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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Finance

May 20, 2024


09:30 AM

8 hr 4 min


A hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget for the New York City Department of Sanitation and Department of Parks and Recreation. Discussions focused on initiatives to overhaul waste management like containerization and curbside composting, concerns over budget cuts impacting park maintenance and staffing levels, and calls to increase funding for environmental programs and open spaces. Featured testimony from the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Parks and Recreation, park worker unions, community composting groups, environmental advocates, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Justin L. Brannan opens FY 25 Executive Budget Hearings on the Department of Sanitation and Parks Department

Council Member Justin L. Brannan welcomes attendees and outlines the agenda for the Fiscal Year 2025 executive budget hearings, starting with the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) and Parks Department. - …



168 sec


Council Member Shaun Abreu opens Fiscal 2025 Executive Budget Hearing on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management

Council Member Shaun Abreu delivers the opening statement at the joint fiscal 2025 executive budget hearing for the Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management and the Committee on Finance. …



172 sec


Jessica Tisch, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Sanitation on Initiatives to Revolutionize Waste Management in NYC

Jessica Tisch, the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Sanitation, outlines the department's comprehensive initiatives to overhaul waste management in the city. - Tisch details plans for widespread …



19 min


Council Member Justin L. Brannan expresses support for New York City Department of Sanitation

Council Member Brannan praises the New York City Department of Sanitation for being responsive and states the council believes a clean city is a foundation for safety. - He says …



42 sec


What is the plan for continuing services funded by expiring American Rescue Plan (ARP) money?

The council member inquires about how the Department of Sanitation New York (DSNY) plans to maintain services that were previously subsidized by federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding, which is …



71 sec


What areas have seen increased need for litter basket pickups due to changed work habits with more people working from home?

Commissioner Tisch states that litter basket service levels have remained at historically high levels in recent years with the help of budget allocations from the council, resulting in significantly reduced …



157 sec


How much funding is needed for proper litter basket service in New York City?

The commissioner explains that $22 million in funding has provided adequate litter basket service in the past 2 years, resulting in a 42% decrease in litter basket complaints compared to …



73 sec


What is the status of funding for waste export in upcoming fiscal years after the decrease from ARP funding?

The council member asks if city dollars have replaced the ARP funding allocated for waste export that decreased from FY24 to FY25. - The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) had $370 …



21 sec


What are the details and rationale behind the $10 million PSA adjustment for FY24?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch explains that the $10 million PSA adjustment for FY24 supports various areas of the personnel services (PS) budget based on projected year-end spending. - It primarily covers …



77 sec


What funding supports the expansion of the waste containerization pilot and creation of a new division?

The funding supports the expansion of the M9 containerization pilot to include all residences and schools, as well as the creation of a new waste containerization division within the New …



73 sec


What are the metrics for success of the waste containerization pilot program?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch outlines the quantitative and qualitative metrics being used to evaluate the success of the waste containerization pilot program. - Quantitative metrics include tons per truck shift, number …



47 sec


What are the plans to expand the waste containerization pilot program citywide?

The commissioner explains that based on lessons learned from the M9 containerization program, the plan is to roll out waste containers citywide for high density areas. - The waste containerization …



11 sec


What adjustments are being made to snow removal strategies to account for changing weather patterns and climate conditions?

Commissioner Tisch explains that the snow budget is based on the average of the past 5 years, but they can exceed that budget if needed for effective snow removal. - …



147 sec


What factors contribute to overtime expenses for uniformed employees, and how does the department plan to manage and reduce those costs?

The New York City Department of Sanitation explains that the main drivers of overtime for uniformed staff are holidays falling on normal collection days and peak vacation months. - The …



133 sec


Council Member Justin L. Brannan remarks on importance of New York City Department of Sanitation

Council Member Brannan praises the hard work of New York City's sanitation workers. - He says it is a thankless job where garbage disappears without recognition. - People only notice …



22 sec


What is the reason behind eliminating and not restoring funding for community composting programs in New York City?

The administration did not allocate funding to restore the city's community composting programs in the executive budget plan, despite restoration in other areas. The New York City Department of Sanitation …



120 sec


What initiatives has the New York City Department of Sanitation implemented for composting?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch explains the composting initiatives launched by the Adams administration and the Department of Sanitation. - Universal curbside composting service is being rolled out for all 3.5 million …



149 sec


Council Member Shaun Abreu expresses support for curbside composting and community composting

Council Member Abreu expresses excitement about the upcoming expansion of curbside composting to Manhattan in the fall. - He states his constituents support pairing curbside composting with community composting - …



36 sec


What percentage of compostable material was composted or sent to anaerobic digestion as part of the curbside program in Queens?

Commissioner Tisch states that currently about 20% of collected material is composted and 80% is beneficially reused. - The NYC Department of Sanitation is undergoing a procurement process to diversify …



115 sec


What percentage of organic material goes to landfills versus being composted or sent for aerobic digestion?

The commissioner states that 100% of the organic material provided by residents and collected by the Department of Sanitation is either composted or anaerobically digested. - None of the organic …



38 sec


Is the Department of Sanitation considering extending the contract with GrowNYC for community composting initiatives? If so, what factors are being considered in the decision-making process?

The Commissioner of the Department of Sanitation states that the contract with GrowNYC for community composting initiatives is in its final year with no available renewals, meaning it cannot be …



70 sec


What is the proposed fee structure for waste hauling services within the commercial waste zones and how will fees be determined for businesses located in those zones?

The contractual fees will be set at the maximum rate that waste hauling companies (referred to as 'Carters') are allowed to charge, but businesses are encouraged to negotiate lower prices …



66 sec


What is the anticipated revenue from fees charged to businesses for waste hauling services within the zones?

The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Sanitation states that the expected annual revenue from fees charged to businesses for waste hauling services within the designated zones, once …



12 sec


What measures ensure fairness and equity in waste hauling fees for businesses of different sizes and industries?

The commissioner explains that through complex negotiations and careful contracting, in 18 out of 20 zones, at least one of the three carters will operate below the current rate cap …



66 sec


What incentives are there in the waste hauling fee structure for promoting sustainable practices like recycling, waste reduction, and low-emission vehicles?

The commissioner explains that there are incentives within the fee structure for recycling and waste reduction. - Discounts for recycling and organics apply to all service charges on customer bills. …



53 sec


What are the measures for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the fee structure and service agreements for waste hauling services within the designated zones, and what penalties will be imposed for noncompliance?

The council member asks about the city's plan to monitor and enforce compliance with the fee structure for waste hauling services within the zones, and the penalties for noncompliance. The …



81 sec


What outreach and education efforts does the Department of Sanitation plan for informing stakeholders about the transition to a new age management system?

The Department of Sanitation has a $1.5 million budget for outreach and education on the new age management system rollout. - The outreach will be conducted zone by zone across …



73 sec


What are the details regarding the outreach and budget for the new commercial waste zone program?

The commissioner explains that the $1.5 million contract covers outreach capacity for the entire city's commercial waste zone program rollout. - The initial $1.5 million budget is more than needed …



94 sec


Council Member David Carr shares his remarks before questions

Council Member David Carr thanks the sanitation commissioner for collaboration on quality of life initiatives. - He commends the Targeted Neighborhood Task Force visuals and connection to lot cleaning units. …



28 sec


What is the current status and future plans for the Targeted Neighborhood Task Force and Lot Cleaning initiatives?

The Targeted Neighborhood Task Force and Lot Cleaning initiatives are currently not funded in the executive budget. - The Department of Sanitation still has a surplus number of sanitation workers. …



40 sec


What is needed for the New York City Department of Sanitation to continue certain operations without relying on excess staff?

The commissioner explains that continuing certain operations depends on having a surplus number of sanitation workers. - Sanitation recently hired workers anticipating the programs would continue - With the current …



44 sec


What is the funding and staffing situation for lot cleaning and other sanitation programs in fiscal year 2024?

The New York City Department of Sanitation confirms the funding levels and staffing headcounts to continue lot cleaning and other sanitation programs at FY24 levels. - Lot cleaning was allocated …



71 sec


What are the plans for implementing illegal dumping cameras across New York City?

The New York City Department of Sanitation is increasing the number of illegal dumping cameras across the city. - There are currently 280 illegal dumping cameras installed citywide. - The …



87 sec


What is the timeline for installing illegal dumping cameras in high-risk areas?

The timeline for installing illegal dumping cameras is driven by when funding is approved for spending by the Office of Management and Budget. - It typically takes 4 to 7 …



49 sec


What measures beyond cameras and enforcement officers is the Department of Sanitation taking to deter illegal dumping?

The Commissioner explains that the Department has increased its sanitation enforcement by over 60% in the past year and hired about 50% more sanitation police officers than ever before. - …



47 sec


What is the plan for expanding and improving the smart composting bin program in New York City?

The Department of Sanitation is replacing inserts in existing smart composting bins to increase their capacity. - The larger inserts will allow the bins to hold significantly more compost. - …



100 sec


What are the details on when and where the new public litter bin program will be rolled out this summer?

The commissioner will share data showing the areas where litter bins are filling up most quickly and need to be added or relocated from lower usage areas. - Specific timeframe …



33 sec


What are the agency's plans to utilize fumigation techniques for rat mitigation?

The commissioner explains that she does not oversee rat extermination techniques as that falls under other agencies like the Department of Health and Department of Education. - The commissioner's role …



58 sec


Council Member Lincoln Restler opens his questions with remarks

Council Member Lincoln Restler commends Commissioner Jessica Tisch and the Department of Sanitation for their strong performance and innovation in keeping streets clean and reducing rat presence. - Restler praises …



68 sec


What is the estimate of cars that failed to comply with alternate side parking rules?

The commissioner does not provide an estimate of the number of cars that fail to comply with alternate side parking (ASP) rules. - She states that when street sweepers cannot …



60 sec


What are the details concerning cuts to community composting programs, and how can services be restored or continued?

The council member and commissioner discuss issues related to the administration's cuts to community composting sites operated by organizations like GrowNYC, Earth Matters, Big Reuse, and others. - The council …



128 sec


What is the timeline for implementing large on-street waste containers and smart composting bins in certain areas?

The commissioner explains the timeline for large on-street waste containers and smart composting bins in some areas. - Large on-street waste containers will be rolled out in Manhattan Community District …



68 sec


What is the budget and capacity for removing derelict vehicles and addressing illegal dumping and street vending?

Commissioner Tisch explains the New York City Department of Sanitation's approach to these issues. - DSNY has increased enforcement for removing derelict vehicles by partnering with NYPD, resulting in over …



4 min


Council Member Christopher Marte shares remarks before questions

Council Member Marte opens the oversight hearing by praising the Department of Sanitation's work and policy decisions. - He commends the agency for removing black bags from streets, improving cleanliness …



73 sec


What provisions can be put in place to prevent vendors from being unemployed during procurement delays?

The commissioner explains there was no funding for the composting program, which caused delays in the procurement process and left vendors unemployed. - One vendor's contract with the city expires …



120 sec


How can the sanitation department avoid challenges with site procurement and finding creative uses for limited spaces?

Ryan Merola acknowledges the department did not proceed as planned with a particular small and restricted site. - The site has limited usability due to its size and restrictions - …



64 sec


What is the update on DSNY's approach to street vending enforcement, and what is the breakdown of violations issued?

Ryan Merola provides an overview of the street vending violations issued by DSNY in 2024. - The top violations include vending without a license, improper parking or storage related to …



124 sec


Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez remarks on illegal street vending and enforcement

Council Member Sanchez raises concerns about the lack of enforcement capacity to address widespread illegal street vending in many communities. - She notes that on a typical busy Saturday on …



59 sec


What interventions does the sanitation department wish they had to address unlicensed street vending?

The sanitation commissioner explains that the key driver of unlicensed street vending is the number of vending licenses issued by the city. - Often when sanitation police arrive, vendors abandon …



174 sec


What are the plans for outreach and education regarding the commercial waste zones pilot program?

The commissioner explains the outreach and education plan for the commercial waste zones pilot program starting in Central Queens. - An MWBE vendor has been hired with a $1.5 million …



166 sec


What is the status of the Jersey Street Garage request for proposals (RFP) and construction timeline?

The commissioner states that a new garage is being built for the Staten Island sanitation districts 1 and 3, allowing them to relocate from the Jersey Street Garage. - The …



146 sec


What measures are being taken to ensure public schools comply with waste containerization requirements?

The Commissioner explains that public schools are not currently under a containerization mandate, but there is a planned high-density fixed on-street container program that will include schools in Manhattan 9 …



139 sec


Have there been any repeat offenders caught illegally dumping waste?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch confirms that there has been at least one repeat offender caught illegally dumping waste. - The department issues summonses of $4,000 for illegal dumping offenses. - Vehicles …



57 sec


What are the consequences for offenders caught illegally dumping?

The council member asks if a driver's license gets suspended for offenders caught illegally dumping, and the sanitation commissioner responds that such a suspension would require a change in state …



15 sec


What is the current status and timeline for enforcement of the law regarding illegal car washes?

Deputy Commissioner Ryan Merola states that the Department of Consumer And Worker Protection is currently conducting a six-month outreach and education campaign regarding the law on illegal car washes. - …



55 sec


Council Member Susan Zhuang shares remarks before questions

Council Member Susan Zhuang expresses gratitude to the NYC Department of Sanitation and its staff for their hard work. - She thanks Commissioner Jessica Tisch and the department for doing …



22 sec


What caused the significant drop in federal funding for the Department of Sanitation and how did it impact service levels?

The Department of Sanitation experienced a drop in federal funding from an original 20% to 11%. The Commissioner explains that the reduced federal funding was replaced with city dollars and …



30 sec


What are the plans to increase sanitation services for growing business corridors?

The council member inquires about any plans to enhance sanitation services like additional garbage cans for expanding business areas. The sanitation commissioner explains that while individual council members can use …



85 sec


What is the budget for street sweeping operations in fiscal year 2025?

The Department of Sanitation is planning to spend $30.8 million on purchasing 76 new mechanical street sweepers in fiscal year 2025. - There are 280 uniform personnel assigned to street …



51 sec


What are the details and projections for the fiscal year 2025 budget allocated to street sweeping operations?

The New York City Department of Sanitation plans to allocate $30.8 million for purchasing 76 new mechanical street sweepers as capital expenditure in fiscal year 2025. - An estimated $22.2 …



89 sec


How does the Department of Sanitation ensure efficient street sweeping operations and assess cleanliness standards?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch explains how the Department of Sanitation manages street sweeping operations and evaluates cleanliness. - The department uses daily street cleaning assignments based on regulations and schedules - …



71 sec


What metrics are used to assess street cleanliness after street sweeping operations?

The Department of Sanitation uses GPS technology on street sweepers to monitor the progress of street sweeping routes. - Street sweepers are equipped with GPS to track their routes - …



32 sec


How often are cleanliness assessments conducted for street sweeping and what are the targets?

The commissioner explains that cleanliness assessments for street sweeping are conducted daily by field officers. - Assessments focus on streets scheduled for sweeping that day - The department also investigates …



50 sec


What is the process for issuing fines and penalties for violations of street sweeping regulations?

The council member explains that the current fine amount for street sweeping violations is $50, which is the maximum allowed under Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL). - The commissioner does …



43 sec


What is the revenue generated from street sweeping violation fines, and how are cameras involved in enforcing these violations?

The Department of Finance handles revenue from fines, not the Department of Sanitation. - The council member asked about revenue generated from street sweeping violation fines - The sanitation commissioner …



22 sec


What is the total budget allocated for DSNY's waste export activities?

The commissioner explains the total budget allocated for the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY)'s waste export activities. - For fiscal year 2024, the waste export budget is currently …



54 sec


What were the trends and budget for waste export over the past few years, including any significant increases or fluctuations in cost?

Commissioner Jessica Tisch explains that the waste export tonnage has been relatively consistent at around 3.2 million tons per year, but the costs have increased due to contractual price changes …



45 sec


What are the details on aligning the waste export budget with long-term waste management goals?

The commissioner explains that the department reduces the waste export budget when programs like curbside organics collection are funded, offsetting costs for organics processing. - The curbside organics collection program …



28 sec


What factors have contributed to the increasing costs associated with waste export activities in recent years?

The commissioner explains that the increased costs are largely tied to contractual price changes from the city's waste export vendors, driven by changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and …



45 sec


What measures can reduce waste export costs for New York City?

The commissioner explains that encouraging recycling and rolling out curbside organics collection helps reduce waste export costs. - Recycling more material lessens the amount of waste that needs to be …



34 sec


What are the cleaning schedules and potential improvements for Nostrand Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard business corridors?

The council member asks about the cleaning schedules for the Nostrand Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard business corridors and if additional attention can be provided due to overflowing litter baskets …



102 sec


What is the update on the sanitation cameras installed in Council Member Chi Ossé's district? Have there been any crackdowns on illegal dumping in those areas?

The NYC Department of Sanitation has installed 5 cameras in Council Member Chi Ossé's district. - The cameras were installed in consultation with the Council Member last year at identified …



46 sec


What is the status and timeline for the containerization pilot program in New York City?

The commissioner explains the city's plan to roll out large on-street containers for trash collection from high-density buildings. - Phase 1 will begin in Manhattan Community District 9 in one …



115 sec


Council Member Justin L. Brannan opens Department of Parks And Recreation portion of the executive budget hearing on the FY 2024-2028 financial plan

Council Member Justin L. Brannan welcomes attendees to the hearing on the Parks Department's budget in the executive financial plan for fiscal years 2024-2028. - He outlines the financial context, …



164 sec


Council Member Shekar Krishnan opens this portion of committee hearing on the Fiscal 2025 Executive Budget for the Department of Parks and Recreation

Council Member Shekar Krishnan expresses disappointment with the proposed $55.3 million decrease in the Parks Department's budget for fiscal year 2025, going against the mayor's previous commitment to increase parks …



4 min


Sue Donoghue, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, on the Agency's Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget and Initiatives

Sue Donoghue provides an overview of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation's executive budget for fiscal year 2025 and highlights the agency's key achievements and future plans. …



8 min


What discussions have there been with OMB regarding restoration of Parks programs?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue confirms that discussions are ongoing with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) about restoring certain parks programs. - The economic situation necessitated difficult decisions on program …



43 sec


What is the second shift initiative at the NYC Parks Department?

The commissioner explains the second shift initiative at the NYC Parks Department schedules workers on a Thursday-Monday schedule with later afternoon hours and weekends. - It was introduced last year …



34 sec


What is the budgeted and actual headcount for parks department staff responsible for grass cutting?

The commissioner states that the overall budgeted staffing for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation according to the FY25 preliminary budget is 4,101 employees. - For the …



28 sec


What were the budgeted versus actual numbers for maintenance and operations positions since fiscal year 2021?

Council Member Justin L. Brannan asked Commissioner Sue Donoghue about the budgeted versus actual numbers for maintenance and operations (M&O) positions at the New York City Department of Parks and …



27 sec


What is the impact of M&O positions compared to other positions?

The council member explains that M&O (maintenance and operation) positions make up the bulk of the agency's staffing and have a focus on maintaining clean and safe parks. - M&O …



29 sec


What has been the greatest impact of budget cuts on the operations of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The commissioner explains that due to the difficult fiscal environment, all budget cuts were carefully considered but were difficult decisions to make. Since maintenance and operations make up the largest …



42 sec


What are the current hiring policies and procedures in the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The Parks Department has implemented an attrition policy where no new hires are being made when employees leave the department due to budget constraints. - As people leave the Parks …



35 sec


What constitutes a hiring freeze at the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The commissioner explains that the current situation creates an inability to hire new employees if someone leaves their position. - The department cannot fill vacant positions that become open. - …



11 sec


Has the Department of Parks and Recreation had ongoing conversations with OMV about their current arrangement?

The Department of Parks and Recreation has been having ongoing conversations with OMV about their current arrangement, and those conversations will continue.



8 sec


Are there any positions exempt from that equation?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue confirms that pep, capital, and recreation positions are currently exempt from the effective hiring freeze.



15 sec


What positions could have a more negative impact if not filled compared to others within the NYC Parks Department?

The commissioner acknowledges that difficult choices impacting the entire agency had to be made regarding positions, but does not elaborate further.



23 sec


What are the major changes that led to the significant decrease in the parks budget?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that the significant decrease in the parks budget was due to changes announced in the November and January plans. - In the November plan, there was …



61 sec


What were the impacts on service from personnel attrition in the Parks Department?

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation did not notice any decreases in service at the current time due to the personnel attrition. - The lack of service …



25 sec


What is the number of full-time staff employed in the capital projects division for construction?

The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation states that there are 440 people employed in the capital division, which is responsible for the design and …



47 sec


What are the job titles of the 440 employees in the division at the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The deputy commissioner lists various job titles for the 440 employees in that division, including landscape architects, architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction project managers.



17 sec


What is the reason behind the decrease in funding for fiscal year 2026 and the rollover to future years?

The council member inquires about the cause for the 23.7% decrease in the FY26 capital commitment plan and the consequent push of project funding into later fiscal years. The deputy …



52 sec


What strategies have contributed to the accelerated pace of capital projects in parks?

The parks department has been able to decrease the total timeline for capital projects through various reforms and strategies. - Utilizing prequalified contractor lists to shorten the selection process by …



170 sec


What is Commissioner Donoghue's vision for utilizing additional resources in the Parks Department?

Commissioner Donoghue states that she would welcome additional resources and staff for the Parks Department. - She highlights the success of the second shift initiative to have more staff during …



115 sec


What is the ideal staffing level for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The council member inquires about the adequate headcount required for the Parks Department to effectively maintain parks, including cleaning with second shifts and sufficient resources for the Trees And Forestry …



72 sec


What is the current budgeted headcount for the Parks department?

The commissioner responds that the current budgeted headcount for the Parks department is 4,101 employees.



13 sec


What is the current headcount of Parks Department employees and the proposed staffing changes?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue states that the current headcount of employees in the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation is around 4,500. - Council Member Shekar Krishnan notes a …



28 sec


What are the staffing impacts of the reduction by 400 positions and the hiring freeze at the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation?

The council member confirms the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation is facing both a reduction of 400 positions and a hiring freeze where vacancies cannot be filled …



23 sec


What are the impacts of the reduced Parks Department headcount on operations and maintenance?

The Parks Commissioner acknowledges the department's headcount reduction to 4,100 employees due to difficult budget decisions. - Current staff are working hard despite limited resources. - Parks operations and maintenance …



25 sec


What are the concerns about staff reductions impacting parks maintenance and cleanliness?

The council member explains that a proposed 400 person reduction in Parks Department staff raises concerns about the ability to adequately maintain parks and address issues like overflowing trash, uncleaned …



44 sec


What is the cost and headcount needed to have a second shift at every city park?

Commissioner Donoghue explains that the second shift program they implemented involved 240 positions at a cost of $13.8 million. - This covered restoring existing second shifts at 100 hotspot parks …



55 sec


What would be the cost of implementing a second shift at every park in New York City?

The Department of Parks and Recreation would need to conduct further analysis to determine the cost of having a second shift at all city parks. - Currently, there are 100 …



39 sec


What is the cost per park for the second shift of workers?

The council member asks the commissioner for information about the cost per park for having a second shift of workers.The commissioner says she does not have those numbers at this …



8 sec


What are the benefits of having a second shift program for park maintenance, especially during the summer months?

The commissioner acknowledges the benefits of having a second shift program for heavily used parks during peak visitation times in the summer months. - It helps maintain cleanliness and upkeep …



60 sec


What highlights in the expense budget help maintain city parks, playgrounds, and safety equipment while ensuring cleanliness?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue highlights the transfer of the Parks Opportunity Program (POP) administration to the Department of Parks and Recreation, which is seen as beneficial for the agency and park …



74 sec


What are the new expenses in the budget for the Department of Parks and Recreation?

The only new expense in the budget for the Department of Parks and Recreation is hiring a team of 5 exterminators and 3 support staff in Brooklyn. - This new …



56 sec


What are the details on addressing Brooklyn's rodent extermination needs with additional exterminators?

The council member asks if employing five additional exterminators in Brooklyn will sufficiently address the borough's rodent extermination needs. The parks commissioner responds affirmatively, stating the additional exterminators will help …



11 sec


How many lifeguards are needed to fully staff New York City's beaches?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue states that historically between 1,200 and 1,400 lifeguards are required to fully staff New York City beaches.



32 sec


What are the projected staffing numbers for lifeguards in NYC parks this summer?

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation projects staffing numbers for lifeguards this summer to be similar or slightly above last season's levels, thanks to recruitment efforts amounting …



50 sec


What efforts are being made to address the lifeguard shortage and ensure adequate staffing at NYC pools and beaches?

The Parks Commissioner explains that NYC is experiencing a national lifeguard shortage but has been able to open all pools and beaches so far. - Lifeguard salaries have been increased …



102 sec


When was the last qualifying test for lifeguards administered?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that lifeguard certification starts in December and runs through the end of March. - The department increased the number of qualifying tests by 42% in the …



38 sec


What measures is the Parks Department taking to extend lifeguard testing beyond February to accommodate student schedules?

The Parks Department is exploring accelerated lifeguard training programs to allow for later qualification testing beyond February and March to better accommodate students' schedules. - A 16-week training program is …



3 min


What are the staffing and resource needs for resuming lifeguard training?

Council Member Krishnan explains that resuming lifeguard training requires more staffing and resources from the parks department. - Increasing the parks budget, rather than decreasing it, would provide necessary resources



31 sec


What discussions have taken place regarding the restoration of funds for urban park rangers and other parks department elements?

The council member explains that the city council called for the restoration of $11.2 million for 50 urban park rangers and related programs. - The commissioner acknowledges ongoing conversations with …



52 sec


What are the impacts if funding is not restored for forestry and natural areas divisions?

Council Member Nantasha Williams asks about the potential impacts if funding is not restored for the forestry and natural areas divisions. Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that the department would try …



59 sec


What is the status of the backlog for tree pruning?

The council member is informed that there is a backlog for tree pruning at the NYC Parks Department. - The commissioner acknowledges there were challenges with contracts in the past …



34 sec


What is the status of funding and progress for the new community center and existing center renovations at Ray Wilkins Park?

Commissioner Donoghue confirms that both projects at Ray Wilkins Park are actively progressing. - The new community center project is in the design phase and moving forward apace. - Community …



109 sec


What is the process for homeowners to address sidewalk damage caused by city trees?

Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the process for constituents when city trees damage sidewalks on their property. Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that homeowners should not be fined in such …



68 sec


How are residents compensated for repairing sidewalk damage caused by trees when claims are denied?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue acknowledges that some residents' claims for compensation are being denied when they repair sidewalk damage caused by city trees on their own. - Residents can file a …



33 sec


Will Highland Park have a special summer program with additional staffing?

Sue Donoghue confirms that Highland Park will be designated as a 'hot spot' site for the summer program. - Highland Park will have additional staffing and programming, similar to last …



27 sec


What is the cost of the Portland Loo program and how long will the evaluation period last?

The commissioner explains the cost and evaluation period for the Portland Loo restroom pilot program. - The cost of each Portland Loo installation is $1 million - The evaluation period …



79 sec


How is the Parks Department addressing sidewalk repair issues caused by tree roots more quickly, and when were the sidewalk repair standards last updated?

The Parks Department Commissioner explains that the sidewalk repair standards were recently updated for the first time in about 25 years to expedite repairs. - The update introduces new technologies …



4 min


What are the impacts of the barge removal on the surrounding communities in Jamaica Bay?

Council Member Selvena N. Brooks-Powers expresses concern about the potential impacts of the barge removal process on the predominantly Black and Brown environmental justice communities surrounding Jamaica Bay. - She …



149 sec


What is being done to ensure Rockaway is not forgotten in waterway cleanup efforts?

The commissioner assures that Rockaway is being prioritized in waterway cleanup efforts. - The department has hired staff specifically to address Rockaway. - A dedicated team is in place to …



47 sec


What steps are being taken to expand lifeguard recruitment?

The commissioner explains measures to increase the number of lifeguard recruits in New York City. - More testing locations were added across all boroughs - Partnerships with the Department of …



66 sec


What happens when sidewalk repair requests and claims related to tree damage are denied?

The commissioner explains that denied requests for the city's tree and sidewalk repair program are based on the severity of damage relative to other sites needing repairs with finite funding. …



145 sec


What is the current status of lifeguard enrollment and training compared to last year?

The council member inquires about the number of certified and deployed lifeguards for the current year, and whether it is comparable to the previous year's count of 900 lifeguards. She …



36 sec


What is the budget for street trees and how does it compare to the announced plan to plant one million trees?

Council Member Gale Brewer questions the actual budget allocated for street trees. - She seeks clarification on the street tree budget and how it compares to the widely announced one …



17 sec


What is the projected number of bathrooms needing renovation citywide and the estimated costs despite lack of funding?

Council Member Gale Brewer asks about the citywide projection for the number of bathrooms requiring renovation and the estimated costs, despite the city not currently having funds allocated for such …



24 sec


What is the frequency and extent of garbage collection in New York City parks?

The council member questions the trash pickup schedule and resources dedicated to parks. - It is asked whether garbage is collected 7 days per week, year-round in parks - Concern …



15 sec


What is the status of the dredging at the 79th Street Boat Basin?

Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about several topics starting with the status of the dredging at the 79th Street Boat Basin. Brewer's line of questioning continues with thanks for a …



17 sec


What is the status of lifeguard recruitment and training for the current year?

The NYC Department of Parks and Recreation is still in the process of recruiting and training lifeguards for the current year, with ongoing training classes and recertification processes. - There …



109 sec


What are the details of the funding and tree planting initiatives by the NYC Parks Department?

The NYC Parks Department has a baseline of $10 million and additional funding totaling $51.85 million for tree planting in fiscal year 2024. - The department planted over 14,000 trees …



65 sec


What strategies does the parks department have for renovating and building new bathrooms in NYC parks?

The parks commissioner explains the department aims to renovate and construct park bathrooms more efficiently and cost-effectively. - The capital division has developed modular designs and other innovations to speed …



3 min


How many garbage trucks does the Parks Department have and how often are they deployed for trash pickup?

The Parks Department has over 100 garbage truck packers of two different sizes, as well as pickup trucks that are used when needed. - During peak season from late April …



163 sec


Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez shares remarks before questions

Council Member Sanchez expresses gratitude to the Parks Department staff and leadership for their responsiveness. - She acknowledges Commissioner Rodriguez's prior role as Bronx Parks Commissioner - She thanks Commissioner …



30 sec


What is the reopening date for the Saint James Recreation Center?

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez asks about the reopening date for the Saint James Recreation Center, which was closed during Hurricane Ida in fall 2020. - The council member expresses …



14 sec


What measures are being taken to minimize the large footprint of the 4th floor playground construction site and address line of sight issues for parents?

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez asks about steps crews are taking to minimize the large footprint of the construction site at the 4th floor playground over time as work is …



41 sec


What is the frequency of inspections for peeling paint on play equipment at NYC parks?

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez raises concerns about the potential safety hazard of peeling paint on play equipment at NYC parks. - She recounts finding her toddler child about to …



29 sec


What is the backlog or demand for sidewalk repairs across different boroughs and districts?

The council member asks about the backlog or demand for sidewalk repair work across different boroughs and districts in New York City. - She notes that the Bronx went several …



24 sec


What is the backlog of sidewalk repair work by borough or district?

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez asked about the backlog of sidewalk repair work by borough or district. However, the transcript provided does not include the answer to this question, as …



2 sec


What are the benefits of advertising seasonal jobs in multiple languages?

Council member Pierina Ana Sanchez suggests advertising seasonal jobs in languages other than just English would be helpful for many communities. - The council member will ask her questions in …



12 sec


What are the Parks Department's strategies and resource needs for managing syringe litter in parks?

The council member asks about the Parks Department's approach to servicing parks with syringe litter. - The council member will ask her questions in a series, and the answers will …



25 sec


What updates were provided on the reopening of Saint James Park?

The Commissioner of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation states that Saint James Park will reopen in June. - Saint James Park is set to reopen in June, but …



9 sec


What efforts are being made to balance construction needs with public access to parks and playgrounds?

The commissioner explains that the Parks Department tries to limit the size and footprint of construction fencing around playgrounds. - They aim to get construction done in a timely manner …



41 sec


What are the procedures for inspecting and maintaining safe playground equipment in New York City parks?

The commissioner explains the procedures for inspecting and maintaining safe playground equipment in NYC parks. - Playground equipment is inspected monthly for peeling lead paint. - The parks department is …



26 sec


What is the backlog of sidewalk repairs by borough?

The Commissioner of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation does not have the details on the backlog of sidewalk repairs by borough readily available. - The Commissioner states they …



11 sec


What efforts are being made to advertise seasonal job opportunities with the NYC Parks Department in multiple languages?

The NYC Parks Department advertises seasonal job opportunities in multiple languages. - All job postings are available in multiple languages - They use QR codes and distribute flyers to maximize …



45 sec


What measures are being taken to address syringe litter in New York City parks?

The council member is informed that the NYC Parks Department tracks syringe litter data and uses it to deploy their Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers to areas with high syringe …



126 sec


What steps are being taken to improve park facilities and services in District 14?

The council member inquires about updates on park projects in her district. - Construction nearing completion at a conversation area that will benefit local families - Need for signage and …



62 sec


What is the reason for the disparity in the number of park rangers across boroughs, with Staten Island having significantly fewer compared to others?

Council Member Kamillah Hanks questions Commissioner Sue Donoghue about the unequal distribution of park rangers across New York City boroughs, noting Staten Island only has 8 rangers while other boroughs …



73 sec


What is the plan and timeline for dredging Alison Pond Park to address flooding concerns?

Council Member Kamillah Hanks highlights the need to dredge Alison Pond Park, a crucial component of the North Shore runoff drainage plan, to alleviate persistent flooding in the Randall Manor …



101 sec


What are the considerations for homeowners regarding tree plantings and potential sidewalk damage from tree roots?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that recent enhancements to tree planting protocols aim to minimize sidewalk damage from tree roots. - The department plants over 100 different tree species - Tree …



155 sec


What is the process for securing tennis court concessions at Jackie Robinson Playground, and how can it be made more equitable for long-standing community members?

Commissioner Donoghue explains that tennis court concessions go through a highly regulated public bidding process based on the fees proposed, with the concession awarded to the highest bidder every 5 …



4 min


How often are parks cleaned up by attendants in the 36th council district?

The council member asks about the frequency of litter cleanup by park attendants in specific parks in the 36th district. - Parks are assigned service level agreements (SLAs) based on …



54 sec


How many PEP (Park Enforcement Patrol) officers are deployed to specific parks?

The council member asks whether there is a specific number of park employees or PEP officers assigned to enforce rules in particular parks. - Commissioner Donoghue explains that PEP officers …



44 sec


What are the staffing levels for Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers in Brooklyn and Staten Island, and when will the next PEP academy class be held?

Commissioner Sue Donoghue states that there are 59 PEP officers stationed in Brooklyn and 37 in Staten Island. An academy class has just finished, and the department is looking to …



65 sec


What actions are being taken to ensure concessionaires fulfill their maintenance and operational obligations?

Council Member David Carr questions what measures are in place to hold concessionaires accountable for adhering to their agreements regarding maintenance and operations, particularly addressing complaints about Diker Beach Park's …



33 sec


What are the plans for tree and sidewalk maintenance for the coming fiscal year across different boroughs?

Council Member David Carr inquires about the upcoming fiscal year's budget and plans for tree and sidewalk maintenance and repairs. - He expresses frustration over the lack of progress on …



51 sec


What is being done to ensure concessionaires properly maintain and operate parks facilities?

The parks commissioner explains the department's efforts to hold concessionaires accountable for maintaining park facilities per their contracts. - The parks department recently renewed concessions contracts, including a 20-year agreement …



53 sec


What is the funding needed to address different priority levels for tree and sidewalk repair?

The council member asks what funding is needed for the Parks Department to address lower priority sites for tree and sidewalk repair below the current 85+ threshold. - The Parks …



54 sec


Council Member Lincoln Restler shares remarks before his questions

Lincoln Restler, a New York City Council member, expresses concerns over proposed cuts to the parks department's budget and staffing levels. - He notes the parks department does a lot …



79 sec


What budget cuts are impacting staffing levels at the NYC Parks Department?

The NYC Parks Department is facing agency-wide budget cuts that will result in a reduction of staffing levels through attrition. - The department anticipates an approximate 9% reduction across most …



85 sec


Council Member Lincoln Restler expresses discontent with cuts to the Parks Department

Council Member Lincoln Restler questions the fairness of proposed budget cuts to the New York City Parks Department across neighborhoods. - He argues the cuts would disproportionately impact low and …



56 sec


What support and job placement plans exist for parks workers affected by budget cuts?

The council member asks about support for parks workers who may lose jobs due to proposed budget cuts and if there are plans to transfer them to understaffed agencies. The …



31 sec


What is the update on the rat population in city parks and how will proposed budget cuts affect rat mitigation efforts?

Commissioner Donoghue acknowledges that rat mitigation has been a significant focus of the administration. The department attends regular monthly meetings and actively collaborates with other city teams to address rat …



46 sec


How many exterminator positions does the parks department have and how many are currently filled?

The parks department is currently funded for 18 exterminator positions across all five bureaus, in addition to 3 more positions recently added for Brooklyn. - The 18 funded exterminator positions …



51 sec


What are the current conditions and timeline for renovating the Star Spangled Playground in Bushwick?

The council member explains that the conditions at the Star Spangled Playground in Bushwick are poor, with rivets on the turf posing safety issues. - Previous funding was allocated for …



50 sec


Council Member Vickie Paladino shares support for parks and staff in her district

Council Member Vickie Paladino expresses concern about keeping long-serving parks employees in their positions. - She advocates for retaining parks employees who have worked for over 20 years. - She …



20 sec


Council Member Vickie Paladino comments on local landscapers and tree pruners for district projects

Council Member Vickie Paladino questions if local landscapers and tree pruners could provide pricing for district-specific projects rather than subcontracting to outside contractors. - She notes projects often get outsourced …



69 sec


Council Member Vickie Paladino comments on sidewalks and tree planting

Council Member Paladino suggests exploring hiring local landscapers and tree pruners per district for potentially better pricing and community involvement. - She discusses various community and city maintenance issues like …



85 sec


Council Member Vickie Paladino comments on NYC lifeguard shortage

Council Member Paladino explains the difficulties in recruiting and retaining NYC lifeguards. - She notes that fewer young people want to become lifeguards these days - The lifeguard training is …



128 sec


What is the current status of hiring lifeguards for the upcoming season?

The council member inquires about the approximate number of 900 lifeguards mentioned earlier in the meeting. The commissioner clarifies that 900 was last year's count and states that they are …



34 sec


What is the current number of available lifeguards and the process for increasing their deployment?

Commissioner Donoghue states there are currently about 230 lifeguards ready for deployment at New York City beaches. - Priority is given to assigning lifeguards at heavily impacted beach areas first. …



55 sec


How can parks be made more self-reliant with equipment and trained staff?

Council Member Vickie Paladino suggests supplying smaller parks with necessary equipment like mowers, blowers, and edgers, and training staff to operate them. The commissioner acknowledges the practice of donating equipment …



72 sec


Council Member Justin Brannan comments on the budget

Council Member Justin Branna notes that the council has the money to make the restoration available, but it needs to put a plan in action.



12 sec


What is the plan for staffing and opening New York City's beaches and pools this summer?

The Department of Parks and Recreation plans to open all city beaches and pools, but operations will be limited due to a national lifeguard shortage. - Beaches and pools will …



123 sec


What are the efforts being made to address the lifeguard shortage and expand training and testing sites?

The Parks Department acknowledges the national lifeguard shortage impacting New York City's pools and beaches. - It is expanding lifeguard training to outer boroughs beyond Manhattan. - Council Member Krishnan …



136 sec


What are the testing and training facilities for New York City Parks and Recreation employees?

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation has facilities for testing and training its employees. - There were 67 testing facilities across the city where new Parks employees …



39 sec


How many Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers are actively working in the Bronx?

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation aims to staff PEP officers equitably across the five boroughs and deploy them where needed. - There are 59 PEP officers …



111 sec


How are dog runs managed in underserved communities without 'Friends of' groups?

The parks department requires community groups, known as 'Friends of' groups, to help maintain dog runs. - If an underserved area wants a dog run but does not have an …



69 sec


Max Barton, Construction Worker and Union Representative for Local Union 1010 Pavers and Road Builders, on the Need for Increased Parks Funding and Inclusion of Site Work in Project Labor Agreements

Max Barton, a construction worker and union representative for Local Union 1010 Pavers and Road Builders, testifies about the importance of adequately funding New York City parks and including site …



125 sec


Joe Puleo, President of Local 983, on Budget Cuts and Staffing Shortages Impacting New York City Parks

Joe Puleo, President of Local 983 which represents various parks workers, testifies about the dire impacts of budget cuts and staffing shortages on New York City parks. He warns that …



137 sec


Dilcy Benn, President of Local 1505, DC 37, on Restoring Park Worker Positions and Improving Working Conditions

Dilcy Benn testifies on the need to restore 100 City Park Worker positions funded by the City Council last year. - She represents around 1,000 city park workers who maintain …



137 sec


Negin Farsad, Representative of Friends of Tompkins Square Park, on the Importance of Parks and the Impact of Budget Cuts

Farsad testifies about the crucial role of New York City parks as community spaces for families, recreation, nature access, and memory-making, highlighting personal experiences at Tompkins Square Park. She emphasizes …



107 sec


Ralph Baselice, Vice President of Local 983, on Staffing Shortages in NYC Parks Enforcement and Maintenance Roles

Ralph Baselice expresses concerns about staffing shortages in various parks roles in NYC. - He details the responsibilities of park rangers, city seasonal aids, associate park workers, highlighting their importance …



3 min


Council Member Shekar Krishnan give s support to parks workers

Council Member Krishnan expresses strong support for parks workers and their labor unions. - He says the parks budget and enforcement fundamentally supports these workers - He thanks the workers …



31 sec


Does the parks department have adequate resources and staffing to maintain city parks?

The parks department representatives state that they do not have enough staff and resources to properly maintain and clean city parks. - There is a shortage of staff to clean …



119 sec


What are the starting salaries and challenges faced by parks employees and enforcement officers in New York City?

The council members discuss the low starting salaries for parks employees and enforcement officers in New York City. - Parks enforcement officers start around $50,000 per year. - Some longtime …



169 sec


Mohammad Biswas, Street Vendor and Street Vendor Project Member, on Excessive DSNY Enforcement Against Street Vendors in Jackson Heights

Mohammad Biswas, a street vendor selling religious items in Jackson Heights and a member of the Street Vendor Project, testifies about excessive enforcement by the Department of Sanitation New York …



5 min


Veronica Escamila, Street Vendor from Hunts Point, on the Negative Impact of Excessive Vendor Regulation Enforcement on Her Health and Income

Escamila, a street vendor and cancer survivor from Hunts Point in the Bronx, testifies about the need for street vending reform legislation to establish a fair system for vendors. - …



125 sec


Carla Rodriguez, Street Vendor and Member of the Street Vendor Project, on the Negative Impacts of Street Vending Enforcement and Need for Reform

Carla Rodriguez, a street vendor from the Parkchester area of the Bronx and a member of the Street Vendor Project (SVP), testified about the excessive enforcement of street vending regulations …



3 min


Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, Deputy Director of the Street Vendor Project, on the Enforcement Practices and Lack of Support for Street Vendors in New York City

Kaufman-Gutierrez criticizes the discrepancy between the stated compliance-first approach to street vending enforcement and the reality of frequent ticketing for vending without a license. - She raises concerns about the …



4 min


Mohamed Attia, Managing Director of the Street Vendor Project, on the Need for Reforming New York City's Dysfunctional Street Vending System

Mohamed Attia testified that the current street vending system in New York City is dysfunctional and not working for vendors, city agencies, or the public. - He criticized enforcing vending …



150 sec


Miguel Morella, Street Vendor and Member of the Street Vendor Project, on Issues with Street Vending Regulations and Licensing

Miguel Morella presents his testimony on street vending issues. The key points are: - Concerns that DSNY must focus on its ordinance and not policing of licenses or permits for …



156 sec


Vicente Veintimilla, Street Vendor and SVP Member, on the Unjust Persecution of Street Vendors and Need for Education About Informal Commerce Regulation

Vicente Veintimilla, Street Vendor and SVP Member, delivers testimony regarding the planned budget allocation for the Department of Sanitation and its impact on street vendors. He states that the funds …



4 min


Emily Walker, Senior Manager of External Affairs at the Natural Areas Conservancy, on the Discrepancy Between NYC's Climate Goals and Park Budget Cuts

Walker testifies that despite NYC's ambitious climate budgeting initiative, the proposed FY25 parks budget represents the lowest proportion of funding for the agency in over 5 years. - The budget …



146 sec


Adam Ganser, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Parks on the Need for Increased Funding for New York City Parks

Adam Ganser, the Executive Director of New Yorkers for Parks, testifies on the detrimental impacts of proposed budget cuts to the New York City parks department. - The executive budget …



116 sec


Tamar Renaud, New York State Director of Trust for Public Land, on the Importance of Parks and Equitable Access to Outdoor Spaces

Renaud emphasizes the mental, physical, and community benefits of parks and green spaces, as well as their role in climate resilience. She presents data showing the economic value parks provide …



152 sec


Alia Soomro, Deputy Director for New York City Policy at the New York League of Conservation Voters, on Restoring NYC Parks Budget Cuts and Equitable Access to Green Spaces

Soomro testifies that the Mayor's proposed $55 million budget cut to NYC Parks and loss of over 600 job positions will undermine the agency's ability to maintain safe, clean, green …



141 sec


Jake Patel, Special Assistant at the New York League of Conservation Voters, on Restoring Funding for Organic Waste Recycling and Education Programs to Achieve Zero Waste Goals

Patel criticizes the NYC executive budget for cutting funding to community composting and delaying the citywide curbside organics program rollout. - He emphasizes the urgency of reducing food waste to …



175 sec


Preeti Sodhi, Senior Director of Community and Government Relations at Friends of the High Line, on the High Line's Economic Impact and Need for Equitable Park Funding

Preeti Sodhi highlights the significant economic impact of the High Line park, generating $114 million annually for New York's economy, despite receiving no annual operating support from the NYC Department …



166 sec


Keisha Lewis, Teen Employee from the High Line Teen Employment Program, on the Importance of Parks for Community Health and Safety in Low-Income Neighborhoods

Lewis testifies on the vital role of parks in providing safe spaces for teenagers and promoting mental health in low-income communities like the South Bronx. - She highlights how parks …



116 sec


Angela Padilla, Teen Employee at the High Line Teen Employment Program, on the Need for Increased Funding to Improve Safety and Conditions in New York City Parks

Angela Padilla, a teen employee at the High Line Teen Employment Program and a member of the Playfair Coalition, advocates for allocating 1% of the city's operating budget to the …



54 sec


Mame Bousso Kane, Teen Employee from the High Line Teen Employment Program, on the Need for Increased Funding for New York City Parks

Mame Bousso Kane, a teen employee from the High Line Teen Employment Program, calls for increased funding for New York City parks. - Kane highlights the personal and community importance …



111 sec


Joaquin Eleno, Teen Employee at The High Line Teens Employment Program, on the Importance of Adequate Funding for NYC Parks

Joaquin Eleno, a teen employee at The High Line Teens Employment Program, advocates for sufficient funding for NYC Parks on behalf of the Play Fair Coalition. - He highlights how …



80 sec


Iyana McGhaney, Teen Employee of the High Line Teen Employment Program, on the Importance of Adequate Park Funding for Families Without Backyards

McGhaney highlights the essential role of parks in New York City, especially for those living in apartments without access to private outdoor spaces. - She expresses concern over the current …



42 sec


Fahad Hussain, Teen Employee at The High Line Teen Employment Program, on Opposing Budget Cuts to New York City Parks

Fahad Hussain testifies against proposed budget cuts to New York City parks. He argues the cuts would lead to increased pollution, deterioration of park facilities, job losses for park workers, …



124 sec


Council Members Shekar Krishnan and Justin L. Brannan thank the panelists for their testimonies

The council members thank members of the public, especially student advocates, for testifying about the importance of parks. - The council members express gratitude to the students for their powerful …



29 sec


Merritt Birnbaum, President and CEO of Riverside Park Conservancy, on Underfunding of Parks and Its Impact on Park Maintenance

Birnbaum highlights the operational struggles faced by Riverside Park Conservancy due to inadequate funding for parks maintenance. - She describes visible impacts like closed bathrooms, overflowing trash, graffiti, and vandalism …



149 sec


Keri Butler, Vice President of Planning and Policy of the Municipal Art Society of New York, on the Essential Role of Parks as Infrastructure and Need for Budget Restoration

Butler testifies that parks and green spaces are essential infrastructure for public health, local economy, and fighting climate change. She argues they deserve funding equal to streets and sewers. - …



117 sec


Vanessa Butler, Speaking on behalf of Executive Director Heather Lubov of City Parks Foundation, on Advocating for Increased Funding and Staffing for NYC Parks

Vanessa Butler advocates for restoring budget cuts and hiring freezes impacting the NYC Parks department's staffing and ability to maintain parks equitably across the city. - She represents the City …



142 sec


Morgan Monaco, President of the Prospect Park Alliance, on the Vital Role of Parks, Impacts of Budget Cuts, and the Need for Adequate Funding

Morgan Monaco testifies on the essential partnership between the Prospect Park Alliance and the city in operating Prospect Park, and the negative impacts of budget cuts on parks. - She …



161 sec


Rosa Chang, Co-Founder of Gotham Park, on the Importance of Funding for Community-Led Public Spaces and Parks

Rosa Chang, co-founder of the grassroots non-profit Gotham Park, testifies on the need for full funding of the Parks Department to support community-led public spaces. - She highlights Gotham Park …



134 sec


Christina Taylor, Deputy Director of the Van Cortlandt Park Alliance, on Underfunded Parks Impacting Basic Maintenance and Programs

Christina Taylor, Deputy Director of the Van Cortlandt Park Alliance, testifies about the detrimental impacts of underfunding on New York City parks. - Budget cuts of $25 million for the …



139 sec


Nathalie Huang, Member of the GrowNYC Workers Collective, on Layoffs and Budget Cuts Impacting the Compost Program and Zero Waste Initiatives

Huang addresses the layoffs of 53 community composting workers, including herself, from GrowNYC's compost program due to budget cuts. - The layoffs, totaling 79 union workers, will severely impact GrowNYC's …



143 sec


Erik Menjivar, Member of the GrowNYC Workers Collective, on the Defunding of GrowNYC's Zero Waste Programs

Menjivar testifies about the impacts of defunding GrowNYC's Zero Waste Programs, including community composting and zero waste schools initiatives. - He highlights the programs' success in diverting millions of pounds …



159 sec


Arif Sunmonu, Government Affairs Lead at GrowNYC, on the Impact of Budget Cuts on Community Composting and Zero Waste Programs

Arif Sunmonu provided testimony highlighting the elimination of funding for GrowNYC and other organizations operating community composting and zero waste programs in New York City. - The mayor's budget cuts …



3 min


Sitra Bowman, Member of the GrowNYC Workers Collective, on the Importance of GrowNYC's Community Composting, Stop and Swap, and Zero Waste Schools Programs

Sitra Bowman, a member of the GrowNYC Workers Collective represented by RWDSU, testifies about the critical need to reinstate funding for GrowNYC's community composting program, stop and swap program, and …



108 sec


Violet Black, Laid-off Community Composter, on the Need to Prioritize Environmental Programs like Community Composting

Violet Black, a former GrowNYC community composter and member of the GrowNYC Workers Collective, passionately advocates for prioritizing environmental initiatives, specifically community composting programs. - Black underscores the importance of …



126 sec


Lina Fry, Laid-off Community Composter, on the Defunding of NYC's Zero Waste Programs and Job Losses

Lina Fry, a recently laid-off compost coordinator, testifies that all three GrowNYC zero waste programs are shutting down and 79 union workers, including herself, are losing their jobs due to …



99 sec


Austin Aracino, Laid-off Community Composter, on the Impacts of NYC's Composting Program Shutdown

Aracino testifies about the loss of composting services due to the shutdown of GrowNYC's compost program. - He worked as a driver and coordinator, collecting food scraps and educating the …



119 sec


Andrew Wallach, Chairman of the Board of the Natural Areas Conservancy, on Restoring and Increasing Funding for NYC Parks to Support Natural Areas

Wallach advocates for restoring NYC Parks' funding to its fiscal 2024 level, ending the hiring freeze, restoring funding for the citywide trail formalization program and forestry staff positions, and increasing …



151 sec


Giulietta Fiore, Deputy Director of the Historic House Trust of New York City, on Preserving Historic Sites and Advocating for Increased Parks Funding

Giulietta Fiore represents the Historic House Trust of New York City, a nonprofit that preserves 23 historic houses operating as museums and cultural centers on public parklands across the five …



146 sec


Sarah Evans, Director of the Living Collection at Green-Wood Cemetery, on Green-Wood Cemetery's Role in Supporting Climate Resilience and Environmental Justice in Brooklyn

Sarah Evans testifies on Green-Wood Cemetery's contributions as a large green space and arboretum in Brooklyn, detailing its climate resilience efforts and role in the local community. - The cemetery …



129 sec


Scott Daly, Senior Director of New York Junior Tennis and Learning (NYJTL), on Requesting Increased Funding for Free Tennis and Education Programs Throughout New York City

Scott Daly testified to request a $200,000 increase in the fiscal year 25 budget for the New York Junior Tennis and Learning (NYJTL) organization. - NYJTL has not received an …



154 sec


Beth Slepian, Vice Chair of the Brooklyn Solid Waste Advisory Board, on Funding for Community Composting, Compost Sites, and Zero Waste School Programs

Beth Slepian advocates for restoring funding for community composting, new compost sites managed by Big Reuse and the Lower East Side Ecology Center, and zero waste school programs run by …



153 sec


Jane Selden, Committee Chair on Waste Reduction at 350 NYC, on the Importance of Community Composting Programs for Ensuring the Success of Mandatory Citywide Curbside Composting in New York City

Jane Selden, Committee Chair on Waste Reduction at climate activist group 350 NYC, urges the Adams Administration to fully fund community composting programs in the FY2025 budget and allow Big …



150 sec


Speaker on behalf of Marisa DeDominicis, Executive Director of Earth Matter NY, on the Impacts of Defunding Community Composting Programs and Education Efforts

The speaker addressed the cessation of funding for Earth Matter NY's community composting initiatives and compost education work due to city budget cuts since January 2024. - They highlighted the …



141 sec


Keanu Arpels-Josiah, Organizer at Fridays for Future NYC, on the Urgent Need for Climate Justice and Restoration of Community Composting Programs in New York City

Keanu Arpels-Josiah, an eighteen-year-old high school student and organizer with Fridays for Future NYC, a youth-led climate justice organization, testifies on the urgent need to address the climate crisis and …



133 sec


Justin Wood, Director of Policy at New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, on Sanitation, Composting, and Environmental Justice Policies in New York City

Justin Wood testified about the need for improved sanitation, composting, and environmental justice policies in New York City. - Wood criticized the expiring solid waste management plan's lack of a …



153 sec


Christopher Leon Johnson, Member of the Public, on Racist Incident Involving Tina Forte and the Proud Boys, and Demanding Political Accountability

Christopher Leon Johnson testified about a racist incident in the Bronx involving Tina Forte, a congressional candidate, and the Proud Boys group. Johnson criticized the lack of condemnation from council …



122 sec


Hayley Gorenberg, Chair of Friends of Mount Prospect Park, on the Proposed Skateboarding Complex in Mount Prospect Park

Gorenberg opposes the mayor's $24 million plan to construct a 40,000 square foot skateboarding complex in Mount Prospect Park, Brooklyn, which would pave over beloved green space. - The project …



172 sec


Darren Hinton, Member of the Public on the Need to Increase Funding for NYC Parks and Maintenance Issues at the Parade Grounds in Prospect Park

Hinton advocates for increased funding of at least 1% of the budget for NYC parks, which he states are necessities, not luxuries. - He frequently visits the Parade Grounds at …



103 sec


Member of the Public on Improvements Needed for NYC Parks and Waste Management

The speaker advocates for providing more amenities and activities in NYC parks. - She calls for installing more bathrooms, seating areas, kiosks with charging stations and internet access in parks. …



143 sec


Anna Sacks, Co-Founder of the SaveOurCompost Coalition, on Restoring Funding for Community Composting Programs and Education in New York City

Sacks advocates for restoring $7 million for operations and $4 million in capital costs to fund community composting sites, particularly for organizations like Big Reuse facing eviction threats. - She …



130 sec


Claire Miflin, Executive Director of the Center for Zero Waste Design, on the Importance of Community Composting and Parks for Creating Climate and Social Resilience

Claire Miflin argues that New York City needs to fund community composting and parks to survive climate change. - Composting in parks can regenerate soils and involve residents in stewardship …



112 sec


Eric Goldstein, New York City Environment Director at the Natural Resources Defense Council, on the Importance of Restoring Funding for Composting and Organic Waste Collection in New York City

Goldstein urges the city council to restore funding for community composting programs and curbside organic waste collection. - He represents the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a national non-profit environmental …



142 sec


Julie Jenkins, Founder of Stewards of Ewen Park, on the Importance of Funding the NYC Parks Department to Maintain Urban Forests and Green Spaces

Jenkins argues that the NYC Parks Department needs sufficient funding to protect and maintain the city's urban forests and green spaces, which provide critical benefits like mitigating heat and flooding. …



123 sec


Justin Green, Executive Director of Big Reuse, on NYC Community Composting Programs and Funding

Justin Green, the Executive Director of Big Reuse, testifies on the importance of restoring funding for community composting programs in NYC and allowing Big Reuse to remain at their Queensbridge …



116 sec


Maria Garrett, with New Yorkers for Parks, on Increasing the Budget for NYC Parks to Better Maintain Nature Preserves

Garrett requests a 1% increase in the NYC Parks Department budget to provide proper maintenance for nature preserves like the one near her home in Brooklyn. - She volunteers to …



93 sec


Rafael Espinal, Board Member of the Forest Park Trust, on Advocating for Prevention of NYC Parks Budget Cuts and Job Losses

Espinal urges the City Council to prevent $55 million in budget cuts and the elimination of 100 essential parks jobs for the next fiscal year. - The cuts threaten cleanliness, …



132 sec


Tami Lin-Moges, Interim Director of the Nature Conservancy's New York City Program, on Increasing Funding for NYC Parks and the Urban Forest Plan

Lin-Moges calls for increasing the NYC Parks budget to 1% of the total city budget and fully funding the urban forest plan. - She represents the Nature Conservancy, the world's …



127 sec


Kate Wimsatt, Director of Zero Waste Schools at GrowNYC, on the Elimination of Funding for GrowNYC's Zero Waste Schools Program

Wimsatt expresses concern that the loss of funding for GrowNYC's Zero Waste Schools program will jeopardize the implementation of school curbside composting in NYC. - GrowNYC has had a 13-year …



141 sec


Ulrike Nischan, Representative of the Solid Waste Advisory Board, on Restoring Funding for New York City's Community Composting Programs

Nischan urges the city council to restore funding for community composting programs that were cut in the recent budget. - She represents the Solid Waste Advisory Board which advocates for …



131 sec


Zachary Hendrickson, Member of Brooklyn Community Board 4, on Cuts to NYC Parks Department Funding and Jobs

Hendrickson expresses concern over proposed $55 million in cuts and 600 job eliminations at the NYC Parks Department, which he says will devastate parks despite being a tiny portion of …



128 sec pigeon logo

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