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What measures are taken to ensure quality of language translations across platforms?



123 sec

Deputy Commissioner Morrisroe explains the process for monitoring translation quality across NYC 311's platforms.

  • The city partners with LanguageLine for interpretation services, leveraging their expertise and resources.
  • An additional vendor is utilized for cross-validation and written translations.
  • Internal quality control measures are employed, such as reviewing recorded calls with interpreters.
  • NYC 311 relies on LanguageLine's vested interest in providing accurate translations across industries.
  • Ongoing efforts are made to understand best practices and train interpreters appropriately.
Jennifer Gutiérrez
And my last question is how do you all monitor the quality of language translations both on the site, text messaging, and even using language line.
We've had joint hearing specifically on language line and some of the disconnect for users just because their languages also have their dialects, different intonations, different meetings, how it just to be one one software or perform quality control in this instance?
Joe Morrisroe
Very important question.
It's something we do spend focus and time on.
It does start with LanguageLine itself.
So one of the best advantages that we have in contracting with LanguageLine is their size and scope, and more importantly, their business model, which works with commercial and life safety resources across the country.
So language lines own best interest is to make sure that they're delivering quality service.
Once we work with them, we're able to get an understanding of some of the best practices, some of the tips, and some of the the the ways to record and the ways to handle a train interpreter call.
We also have the ability to do 2 things.
We have a contract with language line.
We can also use another vendor to basically do trans interpretation and and written translations.
So we will rely on a language line interpretation at times to validate a call if we need to because we can use a recorded call, for example.
So heavy depend not heavy dependents, heavy partnership with LanguageLine, leveraging the fact that they have a vested interest in being good at what they do beyond New York City's involvement.
Within that, then we also use our own quality control structure.
So we're able to go through calls up there in a language other than English or Spanish.
And we need a resource.
We can bring a language line resource on to listen to that call and interpret for us.
Jennifer Gutiérrez
Thank you.
That seems thorough.
And I will pass it now to council member Holden who has follow-up questions. pigeon logo

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