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What cross-work programs and initiatives related to civil service are offered by the City University of New York (CUNY)?



142 sec

The council member asks about collaborations between the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) and CUNY to educate students about civil service opportunities.

  • DCAS has an existing partnership with CUNY through fellowship programs.
  • DCAS's Office of Citywide Recruitment connects with CUNY career services, professors, and department chairs.
  • DCAS organizes information sessions, career workshops, and participates in CUNY career fairs.
  • DCAS engages with CUNY student groups and programs to provide information about city government jobs.
  • DCAS did not specifically mention providing written materials to CUNY on civil service.
Farah N. Louis
I have a couple of questions, but I'll start here.
I heard the disclaimer earlier that you won't be able to provide information about 828-829.
I just wanna share as executive level representatives for the mayor's office.
I'm pretty sure there's some information you could provide today.
So I'm gonna still ask the questions because I know that you're more than capable of providing some information to us.
So regarding intro 828, sponsored by myself and co prime by chair Delarosa, would require Decast to collaborate with CUNY to develop written materials to educate students about the city's civil service system and various opportunities to engage with the civil service through CUNY's curriculum or programs.
We understand that you may not have had a chance to prepare for this question given the short notice, but do you think you can provide or discuss some of the cross work programs and initiatives offered by CUNY that relate to civil service that you would include in these written materials.
Katrina Porter
So thank you for that.
And, you know, as I mentioned just a short time ago, we have a strong partnership with CUNY already through our fellowship program.
So we don't foresee this being a big issue.
I also wanna hand it over to Katie and Otara to talk more about her outreach through the office of recruitment.
Farah N. Louis
Thank you.
Kadian Outar
Thank you.
Across the last 8 years, since the office of citywide recruitment has been established, we have formed strong partnerships with the CUNY Schools.
Not only connecting with their career services offices, but looking at professors and chairs in specific departments as it relates positions within city government.
So a part of our assistant agencies with their recruitment, depending on their needs, will reach out to those specific areas and schools to try to set up either information sessions or career workshops to introduce agencies to the and students to the opportunities available.
So we also specifically reach out to CUNY schools to participate in their career fairs that they usually have twice per year.
And then we engage, again, not only just the career services, but sometimes they have different groups, different programs to make sure that they have the connection and understanding of opportunities within city government.
So we continue to work with them, and we absolutely will continue to expand our relationship those groups. pigeon logo

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