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Lina Fry, Laid-off Community Composter, on the Defunding of NYC's Zero Waste Programs and Job Losses
99 sec
Lina Fry, a recently laid-off compost coordinator, testifies that all three GrowNYC zero waste programs are shutting down and 79 union workers, including herself, are losing their jobs due to defunding by the mayor and sanitation commissioner.
- Fry criticizes the decision to deprive the city of the popular and effective waste diversion services provided by these programs.
- She calls on the City Council to restore funding and expedite the contract renewal process to avoid prolonged service gaps.
- Fry highlights the importance of these programs for sustainable waste management and the livelihoods of workers in the industry.
Lina Fry
Good afternoon.
I'm chair Brennan and council member Holden and committee council.
My name is Lina Fry, and I have been testifying before the city council about the defunding of community composting.
And the loss of union jobs since last December.
Every time I introduce myself as a proud union compost worker, Well, as of today, I can no longer say that.
I have been laid off.
I no longer work as a compost coordinator, and I no longer get the immense privilege of educating the public and providing waste diversion access in the city for my job.
All 3 of 0 growing YC0 waste programs are coming to a halt and 79 of us union workers are losing our jobs.
We want to continue working in sustainable waste management, but the mayor and sanitation commissioner are robbing us of that livelihood, and they are depriving the city of the important work that we do.
Grow NOIC 0 waste programs are immensely popular, extremely effective, and cost the city a negligible amount of money.
Allowing these programs to be defunded is a failure to account for the interests of the people of New York.
In favor of the interest of an ARREST sanitation commissioner who has publicly stated that she doesn't care about reducing the city's waste.
The city council must not only restore funding for these vital programs, but push to expedite the RFP process so that we cannot suffer a long gap in services.
The longer this gap, the harder it will be to maintain sustainable habits, and the longer that union workers go without work in our chosen industry.
It is unacceptable for the city to drag its feet and delay the return of the 0 waste programs any longer.
Thank you for your time and for your support.