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What measures are being taken to ensure public schools comply with waste containerization requirements?



139 sec

The Commissioner explains that public schools are not currently under a containerization mandate, but there is a planned high-density fixed on-street container program that will include schools in Manhattan 9 as a pilot.

  • The goal is to eventually roll out the on-street container program citywide for all schools.
  • Schools will have containers for various waste streams that will be collected by automated side loaders.
  • A rule intended for this summer will mandate containerization for schools, though some may request waivers due to waste volumes until the program reaches their district.
Rafael Salamanca
Commissioner, just a few questions here.
I wanna start off with the minorization.
I saw the last year that public schools are now using these kind of orange looking containers to put their garbage in for pickup.
But I'm I'm seeing that not all public schools are complying.
With that, and and they're leaving their garbage out, which creates a mess on the sidewalks.
Is your are your superintendents currently monitoring this and reporting it to the higher ups so that we can get the Department of Education to to comply at least to public schools?
Jessica Tisch
So at this time, very impression question.
At this time, schools are not currently under VIN mandate.
However, the mayor feels strongly about, as you know, containerizing all trash in the city, and school trash is a very important part of it.
That is why as part of our high density fixed on street container program that we are starting in M9, We're not just doing all buildings of 30 units or more.
We're also doing all schools.
And then the plan is to roll that out once it works beautifully in Manhattan 9.
The plan is to roll that out city wide so that every school in the city will have these European style on free containers for all of their waste streams, not just for their refuse and their organics, but for all waste streams, and that we would hoist the containers using an automated side loader.
Rafael Salamanca
State timeline when they will be amended for the public schools.
Jessica Tisch
The rule that will include the schools is intended to run this summer.
But in my opinion, the schools, many schools will have to request a waiver from that containerization rule until they get the until we get to their district with the large on street container rollout because of the volume of waste that is produced.
Rafael Salamanca
Alright. pigeon logo

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