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What reforms have been made to the panel review process for cultural affairs funding applications? What further improvements are being considered?



3 min

Commissioner Cumbo explains that 80% of applicants to the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs are funded, which is a high rate compared to other agencies. The panel review process has been reformed by allowing city council representation, extending the review period, increasing panelist participation and compensation, and reducing application loads per panelist.

  • The reforms aim to improve borough and cultural representation on the panels.
  • Council members are encouraged to advocate for diverse panelists from their districts.
  • More equity across boroughs and cultures is needed in the panel composition.
  • The participation of diverse local perspectives can make panels more reflective of NYC's communities.
Carlina Rivera
And how that scoring could actually lead you to be zeroed out.
So I just wanted to ask, is there an update on the reforms to the panel?
I know many people contributed comments as to how to prove it, and I really enjoyed working with them to figure out how to do so comprehensively and responsibly even looking at legislation.
Can you talk a little bit about the reforms and considerations for the panel process?
Laurie Cumbo
I would say as it pertains to the panel process, almost 80% of all applicants that apply to the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs are funded.
So that's a huge number in terms of the amount of organizations that are funded by this agency.
We have one of the highest responses in terms of the ability to fund as many organizations as we do.
And 80% is quite a high number.
I also want to add that with the panel review process, one of the things that we implemented in this was that we wanted to make sure that we brought back city council representation onto the panel review process.
So you are able to send staffers and other representatives from your office to be able to sit in on those panels and to be able to participate.
As it compares to other funding agencies across the state, as well as across the federal government, We actually have one of the longest review processes in terms of how we actually review and evaluate applications.
This process happens.
We've increased the amount of panelists that participate each year.
We're able to actually pay panelists for that work.
We've reduced the amount of applications that each panelist has to review.
And that came about as part of the reforms.
But we're always looking to review and to increase the process so that it is more reflective of the the organizations within the city, but the best way, the most effective way to actually improve the circumstances of how the panel review process works is for each and every city council member to advocate when you do those community board meetings, when you do those public safety hearings, when you do those different community PTA meetings, is to go to every end of your district and to get true representation from your district who understands the arts, understands your community, and is able to speak up and to be able to provide their hands on experience with many of those organizations.
That's really the most effective way and to make sure that burrows that feel underrepresented in terms of the amount of funding that their burrow is receiving We wanna make sure that those burrows are participating by having more panelists part of that process.
And this happens on so many different levels.
We need more burrow equity, We need more cultural equity.
We need more of those types forms of equity in every form on the panels to make them more reflective of the city of New York? pigeon logo

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