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What is the update on DSNY's approach to street vending enforcement, and what is the breakdown of violations issued?
124 sec
Ryan Merola provides an overview of the street vending violations issued by DSNY in 2024.
- The top violations include vending without a license, improper parking or storage related to vending, vending in restricted areas like bus stops, unattended food carts, and leaving behind waste.
- A total of 936 violations have been issued so far in 2024, with vending without a license being the most common at 187 instances.
- However, DSNY aims for a compliance-first approach before issuing summonses for unlicensed vending.
- Other common violations relate to parking improperly for vending, improper storage of items, vending in bus stops or restricted streets, leaving unattended food carts, and leaving behind litter.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
So I I'm gonna focus on on street vending, which your your testimony and a lot of the questions and answers at last year's hearings did did focus a lot on Just to start, can you share an update on DSNY's approach to street vending enforcement, you've said that the agency takes a compliance first approach rather than a license check approach, which I really appreciate that.
Which I really appreciate, but can you share some of the numbers in terms of summonses issued by the department?
How many of those are for being unlicensed in particular versus other violations, street siding regulations, etcetera?
Jessica Tisch
Ryan can give you those numbers.
Ryan Merola
Thank you, commissioner.
And thank you very much, council member.
Actually, I I compiled a list of what's been our top summonses for calendar 2024.
As you would imagine, we do have a lot of summonses for vending without a licensed enrollment mobile food, but I wanna make sure you're aware of the other ones that are top hits for us.
Parking in a metered spot for the purpose of vending, storing items inappropriately around a cart or not on the setup itself, vending in a bus stop, vending at a restricted street, unattended food and food cart items, and then leaving a dirty area.
These I'm happy to send over to your office afterwards and the numbers.
But in total, this year, we've issued 936 violations so far.
And the ones that I just gave you make up a significant portion of that.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
So you don't thank you thank you for that, but you don't have the relative breakdown of how those break out?
Ryan Merola
I I do in more specificity in front of me, and I'm happy to send it to you.
It's a long list to read.
I will tell you, I I think, for to your question, we have still, probably the highest violation number that we issue is general vending, without a license, which happens to be the most restrictive type of vending citywide.
This year is 187.
But I will also tell you to what the commissioner had said earlier, we are not doing that unlicensed vending without having done a compliance approach.
First and typically speaking without having issued other compliance violations first as well.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
Thank you.