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What is the process for homeowners to address sidewalk damage caused by city trees?



68 sec

Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the process for constituents when city trees damage sidewalks on their property. Commissioner Sue Donoghue explains that homeowners should not be fined in such cases and can apply for the city's Trees and Sidewalks program to have the sidewalk repaired.

  • The city has a Trees and Sidewalks program to address situations where city trees damage sidewalks
  • Homeowners should not be fined if a city tree is the cause of the sidewalk damage
  • Affected homeowners can submit an application to the Trees and Sidewalks program to have the sidewalk repaired
  • There is no direct billing or reimbursement process for homeowners in these cases
Sandy Nurse
I mean, trees and sidewalks is is a huge thing.
It's a big constituent complaint.
I've had a lot of folks come to my office.
You know, their sidewalk is busted up, and and they get tons of fines.
Can you can you just for the record state so that I can share this with my constituents, when a tree damages the sidewalk, and they take care of it.
Who can they send the bill to?
Sue Donoghue
I turned it off you, council member nurse.
I know you did a site visit with Burke Commissioner Ma recently to look at your issue that you raised at the last council hearing.
And We appreciate your support on addressing that.
I know it's an issue with a fence line and gate.
So thank you for that.
As far as trees and sidewalks, we do have a tree and sidewalk program.
And it is not the homeowner should not be fined if it is a situation where the tree is impacting the sidewalk and raising it.
So they should not be be assessing filings if that's the case, if it's due to the tree, and they can put forward an application for our trees and sidewalks program for us to address it. pigeon logo

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