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What was the average increase in funding that Cultural Development Fund (CDF) recipients received from the one-time $40,000,000 allocation?



152 sec

The Department of Cultural Affairs commissioner explained that there was no fixed average increase from the $40,000,000 allocation.

  • Funding increases or decreases for CDF recipients are determined through a panel review process evaluating each organization's application, budget size, and performance.
  • Organizations do not automatically receive a funding increase just because additional money is made available.
  • Increases depend on the organization's budget band, with larger budgets qualifying for higher potential funding levels.
  • The general counsel clarified that council-requested supplemental CDF programs added this year will not impact baseline CDF funding that organizations expect for a three-year commitment period.
Justin Brannan
So what was the averaged where was the average increased amount that the CDF recipients received from that that one time $40,000,000.
Laurie Cumbo
What was the average increase?
Justin Brannan
So the $40,000,000 that the council included in the budget, the FY 24 budget last year What was the average increased amount that each of the CDF recipients received from that 40?
Laurie Cumbo
We cannot really look at it in that way because each organization is reviewed by a panel review process.
And so through that panel review process, given what your budget size is and how you performed in that panel would determine how much funding you were actually allocated each year.
So from year to year, you wouldn't be allocated additional funding and then get an increase because increased funding was made available.
You would get an increase as an organization based off of how your application was reviewed by the panel review process.
You would get an increase depending on the budget band that you're in.
If your organization's budget grew, then you would be in a larger funding band that would allow you the opportunity to apply for more funding than you had in previous years.
But from year to year, organizations don't naturally just get a boost.
Individually as an organization based off of an increase of available funds.
Organizations are granted increases and or decreases depending upon their performance in the application review process.
I don't know if you wanted to expand on that.
Lance Polivy
The only other thing I would say is that the programs that the council asked for that the commissioner described that we're including in the CDF process this year are programs that will not impact baseline funding to the CDF, but will be programs that will be applied on top of baseline awards.
And so the types of programs that we've heard that there's interest in from the council like being able to help organizations that had previously been zeroed out and creating that safety net, those have to be funds that are added at adoption because otherwise they would be taking away from baseline funding that groups know they can rely on for a 3 year commitment.
So I would say that the more that we get as a one shot at adoption, the more that we can invest in the types of programs that the commissioner described that we're adding this year, in response to the council's feedback. pigeon logo

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