3 min


Council Member Nantasha M. Williams opens committee hearing on pay disparity and occupational segregation within municipal workforce

Council Member Nantasha M. Williams opens the committee hearing by expressing the unacceptability of continued pay gaps and occupational segregation affecting city employees. - She highlights findings from the Equal …



3 min


Katrina Porter, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, on Strengthening Diversity, Equity, and Pay Parity in New York City's Municipal Workforce

Porter delivers testimony highlighting the city's efforts to increase workforce diversity, promote pay equity, and create more equitable opportunities through the civil service process. - The city has diversified talent …



11 min


Council Member Carmen N. De La Rosa transitions to questions

Council Member De La Rosa emphasizes that CUNY is a crucial pathway to employment for NYC's graduating students. She argues it is appropriate to ask about CUNY's role in job …



47 sec


What is the reason for the gender and racial pay disparities in New York City's municipal workforce despite controlling for work experience?

Women and non-white employees in New York City's municipal workforce are disproportionately receiving salaries below the midpoint of their salary bands, even after controlling for work experience. - Around 95% …



4 min


What civil service positions do not require English fluency, and are exams and educational materials translated into other languages?

Deputy Commissioner Katrina Porter states that all civil service exam documentation is disseminated only in English. - Most civil service titles require understanding and fluency in English. - Some titles …



157 sec


Are exam preparation materials available in languages other than English?

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) does not produce any study guides or exam preparation materials for civil service exams. - DCAS states all city employees need to communicate …



97 sec


Who produces the study materials for civil service exams, and are there resources available in languages other than English?

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) does not produce civil service exam study materials; they are provided by private enterprises. - DCAS does not offer study materials in languages …



53 sec


Council member De La Rosa raises concerns about comprehension and learning styles in the city's workforce and testing process

The council member raises concerns that the city's workforce and testing process does not adequately account for different learning styles and levels of comprehension. - She suggests that if a …



44 sec


Katrina Porter describes what information is provided in the notice of exam document for civil service job exams?

The notice of exam document provides detailed information to prepare candidates for civil service job exams. - It lists the subject areas that will be covered on the exam - …



53 sec


What is the capacity for translating existing materials into other languages?

The council member asks if the agency can work with partner agencies to translate existing materials into other languages. The agency representative responds that further discussion is warranted, but she …



18 sec


Council Member Farah N. Louis shares her thoughts on the role of language based on her experience as a daughter of Haitian immigrants

Council Member Louis highlights the importance of language literacy for immigrant communities. - She discusses being the daughter of Haitian immigrants - She explains that learning a language is different …



19 sec


What are the patterns of wage and occupational segregation identified based on New York City's pay equity reporting data, and how is the agency addressing the gaps found?

The agency is currently focused on selecting a vendor to conduct a comprehensive study analyzing occupational segregation patterns across job titles in New York City's workforce. - Once a vendor …



98 sec


What considerations have been made regarding inequities in leave policies for city employees?

The city is addressing issues around paid sick leave, parental leave, and other forms of leave through negotiations with unions. Most civilian employees have similar leave benefits laid out in …



123 sec


What is the relationship between the pay equity analysis RFP for approximately 60 job titles and the comparative worth analysis required by local law 27?

The pay equity analysis RFP for approximately 60 job titles throughout city government is the same as the one required by local law 27 to conduct a comparative worth analysis. …



44 sec


What is the status of requests for proposals (RFPs) being issued for the pay equity analysis?

The Chief Equity Officer & Commissioner confirms that the RFP in question, issued through DCAS as the cochair of the cabinet, is the only RFP being issued for the pay …



13 sec


What are the key pillars of the strategy to combat wage and occupational segregation?

The Chief Equity Officer explains the strategy to combat wage and occupational segregation. - Agencies will produce their first racial equity plans based on 2022 election mandates - The plans …



75 sec


What has the task force on racial inclusion and equity done to address disparities in the Bronx?

The task force on racial inclusion and equity has focused its efforts on the Bronx, one of the areas most impacted by COVID-19. - It identified 33 neighborhoods in the …



69 sec


What is the status of the city-wide racial equity plan's release scheduled for April 26th?

The Chief Equity Officer indicates the city-wide racial equity plan's release timeline has been adjusted due to when The Mayor's Office of Equity was established. - The adjusted release timeline …



64 sec


What is the new timeline for the release of the citywide racial equity plan?

Sideya Sherman, Chief Equity Officer & Commissioner of The Mayor's Office of Equity, states that a preliminary citywide racial equity plan will be released in the fall. The final plan …



12 sec


What progress has been made in filling vacancies at the Mayor's Office of Equity and Racial Justice (MOERJ), and what recruitment steps have been taken to address vacant positions?

The Chief Equity Officer & Commissioner, Sideya Sherman, explains that recruitment is her top priority. - A new office has been established in a challenging recruitment environment. - MOERJ's pipeline …



79 sec


Council Member Nantasha M. Williams on the Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on the Municipal Workforce, Particularly Female Employees of Color

Council Member Nantasha M. Williams presented an analysis showing that the COVID-19 crisis had a disproportionate impact on female employees of color in the municipal workforce. - She displayed data …



94 sec


What steps have DCAS and the Mayor's Pay Equity cabinet taken to address the recruitment and retention of female employees of color?

Deputy Commissioner Porter explains that one of DCAS's missions is to support city agencies in retaining and attracting top talent. - In 2023, DCAS embarked on the Hiring Hall initiative …



107 sec


What is DCAS's role in monitoring and addressing attrition rates in city agencies?

The council member asks if DCAS is responsible for analyzing employee attrition data across city agencies and engaging focus groups to understand the factors driving people to leave their jobs. …



7 sec


What oversight does DCAS have over agency workforce trends and attrition rates?

DCAS advises agencies to review their workforce statistics and utilization data quarterly to identify areas of underrepresentation for women and people of color. - Agencies are advised to use this …



6 min


What proposals and ideas does the administration have to diversify higher paid senior roles and rectify pay disparities for non-white female employees?

The administration is taking steps to address pay gaps and disparities across the city workforce. - It is reviewing minimum qualification requirements to expand access to city jobs. - It …



4 min


What is the status of the analysis on disparities and roadblocks to career progression, and can DCAS share findings at this time?

The council member inquires about the status of the analysis regarding disparities and roadblocks to career progression for city employees. The DCAS deputy commissioner responds: - DCAS provided the required …



132 sec


What tracking efforts are in place for the civil service ambassador program's outreach initiatives?

The council staff explains that DCAS has implemented measures to track the effectiveness of outreach events aimed at educating the public about civil service career opportunities. - Over 209 outreach …



108 sec


What feedback is DCAS getting from young people at outreach events in high schools and colleges?

DCAS is receiving feedback that young people were not aware of the breadth of opportunities and processes for careers in city government beyond the typical uniformed roles. - People are …



92 sec


What cross-work programs and initiatives related to civil service are offered by the City University of New York (CUNY)?

The council member asks about collaborations between the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) and CUNY to educate students about civil service opportunities. - DCAS has an existing partnership with …



142 sec


What written materials does DCAS provide to CUNY students related to civil service careers?

DCAS provides various written materials during outreach sessions with community students regarding civil service careers. - DCAS gives 'Civil Service 101' informational materials - DCAS distributes notices about upcoming civil …



86 sec


What are the other educational outreach initiatives besides the fellowship program, such as civil service ambassador programs, that could model the advertising campaign?

The council member asks about additional educational outreach initiatives beyond the fellowship program, specifically mentioning civil service ambassador programs, that could model the advertising campaign to promote civil service examinations. …



97 sec


What New York City agencies offer placements for the 55A program participants?

The council staff states that approximately 34 NYC agencies currently utilize the 55A program for participant placements. - The top 5 agencies are the Department of Social Services, Department of …



167 sec


What is DCAS's position on granting additional points on promotional exams for certain qualifications?

DCAS has concerns about the equitable distribution of additional points on civil service exams. The council member explains that DCAS is open to discussing what is possible within civil service …



47 sec


What barriers or challenges exist in offering career counseling services to city employees?

The Deputy Commissioner states it is not feasible for DCAS to administer career counseling for over 300,000 city employees as the bill is currently written. - Career counseling services are …



52 sec


Katrina Porter, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Human Capital Officer at DCAS, on the high demand for career counseling services

Porter states that the DCAS career counselor's schedule fills up very quickly, indicating a significant desire for such services among employees. - She emphasizes the importance of providing high-quality career …



20 sec


What is the process for expanding eligibility for promotional exams to employees in related positions?

DCAS has an internal system called Title Specifications Online that outlines promotional tracks for each city job title. Deputy Commissioner Porter expresses uncertainty about the specific goals of the proposed …



104 sec


Jeanne Victor, Executive Director of the Equal Employment Practices Commission, on Addressing Inequities and Underutilization in New York City's Workforce

Victor outlines the role of the Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) in auditing city entities' equal employment opportunity programs and researching the underutilization of women and people of color in …



8 min


Does the data suggest any causal connections between underutilization and pay inequity or other patterns in the city's hiring and retention practices?

The Director of Research at the Equal Employment Practices Commission states that their data does not allow them to make strong causal claims about connections between the underutilization of women …



74 sec


Does the lack of data or the inability to analyze existing data prevent making causal claims?

The Director of Research at the Equal Employment Practices Commission confirms that the inability to make causal claims is primarily due to a lack of data.



15 sec


What is the relationship between occupational segregation and other forms of inequity in the municipal workforce, according to EEPC's analysis?

The Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC)'s analysis suggests that occupational segregation, hiring patterns, and attrition rates exacerbate existing disparities and inequities within the municipal workforce. - Occupational segregation already exists, …



106 sec


What compensation data beyond salaries can the Equal Employment Practices Commission track?

The Equal Employment Practices Commission cannot track compensation data beyond publicly available union contracts and negotiations. - They have no ability to track availability of key benefits like paid sick …



28 sec


How many alleged or expected human rights law violations does the Equal Employment Practices Commission typically uncover and refer to other agencies?

The Equal Employment Practices Commission refers alleged human rights law violations to the Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) if uncovered during audits. - The Executive Director states they have referred …



105 sec


What kind of compliance have agencies shown in following EEPC's recommendations for improving hiring and retention practices to build a diverse workforce?

The Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC) audits agencies to assess their compliance with standards aimed at increasing representation of women and people of color. The EEPC looks for evidence that …



4 min


What are the suggestions to strengthen the Equal Employment Practices Commission's work on pay equity?

The council member asks the Executive Director of the Equal Employment Practices Commission for recommendations to improve the agency's efforts related to pay equity and employment practices in New York …



6 min


Gloria Middleton, President of Communication Workers of America Local 1180, on Pay Equity and Career Advancement for Women and People of Color in New York City's Municipal Workforce

Middleton testified about her union's efforts to achieve pay equity, especially for women and women of color who make up a large portion of the union's members. - She highlighted …



3 min


Arthur Chilliotis, President Emeritus and Current Business Manager of Local 11 80, on Discrimination Against Women and Minorities in Salaries and Promotions in New York City Government

Arthur Chilliotis, who has worked for New York City since 1972, discusses the discrimination against women and minorities in salaries and promotional opportunities he has witnessed. - He explains that …



3 min


Greg Mantsios, Founding Dean of the CUNY School of Labor And Urban Studies on educational achievements not translating to career advancement for union workers and people of color

Greg Mantsios testifies that despite the CUNY School of Labor And Urban Studies providing higher education opportunities to public sector workers, predominantly women and people of color, many still feel …



4 min


What are the most effective measures to address the pay and promotional gap for city workers?

Council Member De La Rosa inquires about the most impactful measures to close the pay and promotional gap for city employees. - She mentions potential approaches like career counseling, workplace …



3 min


Arthur Chilliotis, President Emeritus and Current Business Manager of Local 1180, on Improving Promotional Opportunities and Compensation for Minorities and Women in Civil Service Positions

Arthur Chilliotis advocates for measures to address segregated classifications and lack of promotional opportunities for minorities and women in civil service jobs. - He proposes creating courses to prepare segregated …



3 min


Greg Mantsios, Founding Dean of CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, on CUNY's Social Justice Training Corps Program

Mantsios testifies about CUNY's proposed Social Justice Training Corps program, modeled after ROTC, that aims to prepare students from disadvantaged communities for public service careers. The program involves: - Taking …



151 sec


Michael Greco, Vice President of Local 2507 representing EMTs, paramedics, and fire inspectors serving in the FDNY, on Pay Disparity and Inequity Within the FDNY Workforce

Greco testifies about the significant pay disparity between EMTs, paramedics, and fire inspectors compared to other FDNY employees like firefighters. - He highlights the detrimental impacts of this pay inequity …



3 min


Dalvanie Powell, President of the United Probation Officers' Association, on Pay Disparity and Working Conditions for Probation Officers in New York City

Powell testifies about the challenges probation officers in NYC face, including a diminished workforce, increased workload, retention issues due to low salaries compared to other law enforcement, and a need …



5 min


Kyle Simmons, President of the New York City Labor's Union Local 9 24, on Racial and Gender Disparities in New York City's Construction Industry

Kyle Simmons argues there is a systemic pattern of economic suppression of certain races and genders in New York City's construction industry through entry-level labor class titles that require no …



10 min


Beverly Neufeld, Founder and President of PowHer New York, on Initiatives and Recommendations for Achieving Pay Equity and Addressing Gender and Racial Wage Gaps

Neufeld commends the NYC Council for their concrete actions using data transparency to address pay disparities. - She praises Local Law 18 requiring workforce evaluation and salary transparency as successes …



4 min pigeon logo

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